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“Heather?” He stared at her for several seconds. “I’ve been trying to call you. I need a manager and you have great people skills. You’re the perfect choice. Come work for me.”

“No thanks.”Hell no!“What are you doing here?” She could barely get her mind around the fact that he was at a concert so far from home. And offering a job to the woman you robbed, he had more gall than ten other men.Idiot.

“Came to see the band. They’re not touring Toronto this time. How are you?” he asked as if he actually cared.

The charming smile that once enticed her left her cold. “I’m great, I’ve got an amazing gig as head chef for an inn just over the border.”

“Enough of old home week.” Marv’s wife glared. “I want to see this concert.” Her stomach was flat and lean, her pregnancy long passed. She surged forward pushing past Marv. She nudged Heather with her shoulder on her way by.

Heather teetered on the edge of the step. She felt herself going over backward. Her hand shot out and Marv reached for her. The space between their hands was too large and she flailed through the air. Her back hit something hard and she rolled over and over, somersaulting down the concrete stairs. Endless minutes later, she came to an abrupt halt against some seats. The crowd rushed her as everything went black.


Zander paced up and down the airway concourse. It was two hours until the next flight. He should have listened to Heather and stayed for the concert. His mother texted him every few minutes. There were no updates to report. Tyson had arrived at the hospital and was in surgery. What he wouldn’t give to be able to transport himself to his brother’s side, or back at the concert with Heather.

His phone rang and he pulled it out. The number was unfamiliar. “Dr.Bellamie,” he answered.

“Zander? This is Quinn.”

“Quinn, hi.” What did Heather’s roommate want? “What can I do for you? Do you have a pet emergency? I’m out of town.”

“No. But Heather’s in the hospital.”

His heart stopped and he gasped. “What?”

“She’s in Vancouver. I thought you were with her at the concert. Something happened. She’s got a broken leg and is all banged up. I’m her emergency contact. She didn’t ask, but I think she needs you.”

“What hospital?” he asked, sprinting toward the exit.

In an eerie reenactment of his two flights to save Tyson, he flew down the road toward Vancouver General, his GPS guiding his path. Traffic was blessedly light but still stop and go. With every red light and car he passed, he cursed himself for leaving her alone. She’d been right. There was nothing he could do for Tyson. But there was something he could do for Heather. He could be there.

What if she was hurt worse than Quinn said? What if she was seriously injured? He’d die! This was all his fault.

He roared into the hospital parkade and rushed inside. After a brief clash at reception, he stood at the desk of the emergency unit. “Where can I find Heather Olsen?” he asked the first nurse he encountered.

“Are you family?” The gray-haired woman asked.

“Yes,” he lied.

She gave him a squinty look. “And you are …?”

“Dr.Zander Bellamie.” He added his title without clarifying that he was a veterinarian.

“Your names don’t match. Look sir, I’ve been doing this job a long time. I know when I’m being hoodwinked. She’s with the police. Take a seat.”

“The police?” he almost screeched.

“Take a seat.” Nurse Crabby jabbed her finger toward an overcrowded waiting room. “Now. Or I’ll have security remove you from the hospital.” She scowled. “Don’t make me say it twice.”

He nodded and walked away. Unable to sit still, he paced circles around the rows of chairs. A baby cried and was soothed by his mother. A man coughed over and over while his wife murmured encouraging phrases. A teenage girl wept and clutched her arm to her chest. This place was hell.

The stench of antiseptic, stale urine, and body odor crowded his nose until he wanted to gag. He rushed outside into the night air, hoping to dispel the feeling. He gasped and leaned against the dusty hospital exterior. After a moment, the nausea passed. He’d be fine if he could just see Heather. He went back inside. The desk was unoccupied. Looking left and right for staff, he crept past the desk and snuck down the hallway.

He paused outside each curtained alcove to listen. Finally, he heard her voice. “Heather?” he called out.

“Zander?” she responded just as Nurse Crabby shouted at him, “You! I said to wait in the waiting room. Get out of here. Before I call security.”
