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“Of course, there’s something to tell,” Zander said. “I had just gotten back to the clinic after picking up a fox on the side of the road. Poor thing had a broken leg. I was going inside when this car screeched up at a hundred miles an hour and a screaming woman got out.” He gestured toward Heather who frowned back.

“I wasn’t screaming.” She wanted to beg him to shut up. Mortification stole her voice.

“You were.” He winked at her. “Anyway. She was freaking out because there was a wild animal in her car.” He shrugged. “What’s a guy to do? I captured the wild beast and saved the damsel in distress.”

“What was it?” Ella asked, her eyes wide with excitement only a young teen could generate.

“A cat. A domestic feline. Totally tame.” Zander’s laugh brought heat to her cheeks. How could he do this to her? She wanted to fling herself out of the window, hit the ground, and run until she was a million miles away.

Heather set a plate in front of his mother. She reached across him with his plate, and in a fit of pique, tipped it so the mushroom pastry dropped onto his lap. “Oops. Sorry. Let me get a cloth for that.” She grabbed her empty tray and hurried to the kitchen.That’ll teach him.

Behind her he said, “You guys eat. I’ll be back in a second.”

“You did that on purpose,” he accused once the door between the kitchen and dining room was shut. He strode toward her.

She backed up until she bumped into the sink.

“You can’t prove that.” She crossed her arms.

“I don’t have to, you just confessed.” His laughing eyes mocked her embarrassment. “Why did you dump that on me?”

“What?” she squeaked. “Because you’re a total jerk. You told everyone I’m afraid of cats and made me sound like an idiot. Why couldn’t you keep your mouth shut?”


“What was I supposed to tell them?” He stepped toward her. They were almost toe-to-toe. Her light scent tickled his nose even over the delicious smells of dinner.

“Nothing. You could have said nothing. You didn’t have to embarrass me.” She leaned away from him.

The accusation hit home.He’d been a jerk.Regret scraped across his conscience. “You’re right.” Gosh, she was beautiful. Irresistible. “I’m sorry.” Unbidden, his hand lifted, and his finger traced a line down her cheek in front of her ear. He’d wanted to touch her from that first moment in the rain. No, since the first time he saw her. Her skin was rose-petal soft under his fingertip. “I am so, so sorry,” he whispered.

“It’s okay,” her voice trembled.

“No, it isn’t. Sorry,” he said again. He leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers. He hadn’t meant to kiss her at all. He’d only come to the kitchen to apologize.

Once their lips touched, he was lost. Reality spiraled away until nothing remained except Heather and bliss. He pressed forward, she pressed back. Her lips hard at first, then softening under his as she gave in to the caress between them.

He pushed for more, to learn her needs, when she abruptly slapped his face.

“What the hell are you doing?” Her mouth snapped shut and her teeth ground together audibly.

“Kissing you?” He quirked up an eyebrow and moved back half a step. “You returned the kiss.” His cheek stung like the devil.

“I did not.” She pushed him away and scurried to the other side of the kitchen.

“Did too.” He followed her.

“Did not.” He edged closer as she backed up. Her gaze kept darting away and back again. Like she wanted to look at him but couldn’t quite manage it. Was his interest mutual? She looked intrigued, not afraid. A sweet half smile played on her lips.

“Okay, maybe I did kiss back. But it isn’t going to happen again. You have no right. You’ll get me fired.”

Was that her objection?“I’ve got some clout with your boss; you won’t get fired,” he joked to ease the tension.

She frowned. “Not funny. You had no right to kiss me, Dr.Bellamie. None at all. I didn’t want it.”

He took two steps backward and hung his head. “I asked you to call me Zander. You’re right. I apologize. I should have asked permission first. I don’t know why I kissed you. It won’t happen again.”God, he was a first-class jerk. What was he thinking? Kissing her without warning? It didn’t matter that for a second, she’d kissed him back. He’d overstepped.

The kitchen door swung open and Derrick came in. He took one look at Zander’s face and stormed over to them. “What’s going on here?”
