Page 100 of I'll Just Date Myself

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Kobe was relearning a lot of things.

At first, it was how to stand up. How to eat. How to move his hands and feet the right way to get what he wanted accomplished—like rolling over in bed or pushing himself up to a sitting position—but now he was on to the hard stuff. Walking. Oh, and being able to sit in a car for an hour without passing out.

That was something we’d learned the hard way on his way home from the hospital the first time—well, it’d been something he shared with me only after JP had gone to bed as he told me about his experience.

Sitting too upright for too long caused something in his brain to short-circuit, and he’d pass out.

He was getting better. He was now able to make the car rides from our home to his appointments or to his office without passing out, but anything more than forty-five minutes meant it was lights out for Kobe.

And we didn’t want that.

Which was why I was going to the indictment of Lisbeth and Farrell by myself as a judge heard their charges and decided whether or not to pursue them.

My hope was my testimony would help them choose.

Ant and Tim were meeting me there—they’d gone home about two weeks after Kobe was shot, but definitely not willingly—and I would be staying the night with the both of them at Ant’s house.

Ant’s house that was currently on the market to be sold.

Tim’s had already been sold, and soon they would be moving to Accident to have their family back together.

He groaned and leaned his head against my stomach, and I felt my heart rate pick up speed.

Would today be the day he figured it out?

I was nearly four and a half months along.

Funny enough, I hadn’t ever expected it to go on this long.

I’d fully expected him to notice—I mean, we definitely weren’t celibate—but he hadn’t.

And again, I guess that was likely due to the stress he was under.

I’d planned to tell him for real when I took him to the anatomy scan next week with me.

And, since I was nearly four and a half months along, it meant that the little ball of energy inside of me was moving like crazy.

I hadn’t been able to feel it from the outside yet, but it was only a matter of time.

The baby didn’t like him leaning against my stomach—which, although it was slightly rounded, it didn’t stick out like a normal pregnant belly yet—and moved to display his impatience at being impeded in any way.

Yet, Kobe obviously hadn’t felt it because he moved away and looked up at me.

“Tell me when you get there and every time you stop,” he ordered.

I dropped a kiss onto his mouth. “Yes, Daddy.”

His eye twitched.

That was a new thing I’d started doing.

Soon, he’d realize why I was calling him that.

I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he finally realized.

I’d been dropping hints like crazy.

Hell, I’d even left out a sonogram photo pinned straight to the refrigerator.
