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I wasn’t sure why I’d chosen to make Kobe her pseudo dad.

Maybe it was because I knew he would take care of her. Maybe it was because I’d been amazed at his dedication to saving children’s lives—or finding justice for those he couldn’t save—for years and years. I didn’t know. But I knew, deep in my heart, she would be safe with Kobe if anything ever happened to me.

I also had another plan. One that included letting Kobe figure it out. All of it. Every last little bit of it out. Every skeleton in my closet, I would reveal to him.

I planned to start tonight. Tonight, when JP was in bed, and I could really sink my teeth into the game we were about to play.

“Can we get ramen?”

I looked over at JP, who was staring at the convenience slash grocery store with skepticism.

“Um,” I hesitated, too. But not for why I would usually hesitate. I had to be extremely careful about what JP ate. From the day she first started trying out solid foods, I had to limit how much and what she was allowed to eat. JP had an allergy to red dye. Knowing about the allergy from that point on, I became very restrictive with her. But that wasn’t the case today. Today, it was just the lack of selection I bet the store had. “If we can find it.”

“I knew I should’ve brought my stash from the old house,” she grumbled, upset that she didn’t get her ramen hit for the week.

Smiling at her, a van caught my eye in the very corner of the lot.

Normally, any van would have my radar pinging wildly.

But that van had a sign on the side that I was very familiar with.

Singh Circus.

It was a household name all across America because the circus traveled far and wide, even to the very itty-bitty and small towns.

Also, that had been one of the attractions that’d popped up in my search of the area—that the circus was in town.

“Oh, look.” I pointed to the van that was in the parking lot. “A circus is in town. Would you like to go?”

JP looked to be contemplating it as we walked in the door, but the moment that we breached the doors, all the air left her little body.

That was because of what stood in front of us.

Six women, all incredibly beautiful, stood in the middle of the candy aisle.

All of them were dressed in flowy gowns and frilly skirts. They looked like mysterious, cooky, beautiful young ladies. Not uncool moms like I was.

“Wow,” she breathed, her eyes taking them all in.

They all looked different but the same. If that made any sense at all.

Like, I could see features about them all that were very similar, but not a single one of them had the same color hair. One brunette with dull-brown hair, but another brown-headed lady that looked like her hair had slicks of oil in it. Then there was the black-headed lady, and wow. They were all very, very gorgeous.

It wasn’t just JP that was smitten.

“Candy?” my girl teased.

I rolled my eyes. “As long as it’s not on the forbidden list.”

JP knew exactly what she could and couldn’t eat.

That was why, when she snaked her way down the aisle, weaving in and out of the beautiful women taking almost the entirety of it, she went straight to her favorite candy. A plain ol’ Snickers.

“Oh, good choice,” the woman that could’ve very well played the live version ofBravein theaters said. “That’s my favorite. Though, just sayin’, Nutrageous plays a close second.”

JP smiled and said, “Nutrageous is good, too.”

I waited for her to come back, and together we checked out the rest of the store.
