Page 79 of The Opponent

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He met my gaze, his eyes dancing with happiness. “I won’t be going alone. I met someone.”

I burst into tears. Ugly tears. I couldn’t help it; seeing my brother this happy was a dream come true.”

“Another patient?” Dad asked. “Can we meet him?”

“It’s Marcus,” I said. “Am I right? I knew when you showed us the photo of you guys. You smiled differently somehow.”

Luke nodded. “You’ve always known me so well. It is Marcus. And I wish you guys could meet him, but he has a group out on a weeklong hike along the coast right now. It’s one of the hikes I want to try out. He’s going to take a leave of absence from work and we’re going visit some really cool places. I’m excited about it.”

“I’m so happy for you,” I said, giving him a hard hug.

He hugged me back tightly. “I love you, Elle. None of this would be happening without you.”

“Well, I want everyone out at our Martha’s Vineyard place this summer,” Gram said. “At least two weeks, three months if I can get it.” She pinched Ford’s cheek. “Ford and Marcus, too.”

“We’ll be there, Gram,” Luke said. “And hopefully we’ll have some good travel photos and stories for you.”

“Just be careful,” she said, hugging him.


Ford pulled me close. He knew me better than anyone, and I knew he could tell I was emotional over Luke, maybe even a little disappointed that he wasn’t going to be moving back with us. From the few phone calls that we’d had during his ninety days here, I knew he was doing well, but I’d never expected this experience to transform him like it had.

And Marcus. Having my brother find someone who made him happy was indescribable.

“We’ve got dinner reservations at six,” Gram said. “Let’s roll out, kids.”

I took Ford’s hand and smiled up at him. He winked at me.

Yeah, it was definitely this.Thiswas love.
