Page 41 of Sanctuary

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“Jack, talk to the IT person.Get them to check for any virtual connection between Morgan and Amy,” Aunt Raven instructed, putting her own thoughts into actions.“We need to know why she turned her back on Sanctuary to help him with whatever plot the bastard had planned.”

Mom’s eyes lifted in confusion.“You’ve been acting weird about her since you came back last night.Don’t tell me you’re going soft.I was ready to kill her myself when we got the tox screen back.”

My aunt grimaced.“I worked that girl for hours, Gracie.I threw everything I had at her, and she didn’t crack once.Not even for a second.She should have broken before I finished her, but she didn’t.She’s no longer a threat, but it’s not sitting right with me.”

“If there is anything connecting Amy to Morgan, my IT person will find it,” I assured them.I didn’t want to think about Amy or what Aunt Raven had done to the nurse.Whatever it was, it wouldn’t have been enough to appease my need for vengeance.But I knew better than to question Aunt Raven.She had sharp instincts that had kept her alive through the fucking war and everything else that had been thrown at the MC and her personally.There was a reason we called her the Angel’s Halo queen.

“Update us as often as you can,” my dad said, wrapping an arm around Mom’s waist.“I’m taking your mother home.She didn’t sleep last night.”

“Be sure to eat, honey,” Mom reminded me.“I’ll tell Nishia goodnight and see you both tomorrow.”

Nodding, I bent to accept her kiss to my cheek.“Don’t worry, okay?I’ve got this place covered.”

“I’ll never stop worrying.About you.Nishia.Sanctuary.All three are too important to me—and you.It doesn’t matter about me, but I’ll fight tooth and nail to protect everything you hold dear, Jack.”She gave me a one-armed hug before allowing Dad to nudge her toward the stairs, calling over her shoulder.“I love you, honey.”

“Mm,” I grunted and heard her soft laugh as she climbed the steps.She knew what each of my grunts meant, and that one told her “I love you too.”

Uncle Spider, who’d been quiet the entire time, pushed off the wall he’d been leaning on while he’d listened to us.“Until this is figured out, we’ll increase security here.I’ll arrange a schedule with all the brothers and make sure there are at least two of us here at all times, not including Jack.They’ll patrol the fence line.Even if there are security cameras all over the place, there are too many blind spots.Amy would have known.Maybe she relayed that to Morgan.Maybe she didn’t, but we shouldn’t take the chance.”

“Good thinking,” Uncle Bash agreed with a nod.“Let’s implement that now, but have three brothers running patrols at night.Especially whenever Jack is at the bar working.”

“On it.”The enforcer had his phone in hand, already making the arrangements.“Jack, I’ll send you a copy of the schedule, so you know who to expect on the premises at all times.But if you need something, you reach out.Backup will be here within minutes if we’re needed.”

I glanced over at the wall behind him, my gaze flickering to the hidden panel that would open the secret room full of extra supplies.The basement not only had my apartment, but some supplies as well.Shelves stocked with canned foods, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and everything else imaginable for an emergency like a storm or uninvited guests.But the secret room held an arsenal of weapons and ammunition that I could use to defend this place against an entire army and not have to worry about running out of bullets.

None of the staff or residents knew about that particular room.Amy wouldn’t have known to tell Morgan about it, and if the motherfucker so much as stepped onto Sanctuary property, I would fill him with an entire wall of ammo.I wanted to engrave his name into the shells, so I would know which cartridges were the ones I’d emptied into him and keep them for souvenirs.

Maybe I would turn them into necklaces for Nishia and my mother so they could wear the proof that Clint Morgan could never harm either of them.I’d fill him so full of holes, he’d be more shredded than Swiss cheese by the time I was done.There would be so many bullet casings I could make Nishia an ol’ lady’s MC cut, marking her as mine so no one would ever question how important she was to me, especially not her.

When she was stronger, I’d bring her down here, not only to show her my apartment, but to let her see the secret room.I’d make sure she had the passcode and that she knew how to close the door from the inside.Reid and Elias had come up with the plans for the safe room, so I knew it would withstand a bomb going off, even if it was right beside the door.There would be no getting into that room if someone was inside.Nishia would be protected even during an earthquake.

After some Russian dickhead had come for Tavia Volkov, sending all the women to Uncle Spider’s house to hide in their panic room, only for the bastard to be waiting with a gun to Monroe’s head, Uncle Bash and my dad had made sure everyone had their own panic room.When we’d started the renovations on Sanctuary over a decade ago, that was the first thing Dad and I had thought of to make sure Mom was protected if something ever happened while she was there.

It was a huge room, but we had so many weapons that there would only be enough room for a few people to fit comfortably inside for a long period of time.There was an emergency kit with bottled water, nonperishable food, blankets, and first aid supplies.Whoever had to use the panic rooms would be comfortable for days.

Unless they needed to use the bathroom.I frowned, wondering how long it would take Barker & Reid Construction to install a toilet.I didn’t want Nishia to have to hold her natural bodily functions if she was ever in a position to need to hide in there.

All of that filtered through my mind in a matter of seconds before I blinked at my honorary uncle and MC enforcer, acknowledging that I’d heard what he said and accepted it.“Mm.”

“Ben will double patrols as well,” Aunt Raven informed me.“I’ll make sure he has a deputy nearby at all times.”

“I’ll have my IT connection update our computer systems, add extra firewalls, and change all the passwords,” I mused aloud, and they all nodded in agreement.

Amy had had access to too much personal information on every resident within Sanctuary, as well as the staff schedules.I’d have to take care of that too.Plus, we would need to hire a new nurse to take Amy’s position so no one was overwhelmed.

Whoever took over her job, I’d get Mieke to do a thorough background check on.We always did one to make sure it was safe for our residents to be close with them, but apparently Amy had slipped through the cracks.

I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

I wouldn’t risk my little fairy’s life to anyone, even people I’d known for years.Pulling my phone from my pocket, I fired off a quick text to Mieke.

Me: I want a more detailed background check on every member on Sanctuary’s payroll.Apparently the original ones were too basic.We missed something, and someone turned out to be dirty.Nishia’s life was put in danger, and that is unacceptable.I want to know everything to date on every person we employ.

She was quick to respond, the three dots popping up almost immediately after I’d hit send.

Genie: On it.I’ll send you reports as I finish with each staff member.Anyone in particular you want me to focus on to begin with?

Me: Start with the medical staff before hitting the rest.Anyone who has access to our medications and comes into contact with Nishia daily.
