Page 64 of Sanctuary

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“Yeah,” he interrupted.“But she was convinced that Dad was in love with her.That Mom tricked him into marrying her because she was pregnant with me.If not for Mom, then she thought Dad would have been with her.She was jealous of their life together.”

“I hope she seeks professional help for her delusions.”

“I’m sure she will get plenty of therapy wherever she ends up,” he muttered, burrowing the side of his face deeper into my chest.

I started combing my fingers through his hair.“How did you get blood in your hair?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Please don’t lie to me,” I whispered, wanting to guard my heart against more pain.But I couldn’t put up those walls again, the ones I’d kept erected my entire life in order to protect myself from the pain of feeling like I wasn’t enough for anyone.

I wanted to be enough for Jack, though, damn it.

No, that was a lie.I wanted to be more than enough.I wanted to beeverything.But if he kept things from me, if he lied, then that meant I wasn’t anything to him.

As he lifted his head, those green eyes bored into me for a long moment before he cursed.“Fuck it.I’m not going to let anything stand between us, Nishia.I love you, and nothing is going to tear you away from me.”

The words caused a warmth to bloom inside me that I’d never felt before.The sensation uncurled something that had been tightly knotted deep in my soul at how sincere he sounded.“You love—”

“Deborah is dead,” he interrupted.

Despite the curtness of his tone and the abrupt way he cut me off, part of me wasn’t surprised.Maybe I should have been freaking out.The man I loved had just told me a woman was dead.Perhaps I should have been upset.Scared, even.But I was too hung up on three words that rocked my entire existence.

“It’s her blood in my hair,” he confessed.“I couldn’t let her live knowing she was a threat to everything I hold sacred.A threat to the most precious person in my world.There’s no way I can let anyone continue to breathe when they can potentially cause you harm, baby.”

I slapped a hand over his mouth, simply not giving a fuck about anything else.“You love me?”

His eyes widened ever so slightly at my question.Kissing my palm, he carefully removed it from his mouth.“So fucking much, little fairy.That’s why—”

“I don’t care why.”And I honestly didn’t.Oddly enough, it didn’t matter to me.Sometimes, I sensed a switch in him, like a predator scenting prey, but not once had I ever felt scared of Jack.

He protected what he loved, and he lovedme.

That realization blew my mind.

No one had ever loved me before.

“If my beautiful, sweet bear killed someone, then I know he had a good reason.”

His eyes began to glitter.Cupping my face in one hand, he stroked the backs of his fingers over my cheek with the other.“Baby, I’m going to kill Morgan too.I need you to know that.I need you to understand—”

“Do it,” I encouraged.“Rid the world of his evil, Jack.Do you think I care if he dies, just because he happens to be my sperm donor?Well, I don’t.”

“I’m going to.Until he’s breathed his last, you and my mom are in danger.”He clenched his jaw, but his touch was still gentle as he continued to caress my cheek, my jaw, then down my throat.Goose bumps popped up along the way, glorying in the sensation of his rough fingers on my flesh.“My IT person tracked the burner he called you from last night.But by the time we got there, he was gone.The disposable cell was in the motel room, but there was no trace of him.”


“Aunt Raven and I,” he said with a shrug.The action caused his chest to rub against mine, and I was acutely aware of the fact that I wasn’t wearing a bra.

My nipples responded to the innocent brush of his warm body against mine, something heating low in my tummy.I was used to it at this point.It happened whenever Jack held me at night, when he would carry me from one room to the next.When he smiled at me or he laughed.Everything about him made me burn, made the ache harder to ignore.

“Oh, I thought it was Elias or Reid.Maybe Max or Maverick or Kingston, but yeah, I was leaning more toward Elias and his brother.”

His eyes narrowed on me.“You like Elias too much.”

I rolled my eyes at his jealous tone, but it only made the warmth burn hotter in my belly.“He’s a nice guy.Definitely handsome.But he’s no Jack.”

“Fucking right.”
