Page 65 of Sanctuary

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His growly response made me giggle even as my core clenched.An inferno had been ignited between my thighs, and I was very much aware of how wet my panties were.My center was pressed right up against his abdomen.My fingers tingled with the need to trace over his neck, down his chest, and explore the hard ridges of his washboard stomach.

Heat filled my face and I tried not to squirm on his lap, but there was a pulse deep inside me that needed to be touched.

“What?”he breathed, his eyes trapping mine, making it impossible to look away.“What’s wrong, little fairy?”

“I think…” Nervously, I licked my bottom lip.“I mean, I really think it would be a good idea if you…kissed me.”

Green eyes darkened.The heat burning in their depths made it impossible to hide how wet I was for him.“Are you sure, baby?”

My gaze dropped to his mouth.“Yes,” I moaned, aching to taste him.

“Come here,” he instructed even as he cupped the back of my head and guided me forward.

If I’d expected—hoped—he would dive right into a kiss, I was mistaken.His lips touched the center of my forehead.The soft caress caused tingles to skitter up and down my spine.When he pulled back, he moved to my temple then down my cheek.His nose brushed over my ear, making me shiver deliciously.

Jack’s breath was scaldingly hot on my skin.Grasping my chin between his thumb and index finger, he tilted my head ever so slightly, giving him a better angle just as his lips skimmed over mine.

I clutched at his shoulders, the world around me spinning.It was barely a brush of our mouths against each other, yet it was so damn perfect.Licking my lips to soak up any lingering trace of him, I slowly opened my eyes.I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them.

The fire in his eyes told me he had enjoyed the barely there kiss just as much as I had.

“Are you okay?”he rasped, combing his fingers through my hair.

“I’m better than okay,” I assured him with a smile.

He shifted his gaze back and forth across my face.“I’m going to kiss you again, Nishia.It won’t be so gentle this time.But if I do anything to scare you—”

“You won’t,” I cut him off, confident there was nothing he could do to me that would ever frighten me.

This was Jack.My beautiful, gentle bear.The man I loved—who loved me back.

I probably should have been terrified after he’d told me what happened to Deborah, but that only made me trust him more.

He was my safe place.

“But if I do—”

“Jack, shut up and kiss me!”I cried, frustration and need coating my voice.

His grin stole my next breath.“Yes, ma’am.”



She tastedlike sunshine and watermelon on a hot summer day.Sweet and warm and so damn perfect.The feel of her lips against mine, the heat of her mouth, the innocent way she squirmed and ground her wet pussy against me drove away any lingering darkness from the day’s events.All I could hear were her needy little pants.They echoed in my head, made my body throb in a way I’d never experienced with anyone else.

She tangled her fingers in my hair, tugging at the roots as she pushed her hips harder against me, rocking, seeking pleasure only I would ever give her.Her little mewls were a drug I was already addicted to, but I reminded myself to take this slow.After everything she’d been through, the last thing I wanted was for her to associate anything we did together with her trauma.

Forcing myself to rein in my own pulsing need, I lifted my head.Her lips were damp and swollen, her cheeks flushed a pretty pink.With a whine, she lifted her lashes, and I saw just how far gone she was shining back at me.“Jack.”

“You still good?”

“More,” she demanded, tugging at my shirt.“Please, more.”

“I don’t want you to be afraid—”

“The only thing I’m scared of right now is that you’re going to stop.I need you.”Confusion pulled at her brows.“Don’t you…want me too?”
