Page 76 of Sanctuary

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Dad stopped me before I got to my car.I’d used it more in the last three weeks than I had in a year, needing to make sure Nishia was comfortable.I wanted her on the back of my bike, but she had physical therapy at six o’clock four days a week, and I didn’t want the ride to tire her out.

“Jack, you’re not fucking driving when you can’t even talk.”He pushed me up against the door of the car when I struggled to get away from him.“Jack!”

“She’s okay.She’s safe.She has to be.Dad, she’s okay.Right?”

He grabbed my face in both hands.“What the hell are you talking about, boy?”

“Samara drove Nishia home.But Elias found her car.”I closed my eyes, fighting the sting of tears and the pressure that wouldn’t fucking ease from my chest.“No girls.So much blood.”

“Get in the car, Jack,” he commanded.

My legs shook as I stumbled around the front of the car.It took three tries before I could get the door open, my fingers trembled so badly.Vaguely, I heard Dad on his phone, but all I could make out of the conversation he had was that he was speaking to Ben.I couldn’t identify words because all I heard was an echo in my head.

She was okay.

She had to be.

I saw Elias’s truck and shook my head in an attempt to focus.Tunnel vision fell over my eyes, and I locked on to Samara’s car.My heart felt like it was being ripped from my body at the sight of the front end folded up like an accordion.Elias stood at the driver’s door, his head in his hands.

As soon as my car stopped, I was out and running, expecting Nishia to be sitting on the side of the road with Samara.But all I saw were the airbags.Somehow I ended up at the passenger door.It was open, just like the driver’s door was, and there was blood everywhere.

But it was the sight of her glasses, the lenses cracked, one earpiece bent at a weird angle, that nearly broke me completely.

I didn’t hear the sirens of Ben’s cruiser or the firefighters and EMTs when they showed up.I didn’t see their flashing lights.There was only the crimson blood smeared all over the white airbags and those precious, broken glasses.

Gasping, I fumbled for my phone, acid churning in my gut.I didn’t have time to puke.I needed Nishia back.

Mieke answered on the first ring.“Sup, biker dude?”

“Find her,” I demanded, my voice so hoarse it didn’t sound like my own.“Find her now!”

“The little fairy?”The once-annoying sound of her typing didn’t bother me as she rapidly clicked away.“Okay, I just sent you her location.”

Pulling my phone from my ear, I hit my thumb on the GPS coordinates she’d texted me.A roar filled the air when I realized it was where I was standing.

Swallowing the bile that rose in the back of my throat, I tried to think.Nishia’s phone was the only way I’d been able to keep track of her.How was I going to find her now?

The world went dark around the edges.No, I had to figure this out.I had to find her.From the blood, I knew she was hurt.She and Samara both.

Muttering a curse, I ended the call with Mieke so I could call Nova.

“Hey, Jack—”

“How can I track Sammy?”

There was a long pause on her end, and I tried to remember how to swallow.“Why?”

“Nova, can I track Sammy or not?”

“I need to know why.”

“There’s no time for that.Just tell me.”

“Her phone,” she began, but I heard the evasiveness in her tone.

“Anything else?”I barked.

“Jack, what’s—”
