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His intensity had her throat closing up. For a long moment, she simply looked into his eyes. She saw the passion for his job, his determination to make the world better.

She also saw his concern and his caring for her.

Love? Maybe not. But it was more than she’d ever hoped to see.

And if she wanted to nudge that caring into love, she did need to move on. Could she?

For this man? Absolutely.

Flynn wanted to head down to the FBI office in Houston and get to work. They’d have better access to programs and the support of the team. He wanted tactical input and a coordinated plan set up with local PD.

He also wanted to stay at Midnight Lake and keep Tessa safe in his arms forever. If he accomplished the first, he hoped he could have the second.

He’d left Tessa up in her room doing the stretches she required to move freely and had come down for coffee. Except they only had tea in the lodge.

Tansy had a stash of organic types stacked in jars on a kitchen shelf. He set the kettle on the pellet stove and decided that the ginger-lemon smelled like it had enough of a kick for him. He’d grab a coffee when they headed over to the Midnight Security cabin.

Nico walked into the kitchen and pulled down another mug. “Come to any conclusions?”

Straight to it. Flynn leaned back against the counter. “Now that we have a potential target and a visual, I think we’d be better off moving down to the Houston office and working out of there. Pull in more resources. Double-check our data with their systems.”

Nico nodded and they moved to sit by the stove while waiting for the water to heat. “I agree. It shouldn’t be any problem for me and Joe to join the team. And Sam. Even though he’s turned in his badge, he’s done some contract work for the field office up here.”

Flynn nodded. Sam’s reputation alone should allow him access to the building and the team. “I want to talk to Tessa first, and then I’ll put in a call to my director, see if we can set it up.”

Nico crossed his long legs at the ankles. It was odd to see his buddy in anything other than a suit, but he didn’t appear uncomfortable in the moccasins and jeans. “We can’t leave everyone here unprotected.”

That thought worried Flynn as well. How could he be sure Tessa was safe if she wasn’t with him? But he couldn’t risk taking her to Houston. Someone had tried to kill her there once.

Graham and Mitch would be here. Bella was trained with a gun and knew how to use it. He didn’t know if Tessa knew how to shoot. Or Aisling or Tansy.

Graham had a shooting range at the Midnight Runway property, but if they wanted surprise on their side, they’d need to move quickly and there wouldn’t be sufficient time to train everyone.

The security measures the team had installed on the property were great for alerting them to problems, but they wouldn’t solve them.

“Sounds like you’re planning a trip.”

Flynn turned to find Tessa watching them.

She frowned at the two of them. “Tell me you weren’t planning to go all caveman.”


“The men ride off into the sunset while the women sit home and wring their helpless little hands.”

Nico laughed and stood from his chair. He gestured for Tessa to take his spot as he headed out of the room. “My cue to leave.”

Tessa moved closer but didn’t sit. “Tell me what you’re planning.”

He took her hand. “Nothing nefarious. If you’d been earlier, you would have heard me tell Nico I needed to talk to you first.”

She sat in Nico’s seat and didn’t let go of his hand. “Tell me.”

He nodded. “I think we’ve reached the action stage. Mostly thanks to you, we’ve gathered a lot of intel. The next stage is to check out the intel and see if we’re right in our assumptions.”

“Check it out. As in, go to Houston and see.”

He nodded again. “Yes. I’d like to bring the information we’ve collected to my director, Janis Jenkins. Joe, Nico, and Sam would likely come with me. We’d assemble a team, work with other divisions within the FBI and local PD. Then we’d figure out the best way to take down the Pavic family.”
