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As everyone started to move, Flynn got a look at the group and his heart froze.

They were one person short.

“Where’s Tessa?”


First Strike

Tessa stared at the wall and tried to breathe. The air kept clumping in her throat, choking her. She closed her eyes and focused. Slow. Easy.

“Tessa?” The door banged open and Flynn flew into her bedroom. His eyes were wide and full of fear.

When they made eye contact, his eyes closed and his entire body sagged. He didn’t slow down, but ended up on the floor in front of her on his knees. He grabbed her hands and kissed them. “I thought you were gone. You scared the hell out of me.”

She nodded and swallowed hard. “I should be gone. I should still go. If I leave, everyone here will be safe. But I can’t force myself to do it. How selfish does that make me?”

“You’re not in the least bit selfish. I’m so glad you didn’t leave.”

“I brought them here. I brought danger to you. To everyone here.” She couldn’t blink away the tears.

Flynn framed her face with his hands. “No. If anything, they followed me, not you.”

She shook her head. “They only followed you because they wanted to find me.”

“And you told me that from the beginning. You’re not at fault here. And neither am I. This lands firmly at the feet of Grigor Pavic and the jerks who work for him.”

She wished that was true.

Flynn kissed her lightly. “We’ll have time to debate the finer points later. For now, we need you and your brain. We’re making a plan to capture them. With all the research you’ve done, you’ve got the best idea of how they work. Help us stop them.”

She had to help. It was her fault. Slowly, she nodded and then pushed to her feet. After a long look, she moved to the closet and replaced her go-bag with her new credentials into the secret space. She clicked it closed, but it would be there if leaving became the best option. For now, it was time to be brave and face the others.

In the main room, everyone appeared to be busy. Some were checking out weapons and gear, others worked on laptops and tablets. Still others clustered around a large monitor.

As Tessa and Flynn walked in, most of them looked up and smiled or nodded. No angry glares. No furrowed brows. Nothing to indicate they were holding her accountable for this incursion. The chatter was energetic and confident. For many of them, this was their job and they knew what they were doing.

Flynn rubbed her back and whispered. “Told you.”

When she glanced at him, he waggled his eyebrows and she managed a small smile.

Sam’s voice became clear as they joined the group around the monitor. “These guys are likely used to city life and city tactics. How can we use the woods to our advantage?”

Tessa thought of the turtles and the different depths. “Three-dimensional thinking. They might not think of looking up unless they’re dealing with buildings and windows.”

Flynn grinned. “Did you just make a Star Trek reference?”

She nodded. “Wrath of Khan. Best of the bunch.”

He planted a noisy kiss on her. “You really are perfect.”

She rolled her eyes, but his words and the warm chuckles around the room had her relaxing.

Tansy pointed at the screen. “It’s winter so you’ll only have the conifers. This area where you’ve added the obstacle course should be along their path. You could use the course to your advantage as well.”

Tessa had visited the course a few times. They’d created a training facility using many of the natural elements of the forest. Several fallen trees had been turned into balance beams at varying heights, leading in a dizzying array through the trees. Her own body wasn’t up to traveling it, but she’d seen most of the others zip through the course like monkeys.

Those with law enforcement backgrounds geared up as they finalized plans for their trap.
