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That made her smile. “Of course.”

He sighed into the phone. “I thought you were going off grid on a solo mission.”

She gnawed at her lower lip. “I hate to admit that I thought about it, but I couldn’t do it. I want to have the life we’re building at Midnight Lake and I can’t do that if I’m not honest with you. I love you, Flynn.” The words flew out before she could think about them.

“I’m very glad to hear that.”

But the voice wasn’t coming from the phone which had disconnected. She turned to find Flynn approaching and no one had ever looked better.

She grinned then he cupped her face and kissed her. She dropped her walking cane and wrapped her arms around him while she kissed him back with everything she had. With him, she didn’t need any other support.

Flynn pulled back and his eyes locked on hers. “I love you, too, Tessa. So damn much. I was waiting for the perfect time to say it, but you’re right. We need to be honest. And the truth is I love you.”

Then they were kissing again, in the middle of the airport. Maybe not the most romantic place for declarations, but it was perfect.

Joy filled her up and she felt like she could take on any and all challenges with this man at her side.

Eventually, Flynn pulled back again and then hugged her. Those big strong arms were everything she needed. When he released her, he bent to pick up the cane she’d dropped. He handed it to her while slipping her backpack off her back. “Let me take this.”

Because it was Flynn, she relinquished the weight without feeling weird or weak. Grinning, he took her hand and tugged her towards the door. “My Jeep’s this way.”

It wasn’t long before they were in the Jeep and driving away. She was glad she didn’t have to navigate. She wasn’t familiar with this part of Houston, and her nerves were bouncing at being back in Texas. So close to where her life had changed forever.

Houston wasn’t the way it was in her memory. The highways were wider and faster. Flynn was traveling at the speed limit, but vehicles zipped by them like they were standing still. She hadn’t seen a single green space either. It was concrete everywhere she looked.

As if reading her thoughts, Flynn reached over and squeezed her hand. “Doing okay? How’s it feel being here?”

“Terrifying. Wonderful. Weird.”

He laughed. “That probably covers it. My condo is close to the office, so we won’t be going near familiar territory today. But we can tomorrow if you’d like.”

She leaned her head back to consider that. “I don’t know. And I didn’t come for a vacation. I want to go to see my grandfather tomorrow. I need to talk to him.”

Flynn’s hand flinched in hers. “I knew you were going to say that, but I don’t like it.” Traffic was busy, so he took his hand back to put on the wheel.

“I can’t say I like it much either, but I feel like it’s the right thing to do. I don’t want to go back into hiding and this is my best shot at doing that.”

Flynn nodded. “I’d like to go with you.”

No demand. No takeover. But not a question either. “I’d like that, too.”

Flynn pulled into his condo’s garage with a sense of rightness. Coming home with Tessa beside him.

He’d kept his emotions under a tight leash since he’d spotted her in the airport, since hearing she loved him back. Those emotions were growling for release and he wanted her in his bed, but he knew she might not be up to it. “How are your legs after being on a plane for so long?”

She shrugged as she got out of the Jeep. “A little stiff. Nothing major.”

He grabbed her bag and took her hand. “I’ve got things I have to tell you, but I can’t think of anything except that you love me back.”

Tessa’s eyes twinkled. “Same.”

He opened the door to the mudroom and headed to the front hall. “Let’s skip the tour and the conversation. Ready?”

“With you? For anything.”

Hell. Her words made him feel like a conquering hero who’d vanquished the hordes of evil-doers. Tossing her bag over his shoulder, he scooped her up in his arms and sprinted up to the third floor and into his bedroom. He didn’t stop there but moved straight into the bathroom with its amazing shower. He finally set her on her feet and realized she’d undone all the buttons on his shirt and her hands were working on his belt buckle.

“I like the way you think.”
