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He found himself in the support van with Jenkins and a couple of other agents, monitoring communications and guiding the op. At least his boss hadn’t kicked him out completely. Tessa had probably helped. Janis respected forthrightness.

Their agents were scattered in various locations, watching and waiting for their cues. Once everyone was set, Agents Lopez and Chu headed toward what they believed was the club entrance.

Dressed in the very best the wardrobe department had to offer, the two looked every bit like a wealthy couple ready to get a little drunk and lose a lot of money.

In real life, Lopez was a gentle giant and Chu a martial arts expert. They played the couple vibe well and had been used in several assignments. The combination of flirt and charm never failed to get them into any place they wanted.

Through the mic, he heard Chu using her sultry voice on the bouncer and Lopez subtly offering his hand, with bribe securely hidden.

Sure enough, in less than twenty seconds, they were inside the back door of the building and up the private elevator to the casino that was indeed on the hidden floor behind the ballroom.

The agents kept their conversation casual as theyoohedandaahedover the setup, letting their team know the layout of the place and the placement of security cameras and personnel. No one listening would hear anything unusual because they’d created their own code for sharing information.

One of the several screens in front of Flynn showed the blueprints of the building, but he had to imagine the layout of the casino itself. Another agent tapped him on the shoulder and placed a tablet she’d been working on at his elbow. She’d used the information from Chu and Lopez to sketch out the actual casino layout. He grinned at her. “That’s amazing, Hassan. Exactly what we need. Thanks.”

With the new map, he and Jenkins fine-tuned the strategy and redirected agents with new placements and timing.

Chu’s pouty voice came through the mic. “I don’t see any of our friends here, honey. Do you think they found another club for tonight?”

That meant neither of them had spotted Grigor Pavic or any of his top tier. Flynn couldn’t decide if that was good or bad news. For the op, it would have been better to catch the man running the place. For Tessa, it was better if he wasn’t there.

His hopes for Tessa overrode his hopes for the op which was another sign he was ready to move on from this job.

Using their prearranged codes, Chu alerted the team of the office location and announced they were in position. Jenkins opened her mic to all operatives and counted down from five. The agents on the outside moved in while Chu and Lopez burst into the office and secured that section.

It was over in about ninety seconds with no shots fired and no injuries. He, Jenkins, and the others moved in to separate those running the casino from the gamblers.

He recognized several politicians and big name celebrities who were pissed about being caught in an illegal place and were whining for lawyers. Ignoring them, he moved to the office where he found a few familiar faces from their research. People Tessa has guessed these people were third-tier employees working for her grandfather. The woman was dead-on with her analysis.

Houston PD arrived to assist with interviewing and interrogating, but it was still hours before they wrapped up the onsite work.

Eventually, he and Jenkins stood on the sidewalk watching the last of those arrested being driven away. His boss turned to him, smiling. “A nice bit of work for your last op as a Special Agent.”

Flynn stared at her. Was she firing him?

For a few moments she simply stared at him, then she smirked. “Did you think I couldn’t see how in love you are with your data analyst? The gossip vine tells me you’ve got a foothold in a security business up north. You planning on doing that full time?”

He laughed and shook his head. “I’ve barely said a word about Midnight Security and absolutely nothing about moving on.”

Jenkins rolled her eyes dramatically. “Superior Special Agent skills here, Walker. Plus, I’ve got eyes and ears in more places than you’ll ever know. So, what’s the plan?”

Flynn nodded. “This case has been my bailiwick. It’s the reason I joined the FBI. After we wrap this up and Tessa gets her chance to speak with Grigor, I’m going to move on to Midnight Security.”

Jenkins nodded. “I hate to lose you, but this job isn’t always a long-term one. If you ever need anything, be sure to reach out.”

He shook her hand. “And if you need someone on the outside, let me know if I can help.”

“Will do. Now, let’s go back to the hotel and see what the team has figured out and concluded. Then, take your Tessa over to Pavic’s place in River Oaks and see if you can wrap this up.”

“River Oaks?” That neighborhood had to be one of the most expensive in Texas.

“Nothing but the best for our friend Pavic.”

Hopefully that meant the man had enough and would be willing to take the target off Tessa’s back.


All In The Family
