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Tessa rose and smiled at Marty. “I’ll give you a hand.”

When they were in the kitchen, Marty moved to put a sauce pot on the stove. She frowned at it. “You’re not using a kettle?”

Marty laughed. “For Christmas hot chocolate? I wouldn’t dare. They’d throw me to the coyotes out there.”

“How else do you make it?”

“Watch and learn, Little Bluebonnet.”

She watched as he pulled out milk, cream, cocoa, and vanilla. “I’ve never seen anyone make hot chocolate from scratch before.”

His wise eyes turned to her. “I think there are a lot of good things you haven’t seen before.” Sadness and kindness showed in his eyes, and she nodded because words were impossible.

Marty smiled softly and motioned her to come over to the stove where he taught her how to blend the ingredients. “It smells like Willy Wonka’s factory in here.”

“When did you see that movie?”

She smiled. “In the hospital when I was recovering.”

“When you were getting stronger and learning to become a new version of yourself.”

She nodded and Marty handed her the whisk. “Keep stirring.” Then he used a huge knife to crush a candy cane. From the fridge, he brought out some whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

While she stirred, Marty leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. Much as she’d seen his son do. Another kind of family tradition being passed down. She wondered if any of her mannerisms belonged to her mama.

Marty’s serious voice broke into her thoughts. “My boy changed after that day you were here, you know.”

Tessa’s hand flinched but she kept stirring. Did she want to hear this?

“He became more.”

That had her pausing to stare at him. “More?”

He motioned her to keep stirring. “More. More serious about his studies and his future. More interested in life outside the rodeo ring. More of a man than a boy.”

When Marty grinned, the similarity between father and son was more pronounced. This was how Flynn would look and be in another twenty years. Strong. Steady. Thoughtful. It was a very good look.

Marty kept talking. “He wanted to be someone worthy of you.”

“Of me?” Her voice squeaked and had Marty laughing.

“That was the day I saw my first boy fall in love.”

Tessa’s heart shivered.

“The day he thought you’d died was the worst day of his life and I hope he never has to go through anything like that again.”

“I’m sorry.”

Marty reached over and turned off the stove, motioned to her to put the pot on a cool element. Then he put his hands on her shoulders and waited until she looked up.

“Nothing to be sorry about. Nothing at all. I’m telling you to let you know his feelings aren’t new or temporary. Finding you alive after all these years was the best thing that could have happened to him. I see the love he feels, see the joy in him. It’s good. I wanted you to know that you became a part of our family on that day back in high school. And if my son’s as smart as I think he is, it won’t be long before he tries to make it official.”

Tessa’s mouth dropped open but nothing came out.

Marty kept talking. “You’re not alone anymore, Tessa Flores. You’re one of us and we couldn’t be happier. Anything you need, anytime, all you need to do is ask.”

Tears welled and her throat tightened.
