Page 60 of The Devil's Bargain

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He gulps, Adam’s apple bobbing as he pushes his long-sleeve shirt up.

The newly inked dragonfly is all the proof I need to know that he’s in this up to his eyeballs.

I don’t care why. I don’t give a shit that he’s a Dragonfly now. The Sinners aren’t for life. He could’ve walked away at any time and I could’ve replaced him easily. The only thing I demand is loyalty so long as you wear my brand, and he’s not wearing it, is he?

But he fucked up when he touched my wife.

Something must have passed across my face because Bobby’s hand jerks a second before he covers the tat up with his sleeve.

I’ll give him credit for having balls when, instead of dropping to his knees and begging for my mercy, he juts out his chin and says, “You mad that I changed sides?”


I took the wind out of his sails with that one, didn’t I?

“Oh. Okay. I mean, no hard feelings, right? It’s just… I got a better opportunity with Damien’s crew. You know how it is.”

He’s right. I do.

And that’s why I check my phone again—thirty minutes to go until the meet—and, slipping it in the inner pocket of my suit jacket, I trade it for my gun.

“This isn’t about the Sinners, Bobby. You tried to take away the most important thing in the world to me. You saw what happened to Twig. You had to know that I wouldn’t let that go.”

His eyes go wide and wild. “A pussy? You’re pulling a gun on me for some snatch? Devil, man,c’mon.”

Is that all he thought she was?

Ava talked about him with me. She liked him, and when I got pissed he let her slip away to the Playground, she asked me not to punish him. It’s for the same reason I didn’t hold it against him when Ava disappeared today. He was at the penthouse, supposedly taking a shit when she left it, and he was still there when Glenn came to relieve him before Burns called to tell me he saw her.

He was fast. He must’ve had a window of about a half an hour to pass her over to Damien’s Family without arousing suspicions, and he might have gotten away with it if Damien himself didn’t give him up.

But he did, and I’m down to twenty-nine minutes.

“You take from me,” I tell him, “I take from you.”

Bobby stiffens. Heidi whimpers, but she’s still purposely avoiding the death in my eyes. It’s not going to save her. I’m too far gone to be merciful. This is Skittery all over again, and if I had time, I’d really make ithurt.

Too bad I don’t.

I lift the gun.

Bobby gulps. “Are you… are you really going to hurt my girl, Devil?”

“She’s just a pussy, isn’t she?”

I watch as it hits him. I swear to God, we gotta do a better job vetting these new Sinners. Look at this one. He’s another dumb fuck. To him, mywife’s only worth was in her body. But threatenhiswoman? And he’s suddenly realizing how serious I am.

I look at my Sig and sigh. “I don’t think I can avoid it.”

And then I shoot him. Once in the skull, once in the chest, once in the cock.

He was dead at the first bullet. The other two just make me feel a little better about finishing him off so quickly.

Falling out of her seat, crawling on her knees over to Bobby is crumpled on the floor by the wall, Heidi lets out a shriek that might’ve moved me if I wasn’t obsessing over my Ava screaming just like that.

Royce pokes his head in the room. “All done, boss?”

I jerk my thumb at the wailing woman. “Take care of the traitor and the collateral damage, would you?”
