Page 17 of My Biker

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“And you have my full attention, Sloane. That has never happened before.” He leaned forward and held my hand in his. “Something about you, Sloane. Something I don’t know what it is, but I know I don’t want to lose it.”

Holy shit balls.

I kept my hand in his, but I nervously glanced around.

My eyes connected with a woman sitting two tables over, and my heart about beat out of my chest.

Winter Travers was watching Aero putting the moves on me. She tipped her head to the side and smiled slyly.

She gave me a thumbs-up and nodded.

Oh god.

“I wonder where Dove is,” I blurted out. “I think I should go find her.”

Aero held onto my hand and kept me in my seat. “She’s at the bar with Dice. He’s keeping an eye on her.”

“But I don’t want to leave Dove alone,” I insisted.

Aero nodded behind me, and I turned to see Dove at the bar with a group surrounding her. “Is that Kristine Allen and her hubby?” I whispered. And the hell of it was that Dove probably had no clue whom she was talking to.

“No clue who that is, babe, but she looks like she is having a good time. Besides, Dice will make sure she is safe.” He squeezed my hand, and I turned back to him. “Which brings me to asking you how you got here?”

I raised my eyebrow. “Huh? What do you mean?” Why did he want to know how I got here?

“Who traveled with you?” he asked.

“Um, Dove?” I hitched my thumb in her direction. Did he really not know the answer to that question?

“Two women traveling alone is not a good idea, babe. You never know what could happen.”

I rolled my eyes. “Nothing is going to happen, Aero. Haven’t you heard the saying of staying chunky and you’ll be hard to kidnap?”

“What the hell do you mean by chunky?”

“Um, well.” Did I need to spell out to him that I was not the ideal weight for a woman? Not even close to it. “It’s not a secret that bigger women aren’t as, well,” I cleared my throat, “susceptible to kidnapping.”

“If you’re about to tell me that nothing would happen to you becauseyouthink you’re overweight, I will personally show you everything you are worthy of, and it will takedaystill I am done.”



“I, uh, what? You can’t say that,” I hissed. Only the men in my books said that.

He sat back and shrugged. “Just did, babe, and I’m not just talking. You should not be traveling by yourself. There are a ton of fucked up people in this world who would take you without even thinking about it.” He took a sip of his drink. “Me included.”

“Is this where you show you’re the bad guy?” I whispered.

He shook his head. “No, this is where I show you I am not the type of man to fuck around with.”

Totalfuck around and find outvibes.

Full-body chills coursed through me.

Whoa, boy.

“This might also be where I need to figure out if I should run or not,” I mumbled. This was getting intense, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for it.
