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“You can always interrupt with something important like that. Is everyone okay?”

“Think so.”

Bjorn and I glanced at each other as we rose to follow him to the office.

The big bear bumped into me. “He wants to take you to Vegas.”

My cheeks warmed at that news, but I could not have visions of showgirls and slot machines and some of the finest spas in the world dancing through my head while Hugo showed us whatever was concerning him.

He had multiple screens set up on his desk, all showing cameras stationed throughout HQ and other placesThe Mating Gamecast and crew often frequented. We couldn’t be everywhere all the time. He leaned over the desk, and his black T-shirt strained against his shoulder muscles.

“What are we looking at here?” The screens were all black and white, so the details didn’t stand out immediately.

“Some of the cameras were moved. Basically, everything in the main hallways leading to the offices.”

I gasped. “We couldn’t have had a break-in. Someone is there twenty-four-seven.”

Hugo clicked on some of the cameras, making the pictures bigger. “Doesn’t look like there’s anything else out of place, but it’s worth going in and having a look.”

“Absolutely.” I headed to the workout room to gather my things. Ugh. I felt so violated. Hopefully, it was nothing. But nothing would move the cameras. “Bjorn, are you coming with us? You might see something we don’t.”

“There’s security there, right?” Bjorn asked.

Hugo bristled. “Of course, but they’ve been spread thinner than ever since Suzanne Marlowe came to town.”

“Were there any incidents last night involving our favorite Scooptress?” I asked. But how would she get into HQ?

“Nothing reported. Until I noticed this, it seemed like a pretty quiet night,” Hugo said as he climbed into the van.

We were quiet on the way there. Poor Hugo was probably stressed that another incident happened on his watch. Every time we thought we had the security angle covered, we were thrown a curveball. It wasn’t his fault, but to an outsider like Suzanne, we must have looked weak.

But at least our content was genuine. I’d never compromise on that.

“Everyone’s still here,” Bjorn groaned as we pulled into the HQ parking lot. “And they don’t seem happy.”

“What’s the matter?” The other thing I wouldn’t compromise on was viewer satisfaction. We might grumble about the paparazzi and the crowds that made it hard to get around town, but without them, we’d have no show. “I need to fix this.”

“That’s probably not the best idea,” Hugo said, but it was too late. I was heading over there.

“Beebs, we can do this later,” Bjorn pleaded.

Several people held signs. Usually, they were cute, asking to go on the show. Some of them were good enough to make me consider giving them an offer. But as I got closer, I realized the tone had changed drastically.

The Faking Game!

Hudaknocker Hoax.

No. This couldn’t be happening. But then I spotted the drag queens. Again, they were dressed in outfits I’d worn on the show.


Hugo put his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t let them get to you.”

“Maybe we can convince the queens to do our work for us.”

The plan hadn’t fully formed as I approached them. They got excited as they realized I was coming for them. Even the people with the horrible signs changed their tune as I approached. I tended to have that effect on people.

“Ladies, what’s happening?”
