Page 11 of Broken Strings

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“Tomorrow we’ll go swimming, Bella, okay?”

Bella’s sigh of displeasure goes unacknowledged as Serena ploughs on. “Come on now, sweetie. Please let me get you dressed. Your dad will be here any second. Don’t you want to show him your costume and—”

I grin silently, knowing well that this is a pointless battle. Pushing the door open with one finger, I stand in the doorway as two sets of eyes land on me.

“Why. So.Serious?”

I tilt my head to one side and keep the classic Joker deadpan on my face until Bug launches herself at me, wrapping her little arms around my legs.

“You look so cool, Dad.”

She twists her head up to look at me, her eyes dancing with delight. “Can I do that?”

My lips twitch, and I nod before looking up at Serena. “Thank you for getting my little madam ready, Serena.”

She inclines her head demurely. “It was my pleasure, Mr North. Will you be needing anything else?”

Shaking my head, I step out of her way. “Enjoy your parents’ wedding anniversary today.”

Nodding her assent, Serena slips from the room, closing the door with a softsnickas she leaves.

“Come on then, Harley Quinn. Let’s colour those pigtails, so there’s no mistaking that you’re my number one partner in crime.”

* * *

“It’s great to have you here, DeMarco. After the drama this year…well, some normalcy was top of the list.”

Henry nods, his green eyes standing out even more than usual in contrast to the black face paint around his eyes underneath his Batman half-mask.

We’ve almost reached the front door, having walked from my newly built recording studio. Henry has agreed to paint a mural in there, and I’m chomping at the bit to see what he comes up with, but with a new baby and his duties at DeMarco Holdings, I’m not sure when he’ll manage to find the time.

The man missed his calling. He may be a genius in the boardroom, according to his half-brother Alex, but his creativity with a paintbrush is unparalleled in my eyes.

The painting he gifted me when I married Layla is hanging front and centre in the huge double vaulted foyer at the house. The one of Summer and me with Archer and Layla as kids.

I don’t know if I leave it there as a reminder or as a torture device. Perhaps it's both.

“Did Nate say what time he’d be here?”

My lip twitches, and I try to stop myself, but fuck it. I simply can’t.

“He’s probably a bit busy, snatching cradles…”

Henry stops dead, pinning me with a look. “Don’t, North.”

I glance away, lips rising on both sides now, with a wholly irrepressible smile. “I make no promises, brother.”

“Well, that’s one. You get one free shot. Next time, I’ll kick your fucking ass.”

We move off again in companionable silence despite my fuckwittery until Henry speaks about ten feet from the open front door.

“Any word from Layla?”

I expected to feel something—anything—when someone eventually brought up my newly divorced ex-wife, so I’m surprised when I only feel numb.

“Nah, man. I know she’s still in rehab, thanks to Fletcher’s updates.”

My divorce solicitor, Fletcher Knowles, is well paid to ensure I know Layla’s each and every move.
