Page 148 of Broken Strings

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I pull Summer closer, and she drops her cheek to my chest, her body relaxing against me instantly.

My eyes drift across the meadow at the back of my childhood home, landing on the faces of all the people I love most, all gathered together to celebrate the most glorious of days.

My heart is filled beyond compare, and I inhale deeply through my nostrils in an attempt to keep my emotions under control.

Beau’s rendition of the Ray LaMontagne classic slowly floats to a stop, and Summer leans back to applaud alongside everyone else present with a great big smile on her make-up free face.

My father steps onto the makeshift stage while Beau steps back, handing him the microphone with a nod.

“Thank you all for coming today.” Dad’s face splits into a shit-eating grin, way too similar to the one I see in the damn mirror, and I’m helpless to stop my face from imitating his.

My hand finds Summer’s, drawing her close against my chest as Jesse sidles up alongside me.

“I’ve known most of you for longer than I want to—I’m looking at you, Henry DeMarco.”

Everyone laughs as Dad chuckles while shooting a wink in the direction of a bird-flipping Henry.

“All I’m saying is that introductions aren’t necessary at a show like this, so I’ll move right onto the good stuff. Caden Atticus North—”

He breaks off to smile broadly, his eyes glistening in total contradiction. “To say that I am proud of the man you have become would be a vast understatement.You, my boy, are the most loving, selfless, and kind human being I have ever known. And seeing youheretoday—living the dream you have held close to your heart even when it seemed so far out of reach—my heart is filled to bursting.”

My breath catches in my throat, and I clear it with a hoarse cough as I keep eye contact with my teary-eyed father.

“I love you, son.”

I rasp a response. “Love you too, Dad.”

He clears his own throat and continues, smiling brightly at my beautiful wife.

“I have known my new daughter-in-law for her whole life. Her father, Peter—Lord rest his soul—was my dearest friend, and I know he’s looking down today, smiling at how our families have finally become one.”

He raises his champagne flute skywards in a silent salute, and everyone present follows suit.

“I think this is the part where I’m meant to formally welcome Summer to the family, but I can’t do that. Because the truth is…you’ve been part of this family since the day you moved into this house.”

I glance down just as tears crest Summer’s bottom lashes, spilling down her cheeks while she smiles fondly at my father.

“You have been blessed with two beautiful children. Our little Bug—”

“I’m here, Pops!” Bella’s high-pitched shout rings out from her place in Ford’s arms at the side of the stage, making everyone laugh.

“I can see that!” Dad’s deep chuckle makes our little girl smile even wider.

“And, of course, my Jess.” I swivel my head to find the signature North shit-eating grin plastered to my son’s face. “Come on up here, and make this old man happy.”

Jesse flies across the floor, racing up the steps to throw his arm around his Pops’ shoulder as Dad faces our guests once more.

“But before that, I have something I need to say to these newlyweds.”

His eyes slowly amble across his captivated audience. My father has long had a way with words, and today is no different.

“It’s notwhatwe have in our life that matters, butwho. And time spent with those precious few is an irreplaceable gift. No one understands that as much as this beautiful couple standing before me.”

His eyes hold mine before shifting to Summer’s.

“Life with your soulmate won’t always be sunshine and rainbows. There will be dark days where you need to share an umbrella so that you can weather the storm together. And I havenodoubt in my mind that you two can withstand just about anything life can throw at you.”
