Page 2 of Broken Strings

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By the time we’ve picked our way through the underbrush, the boys have reached us, and a look passes between Layla and Archer that sends a shiver up my spine.

Don’t be stupid, I tell myself. But I can’t quite shake the feeling that something is off.

Archer’s face may be almost identical to Caden’s, but his eyes hold none of Caden’s unfettered love for life. None of his easy-to-love nature.

I’m torn from my train of thought when we exit into an open meadow vibrant with wildflowers as far as the eye can see and the clear waters of the ambling river just ahead.

“Last one in cleans up after dinner.”

Caden’s shout is followed by a mad dash as the four of us scramble to strip down to a mixture of underwear and swimming clothes.

Sutton is cooking today. He is possibly the sweetest man I’ve ever met, not dissimilar to Caden in terms of their personalities, but night and day when it comes to their looks. He’s an exceptionally gifted drummer and an all-around amazing dad, but when he cooks, he manages to burn the bottom out of every single pot or pan in the house.

None of us fancy cleaning that.

Layla is first, having ripped her top off and unzipped the long maxi skirt she’d borrowed from me to allow it to fall to the grass under her feet. She takes off at a sprint in tiny black underwear that was mostassuredlyworn to be seen.

Caden is next, chasing after her with a grin that puts a matching one on my own mouth. He swats her bottom as he passes her, eliciting a shriek from my best friend followed by a howl of displeasure at being bested, and my smile grows even wider.

“He’s fucking her, you know.”

Archer’s breath ghosts across the shell of my ear, even as my stomach dips uncomfortably at his words. Rather than rising to his taunts, knowing that’s what he wants, I continue to unbutton my knee-length bubble gum pink dress.

“He likes it when we take turns.” His voice drops. “I like it too.”

Dropping it to the ground at his feet, I turn around and hold his eyes, my fake words making my stomach churn. “That’s good for you guys.”

His eyes narrow minutely. “That’s hardly jealousy I hear, is it, Summer?”

I snort. “No way.” I shove his shoulder playfully. “I’m busy with school. You know that.” Shrugging in what I hope is a nonchalant fashion, I grin. “I wouldn’t have time for any extracurriculars. And besides, I’m sure one dick will be plenty for me when the time comes.”

Facing back in the direction of the river, I jog forward, catching sight of Caden, fully immersed in the cool water and splashing a laughing Layla.

I’ve gotten no more than ten feet when Archer catches up and slings his arm over my bare shoulder. He presses a kiss to my temple and sighs heavily.

“Well, I have to say, Summer. That really makes me feel a whole lot better.”

We fall into step beside one another as I try to keep my heart from beating clear out of my chest.

“Why is that, Arch?” My voice sounds hollow even to my ears, knowing that the blowback, if our secret gets out, will be life-shattering for all involved.

He stops and looks down at me. Not by much, as I’m tall for a girl, but even so, his eyes pin me with domination and an emotion I can’t quite grasp.

It’s similar to anger, but deeper. More tightly constrained, almost like he’s baited a trap that I’ve walked right into, and it throws me utterly off-kilter.

“Because we share,little deer.”

He chuckles darkly, and in that microsecond, when he alludes to Caden’s nickname for me—the nickname used only between us and behind closed doors—Iknowthat he knows about us.

“And if my brother were keeping you to himself when I’m sharing my pussy with him…well, let’s just say, things could turnverynasty between us.”




“Anna,I have more to be doing than reading some trash magazine—”
