Page 41 of Broken Strings

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He shoots back a thumbs-up.

“Right, fuckers. Time to call it a day. I’ve got better plans for my evening.”

“A date with your hand and a bottle of lube, eh, North?”

“Shut that hole in your face, Milano. You’ve caused me enough strife today.”

The man in question chuckles darkly. “Well, I can’t say I’m not a fan of a week-long binge at Valentine’s. That place isespeciallydear to me.”

Beau claps Jake on the back as Danny and Wolfe roll their eyes at Jake’s signature dicking around. “A week at an exclusive sex club, Jake?A week? Your dick must be chaffed to the fucking bone.”

Jake grabs the buttons on his jeans, popping them open. “I’ll show you little Jakie is as irresistibly beautiful as always. Here, take a look—”


Everyone freezes on the stage at the sound of my name, spoken ever so softly, and five heads turn in almost perfect synchronicity in the direction of the voice.

There, wearing a full-length green dress, her hair in slight waves down to her shoulders, and looking utterly too exquisite to be real, is the woman who has held my heart since I was eight years old. Her eyes are all for me, and as though they’ve been previously instructed, the four boys melt away, departing the stage in almost silence.

Her feet move closer, shifting the skirt of her dress to display a toned leg with each step she takes until, finally, she’s within touching distance.

I don’t waste one more second.

I close the gap between us, pulling her flush against me, and she releases a soft sigh before I claim her mouth with mine.

What begins as a timid touching of lips soon devolves into devouring one another with a voracity I didn’t know I was capable of. It’s addicting and humbling, and I never want to go another day without experiencing how this woman makes me feel.

Tonight needs to be perfect.

I break our kiss, cupping her jaw in my palms and stroke my thumbs across her soft, slightly flushed cheeks. “I missed you.”

Her blush deepens as she tugs her plump bottom lip between her teeth before letting it pop free to smile almost shyly. “I missed you, too.”

I fold my arms around her and tug her in against my chest as she encircles my waist with her arms, squeezing tight while I bury my face in her hair. Inhaling deeply, I feel myself fall into an almost blissful state as her comforting, inimitable scent embraces my senses.

“I have a surprise for you, Bam.”




My smile is front and centre at the sound of Caden’s voice. My fingers are intertwined with his as he tugs me across the unsteady ground.

“You said that ten minutes ago.”

I can’t keep my happiness from my voice, and he chuckles. “Well, this time I mean it, Bam.”

Having whispered in my ear that he had a surprise for me, Caden had flourished a blindfold from his back pocket. He’d quickly spun me around, placing the material over my eyes before grasping my hand in his much larger one.

“Come with me.” He urged me forward, and I went trustingly, because if there’s one thing I’ve realised in the last couple of days, it’s that despite telling myself otherwise over the years, I still trust this man more than anyone on this planet.

And I internally kick myself for ever allowing myself to believe the worst. To believe what I now know were lies, or at the very least, half-truths.

My trust appears to be paying off as my flat sandals step onto a firm surface. We’ve not long disembarked from what felt like a golf cart, having driven slowly for maybe five minutes.

Coming to a gentle stop, Caden squeezes my hand softly. “We’re here. Don’t move, okay?”
