Page 104 of Rogue Romeo

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“I’m sorry the trip was cut short, Rey.”

She presses a kiss to my T-shirt-clad chest right over my heart. “It couldn’t have been more perfect.” She turns her worried eyes to mine. “What’s wrong with your friend? Grayson, was it?”

I exhale heavily as I nod. “Yeah, it’s Grayson.”

Pulling her in closer against my side, she tucks her head underneath my chin, ready to hear a story I’d prefer I didn’t have to tell.

“About a week after Mari passed, I got a call from Gray. He was distraught, speaking in fucking riddles, but I eventually understood why he was so upset. His wife, Talia, and their twins, Gracie and Parker, had been in a car accident on their way to their vacation home in Vermont. Talia…”

I trail off, tears filling my eyes when I remember the day she and Grayson married only five years previously. The love between them was as clear as day.

“She didn’t make it.” I clench my jaw before blowing out a heavy breath as Rey gasps. “Gracie was airlifted to the hospital. Her injuries were…excessive. But with time in intensive care, she’s on the long road to recovery.”

Rey’s arms tighten around my waist, questioning in a trembling tone. “And, Parker?”

“Miraculously, he walked away without a scratch.”

Rey inhales on a sob. “Oh, your poor friend. I can’t imagine the pain he’s in.”

Tears track down the sides of my face, pooling in my ears as I hold my Sunshine as close as possible. “Me either.”

I press a kiss to the top of her head. “Now sleep, baby. I’ve got you.”

* * *


The smell of bacon hits my nose, physically hauling me from the deep sleep I’d fallen into on the jet last night. I’d only roused long enough to stumble to the waiting town car, and upon reaching our building, Alex had carried me from there to our bed.

I have a bleary-eyed recollection of spotting an openly seething, red-faced Krista with a toad-like old man—clearly Ralph with the saggy balls—as I’d been transported across the marble foyer.

The memory makes me smile as I stretch, taking up the entirety of our empty bed, a feeling of sheer, bone-deep contentment filling me from head to toe.

Being back in Manhattan following the events of the past couple of days made everything feel completely different while remaining absolutely the same as before we’d left. The only adjustment being the fact that I can touch my not-so-fake, fake husband anytime I damn well choose.

And at that thought, I’m filled with the desire to embrace these new changes.

I make short work of relieving myself before quickly washing my face in an attempt to wake myself up properly. Then I slip into a satiny robe to cover the simple white cotton T-shirt of his that Alex had thrown over my head upon our return home last night.

My descent down the stairs is on silent, bare feet, and I walk into the kitchen to find Alex sitting at the kitchen island with two steaming mugs of coffee in front of him as he scrolls through his cell.

“Morning, pretty boy.”

He looks up with a start. “Shit, Rey. Are you training for the silent ninja Olympics or something!”

My smile is from ear to ear as I take a seat across from him, taking the offered coffee from his left hand. “Nope. Just wanted to surprise you.”

I take a sip as he stands with a smirk. “You do that effortlessly, baby.” Then he closes the gap between us to cup my cheeks with his large palms. “Don’t ever stop.”

My smile is utterly shit-eating as he kisses the corner of my mouth before moving off to grab a plated stack of pancakes and bacon that I hadn’t noticed before now.

The sight makes my stomach complain loudly, and Alex eyes me with a quirked brow. “I was going to serve you breakfast in bed, I’ll have you know.”

The plate barely hits the countertop before I pluck a piece of crisp bacon from it, popping it into my mouth with a moan of bliss.

“I’m famished.”

Another piece follows the first while Alex settles beside me. “You don’t say.”
