Page 47 of Catching Fyre

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Lady Luck, best get your fucking ass over here. I need you.

“Enough. Give me the syringe.”

“Master Red, please—”

There’s the sound of flesh meeting flesh, a shocked gasp, a thud. I creep around the corner and into the room as Red shoves away the dazed-looking nurse from the body lying on the floor.

I don’t have to be able to see more than an inch of her before I know it’s Charlotte. I can see her motherfucking aura, and it’s sputtering like a gutted candle.

Move, Gideon. Do something.

But I just stand there, trapped in a useless flesh cocoon, as Red bites the cap off a syringe and sinks into a crouch beside my love, my baby girl, my gorgeous fiancée Charlotte.


My wife-to-be.

Dear God, how pissed off is she going to be if she ever finds out I stood here like a pussy and watched Red kill her?

But she looks dead already. So much blood. One arm is thrown out, three deep tracks carved through her pale skin.

Well, pale no more. Stained red with blood.

So. Much. Blood.

No, not pale.


The naked nurse sees me, her eyes going wide. But when I look at her, and shake my head, the last bit of fight leaves her. She slumps against the armchair where she came to rest, and her mouth turns into an unhappy crescent, tears building in her eyes.

We mourn Charlotte together for a brief moment as Red picks up that ravaged arm of hers and pierces her skin with the needle.

And then I see the twitch of her finger. The tiniest little come-hither in the history of the world. Beckoning me, luring me closer.

This is your moment, Fyre. This is what you’ve been waiting for, that small motion says. Whatwe’vebeen waiting for. Look at him, how exposed he is. He doesn’t even know you’re here. His back turned, his attention solely on me.

Come, my love.

End this.




Ithought the whip would make an Indiana Jones style crack as it soars through the air, but my hearing’s all fucked up right now. The shiny leather whip coils around Red’s neck, and when I tug, he topples backward with a choked cry. I try to pull the same trick that I did on Dave, throttling him with a foot between his shoulder blades, but Red is smarter, and calmer…even with a whip wrapped around his neck.

Instead of trying to loosen the chokehold, he throws the full weight of his body forward, taking me with him. Whatever substance I imbibed free of charge in that bottle of water already left me reeling, and I don’t stand a chance to keep my balance when I can barely coordinate my limbs.

The nurse bleats in panic and hurriedly scrambles away when we roll closer to her in a thrashing heap of arms and legs. I can’t blame her. Red is strong, and violent, and he fights dirty.

My poor balls get another hard punch, but thank God for the numbing effects of the drug I took. Guess Lady Luck was looking out for me in her own twisted way.

I whip my head forward, catching Red on the bridge of his nose. He yells in pain as the bone and cartilage break, and then gurgles through the rush of blood that splashes down and into his mouth. I grin at him, and he spits blood into my eyes.

In the second it takes me to blink away that red veil, he puts me in a choke hold. He must have taken wrestling in college, because there’s a precision to his movements as he wraps his legs around mine, trapping my body against his as we sit in a tight huddle on the blood-soaked carpet. I try to dig my thumbs into his eyes, but I’m already losing strength in my arms.
