Page 25 of The Organization

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It’s exactly what I would have done.

Did they know what she was doing? What she was capable of?

The thought alone made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end - made my goddamn palms sweaty because the prospect of them knowing she was something more than what she was, was goddamn terrifying. The Society weren’t known to tolerate threats, and that’s exactly what they would see her as - a threat - something that they were unable to control, and they wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate her.

Even when she was trying to come across asordinary- to blend in asone of them, she was magnificent. No one tried to move me - to dictate that I participate in this class, which was for the best - whoever was running this particular area knew who I was - who my family was, and probably deemed it best to leave me the fuck alone. Although, the thought of sparring with those pretty boys in the ring certainly had its appeal.

Paul’s voice rang out, the need to assert his dominance - to remind everyone here of his importance, nauseating. "O'Grady here is going to train you.Allof you will do this session of basic training, where we will grade you in terms of your existing skill level. For those who have a bit more experience with defensive training, we will be moving you out into different sections of the basement." Many muttered their consensus, whilst some muttered their frustrations, but it was Marissa who I watched in the mirror, her mouth failing to move. Instead, she offered up her chin, her expression one of openness - as if she was truly standing there willing to learn whatever they had to teach.

I had to give it to her - she wasgood, and if she hadn’t thrown a knife at me a week ago, I may have bought the act. But no one that stoic and calm was as passionate in bed as she was, and I was dying to see what else she brought to the table.

O’Grady began the lesson with them jumping on the spot, switching to a series of jumping jacks, sit-ups, and then push ups, and while I agreed with the consensus that stamina was important, I knew it was all for show. Because on none of the assignments that The Society dished out would they get the job done through fucking jumping jacks and stamina alone. They needed grit and willpower - they also needed to be wholly invested in the system, but the more I analyzed the people here, I wasn’t certain that everyone was on board. But then again, on board or not, they weren’t left with much choice - not when their families’ financial well-being and reputations were governed by their performancehere. While I didn’t know anyone personally who had revolted, I had heard enough stories that the cautionary tales seemed to keep everyone in line - the ones that spoke of entire generations being dismantled and belittled simply because the next generation attending one of the basecampsrefusedto comply - how entire companies crashed to the ground, no thought spared to the hundreds-of-thousands of workers they employed.

Which was why I needed to besmart- needed to becareful, and if I failed in my task - I knew that my family wasn’t like the other Society families - that while The Society may ensure that we losteverything, that the O’Rileys would beokay. We had enough influence outside of The Society that meant that, while we may notthrive, we would surelysurvive.

Not everyone could say that.

I watched her go through the motions, huffing and puffing even when - if anyone bothered to look closely enough - no sweat broke out. What kind of training did this girl have? And better yet,whotrained her?

I knew those were questions that I wouldn’t find the answer to.

I noted Aria’s gaze flick back - not towards me, but at Ajax, and upon closer inspection, I realized that both Ajax and Josh were panting after Aria and Raquel. It was predictable in the worst kind of way. If I had wanted to play The Society’s game - ingrain myself in their system, I would have picked one of them for the breeding program - there were a few girls here that were the caviar of The Society, whether they wanted to admit it or not. Thus, it was only natural that Joshua Penn and Ajax SinClaire wanted them for themselves, and while part of me felt badly for the girls, a much larger part was grateful that they hadn’t turned their attention towards Marissa. Of course, after laying claim to her publicly, they would be hard pressed to win her over - I would be forced to see it as a challenge, and I liked to imagine that the O’Riley name held some independent weight around here - that they were wise enough to avoid pissing me off, but the truth was that I wasn’t certain. Not when it came to her.

O’Grady demonstrated a series of punches, and while Aria truly struggled with them, I watched as Marissa neither excelled nor fumbled - he maintained her goal of staying in the middle - of lookingaverage- of coasting by in a way that ensured The Society left her alone. Even knowing what she was doing, I couldn’t look away. O’Grady began making his rounds, guiding and assisting those where needed, and for a heartbeat I tensed. Because while Marissa and I were fronting for the Summer, I wouldn’t tolerate someone else’s hands on her - even for corrective purposes during training. I knew what that made me, and I didn’t give a fuck.

The amount of concentration and effort it took her tonotexcel - tonotshow them what she was made of was incredible, and her level of restraint made my dick twitch.

I couldn’t stand there for a moment longer simplywatchingher. I wanted to bury my cock so deep into her she wasn’t sure where she ended and I began. I wanted her walking around, feeling where I’d been with each step she took. I wanted her to be unable tositwithout remembering me because this ghosting thing she’d done to me for more than a day wasbullshit.

I ripped the shirt from my back and wrapped my knuckles whilst stepping towards the ring where Ajax and Josh were sparring. I needed to work off some energy, and if I couldn’t fuck Marissa right this instant, then punching some Society pricks served as a close second.

“You sure you want to spar with us,Irish?” It was Joshua Penn who spoke, offering me a condescending wink in the process.

“On the contrary,Penn,” I spat back, “I think it’syouthat doesn’t want me in the ring.”

“Don’t think your daddy’s influence has anyreachhere.” Joshua taunted as Ajax simply hung against the ropes, content to stay out of our squabble, and if there was any question as to whether Joshua and Ajax knew who I truly was, it was just answered.

He stepped into me, his bare chest hitting mine, and this time I let them see the animal that I truly was, baring my teeth as he got in my face. I was still taller than him - still bigger than him, and if he wasn’t such a prick, I might have actually enjoyed sparring with him, but I couldn’t. He was the kind of Society type who knew that they didn’t simply turn a blind eye - heassisted.

I swung first, hitting him in the jaw - forcing some distance between us. Becausefuck him.Fuck The Society. Fuck these pricks. Fuck their control.Andfuck Marissa.

I swung up at Josh again. And again. And again. Taking the position of offensive.

“You think because your daddies run this show, I’mscaredof you?” I hissed the question, allowing my rage to reign down on Joshua Penn.

He wasn’t completely useless, though. He ducked and dived, avoiding some of my shots, but still, I didn’t give him a chance to swing back. I was vaguely aware that the class had been dismissed - that Marissa was moving out of vicinity, and part of me hoped that she watched - that she saw the feral animal I truly was, but I knew better than that - knew that her gaze wouldn’t land on the ring for fear of giving herself away. I wasn’t sure what game she was playing, and worse still, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to thwart her plans orassist.

Whilst my mind was on Marissa, Joshua got a shot in on my left rib, and if Da was here, he would’ve told me I deserved it - that my head wasn’t in the game,andhe would’ve been right. I swung back, noting that precious Joshua Penn’s lip was bleeding. There was something to say about drawing first blood, and even though the animal in me wanted to continue - to keep pummeling him, I drew back - as gentleman's rules dedicated.

But Joshua didn’t extend his hand to shake mine - he did not offer the obligatory words of congratulations orgood match, instead, over his huffing breaths, he offered me a manic smile. For a split second, I wondered why I ever thought that he’d play by the rules. He was the scum of the earth, and when I burned this place to the ground, I would ensure that he was locked inside in the process.

“Ajax.” Josh’s voice barked SinClaire into action, and suddenly Ajax slipped behind me, pinning my hands behind my back as he held me there for Josh’s enjoyment. My family may be criminal in every sense of the word, but there was honor to be had amongst men, but then the two who held me were not men, they were snakes. I didn’t fight, instead, I relaxed into Ajax’s grip, offering him my full weight, and I heard him strain behind me in delight as if my action was unexpected.

Becauseof fucking courseit was. They were used to dealing with Princeton preppy boys and not someone of my making. It was my turn to grin at Josh, knowing full well what was coming, and for a moment he hesitated, unsure of why the fuck I was smiling.

He’d see. Let him think he’d won - that his cheating wasn’t something cowardly and untoward. I watched quietly as he swung his fist up, my eyes watering on the impact. Fucker gave me a black eye, and I knew that he chose that location specifically so that I would sport his ‘humiliation’ for days. But once again, the wealthy always underestimated made men. I threw my head back, hitting Ajax in the process, and once I heard him swear - felt his hands relax against my wrists, I threw my own fist at Joshua’s eye. Watching him stumble back into the ropes before he fell on his ass.

“Word to the wise,” I called down to Josh as he glared up at me, ”I don’t needDaddy’sinfluence to deal with an overgrown man-child. I think you need to relook at the kind ofeducationreceived because your ignorance is showing.”
