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As soon asI heard David’s voice, I felt a pit in my stomach. “I caught you red-handed with another woman last night, and now you have the audacity to tell me I’m mistaken?” I bellowed into the phone, my voice shaking with anger.

“Please, Mia, hear me out,” David pleaded. “That girl was in a tough spot, and needed a place to stay. I had no idea you would come home early.”

I scoffed at his flimsy excuse. “So, you brought her to our home to provide her shelter and then slept with her? That’s truly impressive,” I spat out, my fury boiling over.

But David seemed unfazed. “Calm down, dear. By the way, how did your art exhibition go? Was it successful?”

I couldn’t believe he was changing the subject so quickly. “I’m not supposed to tell you anything,” I snapped.

He reminded me of our impending marriage, but I wasn’t having it. “We’re not getting married anymore. Go and marry that girl, or anyone else for that matter,” I retorted, pacing back and forth in the room.

He taunted me about having nowhere to go, but I refused to let him get the best of me. “I can go to my brother,” I said through gritted teeth.

But David laughed loudly. “Do you seriously think he cares about you? Don’t be ridiculous.”

His words stung, and tears began streaming down my face. I knew he was right; my brother was always too busy with his own life to care about mine. Despite his success in life and owning a business, he distanced himself from me after our parents passed away, and we went our separate ways. While I appreciate his achievements, I feel hesitant to ask for his help. I am confident in my ability to navigate life’s challenges independently. If he doesn’t feel inclined to care for me, I would rather not burden him with my needs.“Shut up. I’ll figure something out. It’s none of your damn business,” I hissed before ending the call.

Tears streamed down my face as I thought about what once was. He was my high school sweetheart, the one I had spent seven years building a life with. We had dreams of a future together, of dancing in ballrooms and spending our evenings wrapped in each other’s arms.

But now, here I was in Los Angeles, a world away from the life I once knew. I had rented a flat to call my own and taken a job at a coffee shop to make ends meet. It wasn’t the life I had envisioned, but it was my reality now.

As I remembered my past, I couldn’t help but wonder if David ever thought about me. Did he regret what had happened? Did he miss me the way I missed him?

I was sitting alone in the dimly lit bar, lost in my own thoughts and consumed by sadness. I didn’t even notice Ethan’s presence until he spoke up.

“Why are you crying,” he said, his voice low and smooth.

I wiped my tears away and tried to regain my composure, but it was no use. I had been drinking heavily, trying to forget the past that still haunted me. Ethan was tall, dressed in a tailored suit that hugged his broad shoulders. His sharp jawline was accentuated by a slight stubble, and his deep blue eyes held a glint of annoyance.

As a barista, I had seen all kinds of customers, but he was different. He was a permanent fixture at my coffee shop, and every time he walked in, he would start an argument with me.

His aggressive behavior made my blood boil, and I couldn’t help but fire back at him. He had a sense of entitlement that made my skin crawl – as if he owned everything and everyone around him.

But this time, something was different. As he sat in front of me, I didn’t say a word. Instead, I locked eyes with him and held his gaze. He seemed taken aback by my sudden silence, but before he could say anything, I motioned to the waiter to bring me another drink. To my surprise, he also ordered a drink and sat down at the bar, silent for once.

Today, as the sun began to set on another mundane day, I found myself working late at the coffee shop. My colleague Sarah interrupted my thoughts with a curious question, “Mia, are you in a relationship with someone? You’ve never mentioned anyone before.” Her innocent query was like a punch to the gut as painful memories of my last relationship came flooding back. I was at a loss for words and felt my heart ache with pain. After finishing up my shift, my feet took me to a nearby bar in an attempt to forget my past.

Ethan asked again, reminding me of my current situation. “Hey, what happened?”

I took a deep breath before replying, “Just trying to forget someone.”

“Did he cheat on you?” Ethan’s curiosity piqued as he leaned forward, his strong muscles flexing under his shirt.

I sighed, feeling the alcohol clouding my thoughts. “Yeah, it was two years ago. But it still feels like yesterday.” As I placed my glass on the table, I noticed the intricate tattoos peeking out from under Ethan’s sleeves. Despite my initial impression of him as a wealthy snob, I couldn’t deny his intelligence and rugged good looks.

The dimly lit bar buzzed with the sounds of chatter and clinking glasses, but all I could focus on was Ethan’s piercing gaze. It was like he could see right through me.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” he said, his voice low and soothing. “But don’t let it consume you. You’re stronger than that.”

My body tensed as his hand touched mine, sending a jolt of electricity through me. I could feel his gaze burning into me, his eyes seeming to peer into the deepest parts of my soul.

My knees trembled as desire coursed through my veins, despite my better judgment. Normally, I wouldn’t have given him the time of day, but tonight was different. Tonight, I was drowning in a sea of alcohol and trying to forget the painful memories of my past.

His touch was like a lifeline, pulling me out of the abyss of my thoughts and into a world of sensations. The air was thick with the scent of whiskey and sweat, the pounding of the music seeming to pulse in time with my racing heartbeat.
