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As I entered the room, my eyes fell upon a sight that shook me to my core. A young girl, bound to a chair, was weeping uncontrollably as tears streamed down her face. There was a bandage on her hand Jim, standing beside her, seemed to be guarding her. Without a moment’s hesitation, I marched over to her and grabbed her by the collar, demanding answers. “What is going on here? Where is my brother?” The girl’s expression was one of pure shock and Jim was equally surprised. Even Ethan, who had been sitting on the couch, stood up in confusion at my sudden arrival.

As I advanced towards Ethan, my finger pointed at him accusingly, I couldn’t contain my emotions any longer. “You…You kept me in the dark! You apprehended this girl, and you didn’t tell me…You knew that Alex was missing, but you didn’t tell me! YOU ARE…” My voice trailed off as I screamed at him, tears streaming down my face. The silence in the room was heavy, except for the sound of my sobbing. The girl looked at me, shocked. Ethan tried to calm me down by saying, “Calm down, Mia…”, but I wouldn’t have any of it. I immediately cut him off, shouting, “Where is my brother? Where is Alex? Tell me where he is!” Ethan was left speechless, unable to respond to my outburst.

“Excuse me,” Ethan said, his eyebrows furrowed as he abruptly led me out of the room, his voice was low as he said, “You don’t know anything! You can’t possibly understand the gravity of this situation!” My heart skipped a beat at his outburst, but I kept my composure and listened intently as he continued, “Yes, I kept you in the dark because I didn’t want you to be heartbroken like this. Jim risked his life to bring this girl here so that we can investigate your brother’s whereabouts. If you want to be a part of our investigation, you need to stay calm. Otherwise, I suggest you stay outside.”

I stared at Ethan, he then entered the room and left me there. After a moment, I also followed him and entered the room. It was difficult to hold back my tears, but I managed to take a deep breath and sit down on a chair across from the girl. Jim handed me a glass of water, which I gratefully accepted, feeling a mix of emotions brewing inside me.

The girl’s gaze met mine as she asked, “Are you Alex’s sister?” I watched as Jim barked at her, “You are here solely to answer our questions. It is our responsibility to interrogate you. Otherwise, the consequences of your indiscretion may be severe.” The girl fell silent, her confusion palpable as she inquired, “What do you want to ask?” Jim’s eyes lingered on the girl’s neck, causing her to shift uncomfortably. Suddenly, Jim darted towards Ethan and blurted out, “Boss, did I lie about the diamond?” Ethan looked bewildered, prompting Jim to clarify. He recounted seeing a necklace around the girl’s neck the previous night, and noticing a sizable diamond embedded in it when they brought her here. He had assumed It was just an ordinary accessory, but now suspected that something was amiss with the necklace. Ethan’s expression turned to one of amazement as he understood what Jim was hinting at. In a flash, he charged towards the girl, who was trying to wriggle free and reach for her necklace.

Ethan acted quickly and restrained the girl’s hands, confronting Jim in the process. “How did you tie her up?” he demanded. Despite the girl’s resistance, Ethan eventually managed to retrieve the necklace from her neck. She began to shout, warning that her associates would come for her, but Ethan remained focused on the task at hand. Examining the necklace closely, he came to a realization. “You were right, Jim,” he said, turning to Jim. “There’s a transmitter in the diamond. They’ll be able to track us.” Jim looked on in shock as Ethan’s words sunk in.

As for the girl, she seemed to find the situation amusing, laughing loudly despite her predicament. “You can’t do anything to me,” she taunted, before revealing her true motives. “Oliver was angry with me for losing Alex. He beat me and left me alone in his office bleeding, telling me he’d be back in the morning and if I was alive, I was going to fix my mistakes. He put this necklace on me so he would know if I left. He’s probably on his way here now, and I’ll be forgiven for my faults.”Jim scolded her for her callousness, but she only laughed harder. Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but feel like a bystander in this dangerous game, unsure of who to trust or what would happen next.

Ethan signaled to Jim and. He swiftly retrieved an injection from his pocket. With laser focus, he expertly filled the syringe and quickly inserted it into the girl’s arm , rendering her unconscious. Afterward, Jim turned to Ethan and expressed his concern, “Boss, they will soon realize that we have the girl, and then it will be challenging to contend with them. In our current situation, where we do not have any information about Alex, we cannot afford to take this risk.”

Ethan acknowledged Jim’s point with a nod and handed over the necklace to him, saying, “Tell your team to create a diversion with this. Furthermore, we cannot stay here any longer. You, Mia, and I must leave as soon as possible.And we will also take this girl with us,” he said.

Jim appeared confident in his team’s ability to handle the situation. “Don’t worry, boss,” he reassured Ethan. “No one else around here knows the true nature of this place. Some of my team members will stay here, and they won’t arouse suspicion. If anyone comes looking for the necklace, they can handle the situation.” Ethan nodded slowly, impressed by Jim’s quick thinking. “Okay,” he said, determination etched into his features. “Hurry up, then. We can’t afford to waste any time.”

With that, Jim and his team quickly gathered their belongings and prepared to leave and some were staying there.. As they headed out, Ethan grabbed the unconscious girl and slung her over his shoulder, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

My head felt heavy and I struggled to comprehend the situation at hand. Ethan gestured for me to join him, and I obeyed his command. Waiting for us was Jim, stationed behind the wheel. Ethan swiftly opened the back door and gently placed the unconscious girl onto the seat before instructing me to join them. Without delay, he sat in the front passenger seat while Jim took control of the driver’s seat.

Jim began updating Ethan on the plan: “Boss, Mike has taken your car and left it in a secure location. Your driver will retrieve it and bring it to you later. We cannot leave your vehicle here; it could easily be recognized due to its opulence. Only a select few in this city have cars like yours, and they can trace it back to you.” Ethan simply nodded, showing his understanding of the situation at hand.

As we drove on, Jim finally asked the question on everyone’s mind, “Boss, where’s Jack?” Ethan gave a small smile and replied, “He’s not in the city anymore. I asked him to leave. He claimed he had some important information about Alex. Can you believe it? Alex had been missing since yesterday, and he only told me this morning.” I was left speechless at this revelation. My brother had been missing for twenty-four hours, and Ethan had kept it from me. I couldn’t help but raise my voice, “He’s been missing for a whole day, and you didn’t tell me?” Ethan glared at me and retorted, “And what would you have done if I did tell you?” I responded, “I would have tried to find him, of course.” Ethan chuckled and said, “Well, you can try now.”

In a heated moment, I raised my voice and exclaimed, “You all don’t know my brother better than me. I had his personal number, which only family members possess. If you had informed me earlier, we could have tracked him through that phone number.” Ethan calmly responded, “We tried to trace all his phone numbers, but they are all switched off.” Jim interjected, “We did manage to find some clues about his last location, but it only leads us to his residence.”

My heart sank at the thought of my beloved brother being missing, and I said, “Alex would never switch off that number; I hope it is still active.” Ethan replied, “We are almost at our destination, and we will try to locate that number as soon as we get there. By the way, you only found out about Alex’s disappearance two hours ago, and you remembered about his number just now?” Jim smirked, and I felt a surge of anger inside me. I explained, “At first, I thought we might be able to get some information about my brother from the girl.” Ethan turned to look at her and said to Jim, “She is still unconscious. Your injection was effective.” Jim chuckled, but suddenly, the girl began to regain consciousness.



Upon arriving at our destination,Jim hurriedly brought the girl to a room and tried to contact his team members at the previous location. We were all anxious to know what had happened after we left. This building, like the previous one, was another residence of Jim’s team. Mia was already in the room, eagerly waiting to trace the location of her brother.

But as we gathered there, another suspicion suddenly crossed my mind. I approached Mia, who was weeping, her face streaked with tears. I gently held her shoulders and said, “Calm down, Mia. We’re doing everything we can to find Alex. We’ll find him soon.” As she leaned against me, seeking solace in my embrace, she rested her head against my chest and said, “Ethan, I love my brother.”

I smiled and asked playfully, “And what about me?” Her face reddened as she blushed, and we shared a deep, passionate kiss.

Our intimate moment was cut short by Jim’s voice, “Boss!” Startled, I immediately let go of Mia and moved away from her. As I turned, I saw that Jim had just entered the room. I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that he had not caught us in a compromising position. Mia and I exchanged a knowing look.

Jim’s voice broke the silence as he updated me on his attempts to contact the team members who were left behind. “Boss, I have tried to contact them but there has been no response so far. I used our special device of communication, not a mobile phone.” I nodded thoughtfully, contemplating the possible reasons behind their unresponsiveness.

“Send someone else to the location to gather information about what had happened there. ” I instructed Jim before turning to address Mia. “Mia, there is another matter that we need to address. I believe that the girl may have any other transmitting device hidden inside her body. Can you check her for us? We need to take immediate precautionary measures before it’s too late.”

Both Jim and Mia looked concerned at this revelation. Mia gave a determined nod in response to my request. “Okay, I will check her,” she replied, before leaving the room to attend to the task at hand. Jim followed closely behind her.

As I walked towards the array of devices in the room, my eyes were fixed on the screens, monitoring the activity around the building. To my relief, there was no suspicious movement in the vicinity. After a while, Mia returned and said, “I checked her thoroughly. There is no other device.” I nodded my head in acknowledgment and gestured for Mia to take a seat beside me. As she settled in the chair, I requested her to give me the number of Alex. She pulled out her phone and displayed the number on the mobile phone screen. I turned on the laptop and began the process of locating the location of that phone number.

I listened intently as Mia informed me, “I attempted to reach out to this number previously, but there was no answer. However, the phone is still active.” I acknowledged her statement by nodding my head and remarked, “Since the phone is still on, we might be able to determine Alex’s whereabouts.”

After a few moments, I was able to trace the location of the phone, which was in a nearby state. Mia was overjoyed upon learning her brother’s possible location, and she couldn’t contain her excitement. She hugged me tightly and planted a kiss on my cheek, which caught me off guard. Nevertheless, I was pleased with her happiness. Suddenly, we heard footsteps approaching the room, and Mia quickly pulled away from me.

As Jim walked into the room, he announced, “Boss, I successfully contacted our team members who were left behind. Some individuals who are part of Oliver’s team came there, but to their surprise, when they arrived, the police were already there.” Jim’s voice was filled with excitement.

Mia looked at him with surprise and inquired, “What were the police doing there?” I smiled and responded, “It was part of the plan. We all knew that someone would also come tracing the necklace there. Therefore, our team members contacted the police.”
