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As we continued our passionate exploration of one another’s mouths, Ethan began to tease and tantalize me by gently caressing my chest. I playfully retaliated by tracing my fingers along his own chest, and we both burst into laughter. As we were caught in the moment, I could feel myself slowly losing control. I touched his hard member outside his pants accidentally, and he couldn’t resist any longer. He quickly took control and started responding to my touch with a hunger that was insatiable. Our sexual chemistry grew more explosive with each passing second, and we began exploring each other’s bodies more deeply, touching and caressing each other with a sensuality that left us both gasping with pleasure. Our bodies moved together with an insatiable desire as we locked eyes, becoming more and more entangled with one another. We lost ourselves in the moment, giving in to our strongest desires. But just as things were heating up, we heard footsteps outside the door. My heart raced with panic as I realized that we were almost caught by other employees. We hadn’t realized how late it had become, or who might be coming our way.



As soon aswe heard the doorknob turn, I quickly pulled Mia away from our intimate moment. It was a struggle to regain our composure and control our emotions, having been interrupted so abruptly. Mia took a seat on the couch and hastily grabbed a glass of water to calm down. I, too, tried to recover by taking a seat and focusing my attention on the file that I had been reviewing prior to Mia’s arrival. As Jim entered the room, relief flooded over us, grateful that we weren’t caught in the midst of our intense moment. However, my anger began to grow rapidly as I furiously questioned Jim, “What are you doing here?” His expression was one of confusion and surprise, but I soon realized my anger was misplaced and I needed to compose myself. I took a deep breath and spoke more softly, “As I had previously instructed, it was imperative that you stay put, especially as Abigail was also present. We cannot afford to take any unnecessary risks.”

Jim let out a sigh of relief at my calm demeanor, visibly confused by my earlier behavior. He responded, “Yes, boss, I have to discuss the girl with you.” At that moment, I was almost about to ask him why he didn’t phone me instead of coming to my office, but I quickly composed myself, remembering my professional ethics. Upon Jim’s report, my heart sank at the news of the girl’s drug addiction. I could feel the gravity of the situation intensifying as he spoke. “Boss, the girl seemed to be addicted to heroin,” Jim reported,“and after you left, she continuously demanded for drugs. I didn’t pay attention at first, but now she’s not feeling well. Her situation is getting worse.”

Mia and I were both shocked by Jim’s revelation. We knew that we needed the girl to trap Oliver, but we couldn’t risk her life or harm anyone without just cause. “We need to have our regular doctor check on her immediately,” I instructed. “Although the girl is a criminal, we need to take care of her and ensure that she receives proper medical attention.”

Our plan relied heavily on the information we could gather from Alex, but we couldn’t ignore the girl’s well-being. I gestured for Jim to come closer and handed him a file that I had been holding. “This file contains crucial information about a new case that we’ll be starting soon,” I said, my voice steady and confident. “We’re almost at the end of solving Mr. Joe’s business and Alex’s issue. After that, we’ll be fully focused on this new case. It’s an intriguing one, to say the least. David, a small business owner, was deceived by someone he had never met in person. They only knew each other online, and after gaining David’s trust, this individual cheated him.”

As I spoke, Jim nodded along, his eyes scanning the pages of the file in his hand. Mia’s expression was one of rapt attention, and she leaned in to listen more closely. “Make sure to keep this file, Jim. It contains all the essential details we’ll need to start working on this case as soon as possible,” I continued, my tone firm and authoritative. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this, just like we have with our previous cases.” In a sudden burst, the door flung open, startling me. I was filled with anger at the audacity of whoever had barged into my office without warning. However, my irritation quickly turned into relief when I recognized the person standing in the doorway – it was my dear friend, Henry. I stood up from my seat and exclaimed, “Oh, Henry! What are you doing here?” We both laughed and hugged each other warmly. After realizing that the meeting had come to an end, Mia and Jim excused themselves and left the room.

As Mia was about to leave the room, Henry’s gaze lingered on the girl, and he couldn’t help but whisper under his breath, “Girl is hot.” I shot him a stern look and reprimanded him, “Henry, please refrain from making inappropriate comments.” He chuckled mischievously and prodded, “Come on, tell me, is she your girl? When did you find her? I’m seeing her in your office for the first time.”

“She’s actually Alex’s sister.” Henry’s expression softened, as he, too knew Alex well. “Oh, I was just kidding,” he said, trying to cover up his slip-up. I chuckled at his attempt to brush it off and he continued, “But seriously, you seemed pretty concerned about her. Do you have any personal connection with her?”

“Maybe a stronger connection,” I said, trying to keep things light. Henry started clapping and said, “Oh boy, if Alex finds out, he will kill you.” I chuckled and replied, “Well, he almost did, but he’s warming up to it now.” .” Henry’s eyes widened in surprise and he exclaimed, “Oh my goodness! You have to explain everything. How did it happen? When did it happen? I can’t wait to hear the whole story.” I laughed at his enthusiastic response, enjoying the moment.

I heard the ringing of my mobile, I quickly glanced at the screen to see that it was Jack calling. I answered the call with urgency, “Hello, Jack! What’s up?” On the other end, Jack’s voice sounded anxious as he replied, “Yes, boss. We will be arriving in the city tomorrow morning, but we suspect that someone is following us. We need high-alert backup security.” I furrowed my brows, concerned about the risky situation. “Is Alex with you?” I asked. A smile could be heard in Jack’s voice as he responded, “Yes, boss, he is.” I instructed Jack, “Try your best to ensure his safety. I’ll inform Jim, and he will provide you with backup security from his team. Please send me your current location, and if any of our team members are present there, they will soon approach you.”

After a moment of hesitation, Jack said, “Boss, we also need a doctor immediately. We can’t risk going to the hospital right now. If you have any doctors here, please send them to our location.” With a sense of urgency in my voice, I responded, “Yes, Jack, I understand. I have an expert doctor located in the city. I’ll contact him immediately and he will reach your location as soon as possible. However, may I know the reason for requiring a doctor? Your tone is alarming me." Jack's voice sounded grim as he responded, “Boss, I’ll explain everything when we return.” My mind raced with concern as I asked, “What happened? Is Alex alright? Are you both okay?” Jack hesitated for a moment before replying, “Yes, boss. Everything is okay for now. I’ll explain the situation in detail when we arrive.” With a sense of unease, I ended the call, my thoughts consumed with worry and concern for their safety.

Henry approached me with a look of concern etched on his face, “What happened? You seem worried.” I proceeded to explain the dire situation to him, knowing he, too, shared a special bond with Alex. Despite his best efforts to comfort me, my sadness remained palpable. “Don’t worry, I hope everything will be okay,” he reassured me. Nodding my head, I took a deep breath to steady myself. In the interest of their safety, I promptly contacted Jim and our team members to provide backup security and ensure their safe arrival. Additionally, I reached out to one of our trusted medical professionals, who happened to be located near Jack’s current location, and instructed him to head to Jack’s location immediately.

Henry’s phone rang, interrupting our conversation. He apologized for the abrupt departure, and I could see the concern etched on his face regarding Alex’s situation. Although he wasn’t particularly fond of my profession as a private investigator and advised me to focus on enjoying my wealth, he was also a close friend of Alex’s and worried about his safety. He requested me to keep him updated as soon as I have any news. As Henry departed from my office, I slumped into my chair, deep in concern for my dear friend Alex. Memories of our cherished moments together flooded my mind. Suddenly, I was informed of Mr. Joe’s arrival. Though I had requested his presence, I couldn’t help but feel irritated by his untimely interruption. Nevertheless, I knew I had to remain composed and professional. As Mr. Joe walked in, he said, “You asked me to come, but I would prefer to meet somewhere outside of your office to avoid any suspicion of corporate espionage regarding my case.” I maintained my composure and replied with a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry, Mr. Joe. I have almost caught the thief who stole from you.” At that moment, Mr. Joe’s eyes widened.

He immediately asked with a sense of urgency, “Did you retrieve all the data?” Maintaining my composure, I calmly responded, “Not yet, but I assure you it will be done soon.” Mr. Joe then shared with me his concern, “Ethan, it is necessary to retrieve all the data quickly, as I have been receiving threats for the past few days. They suspect that I know their true identity and that I am working against them. We need to act fast.” The gravity of the situation was palpable in his voice.

I placed picture of Abigail which was shared by Jim in front of Mr. Joe and calmly asked, “Do you know her?” Mr. Joe appeared visibly shaken and blurted out, “Did you catch her?” I clarified, “I asked if you knew her.” Mr. Joe hesitated for a moment before finally responding, “Yes, I know her. Her name is Charlotte.”



I couldn’t resista small smile as I corrected him, “No, her real name is Abigail. She met you using a false name. Charlotte is not her real name. ” As I presented the photo of Abigail, captured in her natural beauty, Mr. Joe’s expression turned to one of surprise. It was revealed that she had met with him without any makeup, exposing her true identity. Wanting to investigate further, I asked Jim to share the photo with me and proceeded to show it to Mr. Joe. Inquisitive, Mr. Joe inquired, “How did you come to know this girl?” I responded with a firm tone, “Before I explain, I need to know how you know her.”

After a brief pause, Mr. Joe opened up to me and shared his unfortunate encounter with the girl in the picture. He recounted that his entire life was thrown into chaos after he met her at a nightclub. Despite their age difference, she expressed her desire to be with him, and he was drawn to her stunning beauty. As their relationship progressed, the girl mentioned that she was going to visit her mother in North California and would be back soon. However, she never returned, and all of Mr. Joe’s crucial documents, which formed the foundation of his businesses, were stolen at the same time. He strongly suspected her involvement in the theft, as she never disclosed her whereabouts, and they always met outside.” I tried to contact her through her phone number, but it was switched off,” Mr. Joe shared with a heavy heart, revealing his immense disappointment at the betrayal.

I glared at Mr. Joe with intense fury and asked, “Why didn’t you inform me earlier? When you came to me for help and informed me about the stolen data related to your business, it was your duty to disclose any possible suspects.” Mr. Joe looked embarrassed and replied, “I was ashamed of my relationship with the girl, given the age difference between us.” I shot a disapproving look at him and retorted, “You have wasted valuable time and resources due to your lack of transparency. If you had provided us with all the information from the beginning, we could have made significant progress in the case. Instead, you not only squandered our time but also jeopardized your own business. Now, all you can do is pray that we recover your documents.”

Upon hearing my response, Mr. Joe’s face was filled with astonishment and he uttered, “But I paid you a hefty fee for your services.” I maintained my composure and replied in a calm yet assertive tone, “Yes, you did compensate us for our services, but that does not mean you can withhold vital information from us.” Mr. Joe looked visibly confused and responded with a stutter, “No, I didn’t mean it that way.”

I took a deep breath and continued, “Regardless of your intentions, your lack of transparency has hindered our investigation. However, our team is working tirelessly to retrieve all your stolen data ” As I spoke, a sense of fury and frustration began to creep into my voice, and Mr. Joe seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. Without another word, he stood up and left my office. As Mr. Joe’s departure left my thoughts clouded with concern, my attention shifted towards Alex. In that moment, a new fear crept into my mind that perhaps the perpetrators of this crime had discovered Mia’s connection to Alex, and were now threatening her safety. Without hesitation, I urgently summoned Mia to my office, but was informed that she had already left for the day. Gazing out of the window, I observed that the evening was fast approaching, and with darkness looming, I knew that swift action was necessary. With great concern, I contacted several members of my team and directed them to Mia’s apartment to ensure her safety. Without wasting a moment, I quickly made my way to my vehicle and raced towards Mia’s residence. As I attempted to contact Mia, my mind raced with the possibility of a new threat. When Mia finally answered the phone, I urgently asked, “Mia, where are you?” She replied, “I’m in my flat. I came back earlier as you were busy in meetings, and I had an important task at home. But I’m still concerned about Alex and waiting for him.”

I took a deep breath and replied, “Don’t worry, Alex is safe. Jack will bring him tomorrow. In the meantime, you need to stay inside your flat, close all doors and windows, and don’t respond if anyone rings your doorbell or knocks on your door.” Mia sounded stunned and asked, “What happened? Is everything alright?”

I reassured Mia and quickly ended the call, then made my way towards her flat. As I drove, my thoughts raced with concern for Mr. Joe’s safety. The situation was becoming increasingly complex and disturbing. Oliver’s actions were unpredictable and their motives unclear. First, they stole important business data from Mr. Joe, then blackmailed Alex to work for them. Now, with Alex missing and Mr. Joe receiving threats, I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. What was Oliver’s endgame? As I approached Mia’s flat, my phone rang. It was one of my team members whom I had sent to keep a watch on Mia’s flat. He informed me that he had spotted someone else surveilling Mia’s residence. I immediately instructed him to shift his focus and to inform me of any further developments. This new revelation left me deeply concerned, as we had just managed to secure Alex’s safety, and now, we couldn’t afford to let Mia fall into the wrong hands. My mind raced with all kinds of possibilities. I knew I had to act fast. I stepped on the accelerator, determined to reach Mia’s flat as quickly as possible. Time was of the essence.

I reached out to Mia and instructed her to stay in touch with me until I arrived at her flat. Although hesitant, I reassured her that everything was under control. Soon, a message from my team member confirmed that the area around her flat was now clear. They had successfully sent the other surveillance personnel away. Upon reaching the building, I advised Mia to be ready and to use the stairs to exit the building. We remained in constant communication throughout this process, with my other team members keeping a watchful eye on her from a distance. Finally, Mia made it down and I quickly opened the door for her. She appeared visibly shaken and confused by the situation.

As I drove towards Jim’s location, I could sense Mia’s apprehension growing. “Where are we going?” she asked, her voice laced with concern. “We’re headed to Jim’s place,” I replied, my tone firm yet reassuring. “It’s the safest place for you right now. I’ll be staying there tonight and Jack will bring Alex in the morning. We’ll ensure everything goes smoothly.” Mia nodded silently, her worried expression not easing up. I could tell that the rapidly changing circumstances had taken a toll on her. As we drove, my team members kept a close eye on our surroundings, ever vigilant for any signs of trouble.

Upon our arrival at Jim’s place, we were greeted by his assistant who informed us that Jim was currently providing backup security for Jack. I recalled Jim mentioning Abigail’s condition earlier, prompting me to inquire about her. Jim’s assistant informed me that the girl had been moved to a more comfortable room as per the doctor’s orders and was receiving regular check-ups. I decided to pay her a visit, and upon entering the room, I saw her lying on the bed, looking weaker than she had in the past few days. As Mia and I approached her, a small smile appeared on her face, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes.

She made an unexpected comment about Mia and me, saying, “You both look beautiful together, I wish your fake engagement could turn real.” We both felt puzzled by her remark and didn’t know how to respond. I quickly changed the subject by asking about her condition, and she replied with a sense of remorse, “I’m feeling better physically, but my heart is burning with regret. I wish I hadn’t started my life as an escort. It all started when my fiancé left me, and I had no other choice as we were in a long-term relationship, and he was my sole financial support.”
