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“I’mon my way to pick you up for lunch,” I informed Mia. She hesitated, saying, “But what if someone sees us together and starts a scandal? Imagine the headlines: ‘Billionaire CEO caught in a romance with his former employee.’” Her words stung, and I replied firmly, “I’m not worried about what people think anymore. And you’re not just my employee anymore. Our fake engagement has become real, and everyone in my circle knows the truth, that you’re not just my fiancée but also Alex’s sister.” Mia laughed and replied, “ Okay, I’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

With a sense of relief, I ended the call with Mia and made my way to Alex’s house. I knew that I couldn’t afford any scandal with her, but I didn’t care about people’s opinions anymore. Mia taunted me about our fake engagement, but the truth was that it had turned into a real one. After rescuing Mia, we took her with us, and Alex insisted that she stay with him. I came to the realization that I needed to make my relationship official in order to avoid any scandals. I came to the realization that I loved her and didn’t care about my image. In a short engagement party at Alex’s house, our engagement was held. The guest list was limited to close friends and family members, including Jim, Jack, Emily, Abigail, and some of Alex’s and my friends. I had also invited my only sister, who was happy to see me start a new life. The event was intimate and joyous, marking the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.

Persuading Mia to pursue our relationship was no easy feat, but with the unwavering support of Alex, I was able to convince her. Mia’s reluctance was understandable, as she feared that I might not want our baby and that I could end our relationship at any moment, leaving her devastated. However, I reassured her of my undying love and commitment to both her and our child.

I empathize with the pain that my suggestion of ending our relationship caused Mia. In fact, she even resigned from her job on the same day before leaving the office. On the same day that Mia resigned from her job, I retrieved the picture of our fake engagement from Rebecca. She admitted to getting it from the Ojai hotel where she stayed for a business trip. Rebecca was curious about why I was there with Mia and when she saw me leaving the hotel in a hurry, she managed to sneak into our room where she found the picture lying under the couch. However, she assured me that she had no copies of it. Rebecca claimed that she was just curious and had entered our room by chance, but I couldn’t help but feel violated and angry at her invasion of our privacy. Unfortunately, Mia felt utterly heartbroken and decided to leave the city without informing me or anyone else. However, as time passed, I felt remorse for my actions. It became apparent to me that after spending so much time with her, my feelings for her had become sincere, and I truly loved her. As I perused my mobile device, after a considerable amount of time, I stumbled upon a message on my secondary number – a line of communication I don’t usually resort to. Although Mia possesses knowledge of this number, our conversations typically transpire through my other line. Nonetheless, her message caught my attention. My heart sank as I read the words, informing me of her pregnancy. I was filled with a sense of remorse for what I had done. Doubts began to creep into my mind, wondering if I was ready to take on the responsibility of being a father. However, a sense of excitement also stirred within me at the thought of starting a family with Mia. I went to her home, but it was locked. I also tried to call her, but her phone was powered off, which only intensified my worry.

With growing worry gnawing at my heart, I tried to push away my worst fears, hoping that perhaps Mia was just staying with a friend or with Alex. However, as time passed, and with no word from her, my concern only mounted. Despite the late hour, I contacted Jim to ask if he had any information on Mia’s whereabouts. To my relief, he told me that he had seen her earlier in the day at the mall, but to my dismay, he also informed me that she had said she was leaving the city.

My heart sank at the thought of losing Mia, and with a heavy heart, I made my way to Alex’s house the next morning, hoping to find some clue to her whereabouts. In a dignified and respectful manner, I explained my relationship with Mia to Alex and shared my feelings of love for her, hoping that he could provide me with some information on her current location. However, to my surprise, even Alex was equally unaware of her whereabouts, and he, too shared my concerns for her safety and well-being.

As Alex was receiving a call from Sarah, who conveyed the perilous situation Mia was in, my heart began to sink. I immediately contacted Jim and implored him to gather information on David. After a brief investigation, Jim informed me that David was a notorious murderer who had taken the lives of many innocent girls, which made the situation even more dire. We were all on edge, and our concern for Mia’s safety only intensified until we finally arrived at her location and secured her well-being. Fast-forward seven months, and Alex and Emily had tied the knot. Jim, too, had found love with Abigail, and they were all diligently preparing for my wedding.

As I laid eyes on Mia, my heart swelled with love and admiration. She looked radiant, her face aglow with happiness. We decided to go for lunch, and as we sat down to eat, Mia brought up the topic of wedding shopping. “We should go shopping for bridal dresses,” she suggested. At first, I hesitated, thinking that I wasn’t much of a shopper. But then Mia shot me a look of annoyance, and I quickly corrected myself. “Of course, my dear,” I said, “I’ll gladly accompany you to the mall. You’re not like other girls, after all. You’re my fiancée, and I’ll do anything to make you happy.” Mia smiled, and we both chuckled at my little faux pas. “Looks like you’re already trained for married life,” she quipped, and we both shared a moment of laughter.

The day had finally arrived, the day that I would marry the love of my life, Mia. It was a beautiful day, the sun shining bright, the sky was a clear blue, and the birds were chirping happily. I woke up early that morning feeling both excited and nervous, my mind racing with anticipation of the events that were about to unfold. As I got ready, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for everything that had led up to this moment. Mia and I had been through so much together, the ups and downs, the twists and turns, but we had always found our way back to each other. And now, as I stood there in my suit, looking at myself in the mirror, I knew that nothing could ever break the bond we shared. I made my way to the venue, a beautiful garden with a stunning view of the ocean. Everything was perfect, the flowers, the decorations, the music, and most importantly, my bride. Mia was breathtaking, her hair cascading down her back in soft waves. Her dress was a masterpiece, hugging her curves in all the right places. She looked like a goddess, and my heart swelled with pride and love.

As the ceremony began, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of emotions. The moment I saw Mia walking down the aisle, my breath caught in my throat, and I felt a lump form in my throat. The way she looked at me, her eyes shining with love and adoration, made my heart feel like it was going to burst. I knew that this was the moment that I had been waiting for, the moment when I would finally make Mia my wife. The ceremony was beautiful, and as we exchanged our vows, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. I promised to love her, to cherish her, to protect her, and to be her partner through thick and thin. When we finally kissed, I felt like I was on top of the world, and the cheers from our friends and family only added to the joy I felt.

After the ceremony, we had a reception filled with dancing, laughter, and love. Our friends and family had come from far and wide to celebrate with us, and we were grateful for each and every one of them. Mia and I danced the night away, lost in each other’s eyes, and I knew that this was only the beginning of our journey together. As the night drew to a close, and we said goodbye to our guests, Mia and I were alone for the first time as husband and wife. We sat down together and talked about our future, our hopes, and our dreams. We talked about the challenges we would face and the adventures that awaited us. And as we held hands, I knew that I had found my forever partner, my soulmate, and the love of my life.

After some days, as Mia went into labor, I felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I knew that this moment would be life-changing for both of us. After what seemed like an eternity, the nurse emerged with our precious bundle of joy in her arms. As soon as I laid eyes on our beautiful baby boy, my heart swelled with joy and pride. I was in awe of this tiny, fragile creature that we had created together. Holding him in my arms, I felt a deep sense of responsibility and love for both Mia and our new addition. As I gazed at his perfect features, I knew that our lives would never be the same, and I was filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe. Mia’s art had captured the world’s attention, and her recent success in an international art competition had brought her well-deserved recognition. Her exceptional artwork was declared the winner, and it became the talk of the town. As the news spread, Mia began to receive numerous orders for her work, and she eagerly looked forward to fulfilling each one of them. Mia was determined to take her passion to the next level, and she had been dreaming of opening her own studio for a long time. Sensing her desire, I had already started working on this surprise for her, hoping to give her the perfect gift that would allow her to chase her dreams.

I entered the art studio that Ethan had gifted me. I looked around and smiled. It had everything I needed: a large worktable, a variety of paints and brushes, and plenty of storage space for my supplies. There were also several appreciation letters from my clients lying on the table, and some of my paintings were hanging on the walls. Everything was so beautiful, but the most beautiful thing of all was the love of Ethan.

Suddenly, I felt someone’s arms around my neck. “So, you’re happy?” Ethan whispered in my ear. I turned to him and smiled. “I’m happy forever, Ethan,” I said. He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. The kiss deepened, and we soon found ourselves lost in each other’s embrace.
