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A moment later, his hands rose to pat my back. Not what I wanted, but his touch still felt so good and right. Then he flattened his palms against my bare skin and slid them lower, pausing as they reached the point where the thin fabric covered my behind. I took a deep breath, letting my breasts rub sinuously against his chest, and sighed as I clung to him. His fingers began to curl around my ass, and I felt the first stirrings of steel against my stomach, awakening a hot pooling of lust in my core.

I turned to run my lips across his neck, but he firmly gripped my sides and took a step back. He kept his hands on my waist for a second, maybe to steady himself or both of us. My knees were certainly weak from being enclosed in his arms like that.

He pointed to the boxes, scraping his fingers through his wavy hair until it was adorably rumpled. “I hope you don’t make me regret this.”

He meant the computer. Right. I was already full of regret, but the sight of my beloved gear got my blood pumping in a different but still satisfying way. If I couldn’t have Mikhail, at least I could salvage my project.

“Oh, you won’t regret it,” I said, happily pulling out cords and draping them over my shoulder. I was ready to set up right there in the entry hall.

“Hold up,” he said. “I’ve got a room cleared for you. Let’s get everything in there before you start unpacking.”

Was he going to help me? Actually, spend time with me? “Just wait until you see what I’ve already got,” I told him.

He looked at me for a long time in silence. Finally, a soft smile curled his lips. “Let’s get started, then.”

He picked up one of the heavy boxes, and I followed him with an armload of whatever I could grab. My heart no longer had the band around it. It felt like it was soaring, and not just because I had all my equipment back.

Chapter 12 - Mikhail

Seeing the overjoyed look on Evelina’s face was the most satisfying thing I’d seen in a long while, and that should have already unsettled me. I’d sent for her computer, thinking this would just keep her out of trouble and out of my sight and mind.

Watching her tear through the packaging like it was Christmas morning gave me a deep feeling of contentment. It was so easy to make her happy; I was already devising more ways to hear that coo of excitement and put that light in her eyes. When she threw herself into my arms, I couldn’t resist holding onto her for just a second.

Her sweet, soft body just seemed to fit perfectly with mine, and she smelled like the expensive shampoo and lotions I’d had her room stocked with. Oh, she was tempting, and my hands acted without permission from my brain. That organ checked out the second she breathed her thanks into my neck. Her warm breath tickled my earlobe and had my heart kicking up a notch.

Finding satisfaction in her smiles was one thing, but this was taking it a bit too far. My body began to respond to her, my fingers curling into the plush mounds of her ass cheeks, barely covered by one of the most outrageous dresses yet. My cock was waking up, and my control was slipping again. Hadn’t the less tempting clothes I ordered arrived yet? Or was she still trying to seduce me?

Trying and succeeding.

I pushed away. The lack of her heat against me shook me, and I had to steady myself. Good thing she now had something to keep her busy. Setting up that jumble of electronics would take her a good few days, and I’d be able to stop hiding out in my suite.

Yes, she could do her own thing and give up her little game of making my life a living hell with her gorgeous curves on full display. Now was the time I should have left her to it, maybe called one of the guards to help her carry everything to her new office, but my feet wouldn’t move from their spot in the hall. My eyes wouldn’t move from her big, joyous smile.

“Just wait until you see what I’ve already got,” she bragged, wrapping herself in cords and trying to carry far too much at once.

She was not just irresistible because of her nearly sheer dress. Her restless yearning to succeed was infectious, and suddenly taking down the Novikoffs was the only thing I wanted, too. Or at least humoring her. Of course, she couldn’t do anything new, but hopefully, combing through the data she had already gathered would be enough for now.

Before I knew it, I was offering to help, one of the big boxes already hoisted in my arms. With a squeal of delight that threatened to wake my cock up again, I moved faster, meaning to get the boxes in and get out.

Until she kicked off her high heels and started unpacking, handing me things, and giving orders like the world’s sexiest drill sergeant. I couldn’t have left that room if a gun was to my head, but I tried to tell myself she needed help. She might get hurt. Anything but the truth, which was that I wanted to spend time with her.

I was mostly relegated to holding cords and lifting the heavier monitors. And watching her flit around from piece to piece, leaning over to attach cords, fiddling with where everything went. She chattered away about what each thing was, but I could barely understand why I was so enamored by her. When was the last time I was so focused and passionate about something in the way Evelina was about her work?

If ever, it had been a long time. The years of being a killing machine, always seeking and gaining power, then brawling like a frenzied shark to keep it, had made me a bit jaded. A bit hardened. Evelina’s softness, mixed with her eager ambition, was like a balm to a wound I didn’t realize I had.

And dear God, was she sexy in that dress, though she acted like she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, completely oblivious to her effect on me. I needed to stop staring at her, or she might notice and get the wrong idea. Or the right idea.

To get past my confusion, I grabbed the cords she needed to be plugged in and crawled under the desk. I needed a break to calm myself down and to keep her from bending over and waving her pert ass in the air like a flag she wanted me to capture.

She handed me a tangled handful of wires and started reeling off instructions. Looking at the wires and cords and then the back of the tower computer, I knew I was in over my head.

“So, will something explode if I do it wrong?”

“You can’t do it wrong,” she laughed, leaning down to peer at me with a teasing smile. I blinked in wonder at her breasts about to spill out of her dress and hurriedly turned my attention back to the cords. “They’ll only fit where they’re supposed to fit.”

I poked the ends of the computer. “No, this one has three choices. And this one won’t fit anywhere on here.”

She sighed. “That one goes in the power strip, Grandpa. Haven’t you ever set up a computer before?”
