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That was where the trouble lay. I didn’t just meet her; I’d known her since she was ten. Because she was my daughter’s best friend. And the killing blow I needed to lay to rest my wayward lust—she was my best friend's daughter. Not just any old pal but a powerful entity in his own right. If I so much as placed a finger on Evelina’s curvy ass, I'd be the one with a hit out on me.

So, yeah, I had to stop thinking about her ass. I was here to protect her, nothing more.

That didn’t mean either of us had to be completely miserable, so I kept things light, having her fill me in on her successful business back in Moscow. It seemed like she had come around until the plane started its final descent, then she became sullen and stubborn again. Well, it was a peaceful few hours, anyway.

My driver was waiting for me on the tarmac of the private airfield, along with another bodyguard who’d be following us in a separate car. So far, I was sure no one other than Oleg knew I was involved, but it was always better to err on the side of caution. I’d had my share of double crosses in the past and had learned the hard way.

Evelina was as docile as a lamb as we made our way down the steps and across the lot, not even nagging me about where we were going from here. I hoped her spirit wasn’t completely broken at the same time as I was glad I didn’t have to haul her over my shoulder and forcefully stuff her in the backseat.

I reached over to open the car door for her, and when I straightened up, she was running full out across the empty airfield toward the highway. Which was separated from the airport by a ten-foot-high fence topped with razor wire.

With a sigh, I waved away the bodyguard and took off after her. Where in blazes did she think she was going? If she somehow scaled the fence before I caught up with her, what would she do next? Hitch a ride somewhere? Call a cab? I had her phone and her wallet. She was as good as mine.

That thought hit me so hard that I nearly stopped running after her. No, she could never be mine. I put on a burst of speed to rid myself of any ideas of possessing Evelina, no matter how intriguing they were, and easily caught up to her.

Wrapping my hand around her upper arm, I dragged her back. She was too out of breath to do much until we were back at the car, but before I could cram her in and get the hell out of there, she promptly went off on me. Again.

She hit me twice in the shoulder in rapid succession, and I swore at the ruthless stab of pain that rocketed down my arm. I’d injured that shoulder long ago, and it still gave me trouble sometimes, and that little brat knew it. I really didn’t want to get rough with her, but she was out of control, aiming for my face with her fists now.

“I’m back in Miami now, so just let me go and butt out,” she shouted as she landed a solid blow on the side of my head. “I don’t need you, Mikhail!”

That hurt worse than the cracks to the shoulder. And it pissed me off enough to stop standing there like a heavy bag at the gym. I grabbed her flailing hands and held them behind her back. She seemed stunned that I immobilized her so quickly, forgetting how well I knew her fighting style.

“Don’t you understand they’ll expect you to go to one of your cousins’ houses?” I shouted right back at her. “They’ll be watching and waiting, and yes, the Morozovs have a lot of power, but the Novikoffs are pissed. And they don’t hold grudges, Evelina. Because once they set their sights on someone, that person doesn’t stay alive long enough to warrant one.”

“I can take care of myself,” she yelled, trying to jerk free.

Enough was enough. I slammed her against the side of the car, pinning her there with my body.

Bad idea. Every soft curve was molded to me, and every angry, gasping breath she took as she berated me made her breasts heave against my chest and made my cock go as stiff as an iron pole. She went still, and suddenly the way she looked at me wasn’t filled with the fury of a thousand suns. It was just as hot, though. Intent, like she wanted something from me. Something I’d love to give but couldn’t. I let go of her hands and tangled my fingers in her hair.

It was as soft and silky as I’d imagined since she was on my hotel room bed. Her eyes flared, and her chest rose, her nipples brushing against my chest and making me swell enough to almost lose control. Almost. I couldn’t have her looking at me like that, couldn’t let her part her lips and sigh as she leaned into me.

I had to wipe that glimmer of desire from her eyes before I gave her exactly what she seemed to want from me.

“God damn it, Evelina,” I hissed, gripping her hair tighter and forcing everything I was feeling to come out as anger.

This girl needed to be scared of me and quit fooling around.

Chapter 7 - Evelina

The anger blazing from his eyes, so dark now that they looked black, didn’t fool me one bit. Every inch of what he was really feeling was pressed against my belly, and I liked it. I knew I wasn’t misreading those strange looks he’d given me on the plane, and I felt vindicated. And, more importantly, emboldened.

This was my chance to make up for my disappointment, at least a little bit. Who was I fooling? A lot. Every thought in my mind was centered on his thick bulge pushed against me, his fingers tangled in my hair.

“God damn it, Evelina,” he growled, spitting mad at my last-ditch attempt at freedom.

In truth, I had no plan; just needed to give it my all, like I did with everything. Like I was about to do now. He thought I was going to cower at his tone, his fierce scowl? Oh, sure, he was brutal, but he must have forgotten how well I knew him. He would never, ever raise his hand to a woman.

And when his eyes dropped to my lips, I knew he wouldn’t turn me over to his bodyguard, either. I was all his, and the possibilities unleashed in my imagination made me go a little wild.

I forced my back away from the car, even though he had me firmly pinned with his big body and ground against the steel pressing against my core. He hissed out a swear word but ducked his head closer. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek, and my neck tingled where his hand lay. Even as he tightened his grip on my hair, shivers of desire coursed through me.

His free hand raised. Where would it land? On my cheek? My hip? God, my breast? I licked my lips, straining against him.

“What, Mikhail?” I asked. My voice came out low and harsh.

His driver and bodyguard were only a few yards away, but they might as well have been in another country for all I cared. Mikhail’s body was pressed against mine, his lips close enough to kiss me until I melted. I was already close to melting, my panties soaked from all the fantasies I’d ever had about him so close to coming true.
