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“They only like to bully when they know what they are saying has an effect on you. If that’s not what happens, they most often give up or move on to someone else who does react to what they say. And that can be your chance to tell them the same things I’m telling you, that you don’t have to worry about what they say or do, and they’re going to stop,” I said.

“I just wish I knew how to make myself feel better. I mean, I know nothing is going to be a straight fix, but still,” she said.

“Do you write?” I asked.

“Like Dad?”

“Sort of,” I said. “I’ve written in a diary since I was about your age, and it has always helped me work through some things. I write down everything.”

“Really?” she asked. “You don’t fill it up?”

“Oh, I do,” I said. “But then I just start another one.”

“I’ll think about it,” she said.

Holding out my hand, I gave a slight nod back toward home.

“Come on, we don’t have to hang out here to deal with it, do we? Let’s go get some ice cream before we head back home, and we can decide what you’re going to wear tomorrow.”

“I’m wearing my sleeves,” she said.

“If you want to,” I told her. “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I think you should wear what makes you happy.”

“I don’t know what makes me happy right now,” she said. “I don’t like being called names.”

“If they do it again, talk to your teacher,” I told her. “Or I can if you don’t want to. I’ll make sure they leave you alone. But I still don’t want you to let what they said get to you. You’re beautiful and strong, and you’re a survivor. You need to remember to tell yourself that every time someone tries to make you feel bad about yourself, okay?”

“I’ll try,” she said.


“I promise,” she sighed. “But it’s hard.”

“I know it is, but it’s going to be worth it. And remember you have your dad and me, too. No matter what, we’ve got your back, and we’re not going to stand for anyone mistreating you, okay?” I told her.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll think about it.”

“Good. But first, ice cream,” I told her.

Libby laughed. “Yes. First, we have to get some ice cream.”

She slid her hand into mine, and the two of us walked side by side as we headed toward the ice cream parlor. I could tell she was feeling better, and I hoped she would decide not to give in to what the bullies at school had said. I knew she was strong; I just wish she could see it in herself.

Now, I was glad I hadn’t said anything about Krissy coming just yet. I didn’t want her to feel like the visit would be ruined with what she was feeling right now, or to feel like she had to fake being happy for the sake of the visit, either.

I would find another time to let her know Krissy was coming, but I would wait until she was in a much better mood first.

Not to mention the fact I also had to talk to Neils about this. If we were going to go public with our relationship, now would be the time to discuss how we would be doing that – and when.

There was now an official deadline before we had Krissy here, and I wanted to know how we were going to handle us before she arrived. I knew Neils had it on his mind, too, but with her coming in a matter of days, I knew we had to actually have the discussion, even if it wasn’t easy. We didn’t have time anymore to just put a pin in the conversation and come back to it later. We were running out of laters to have.

I just hoped we’d be on the same page.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Erinlookedatherphone, then she glanced over at what I was doing on my computer. I knew it was getting close to the time when she would be leaving to pick up Libby, but for some reason, she seemed to be watching where I was with our workday.
