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“Rob!” I shouted again as I drew nearer. “I need to talk to you.”

“Do you have a fucking death wish?” Rob demanded. “Because at this point, I really don’t have any issues with ending you.”

“Would you shut the fuck up for a damn second?” I demanded. “I don’t care if you’re pissed off at me right now, or at Erin, or at both of us. Get over yourself and listen to me for a fucking second.”

His mouth fell open, and I got the impression he was about to swing at me. But I stopped him before I had to get physical back with him.

“There’s been an accident on the ferry, and they’re airlifting Erin to the hospital. I’m going there now, and if you can control yourself, I’ll let you come along with me. If you can’t, you’re welcome to do what you want with the information, but that is your daughter, and if there is anyone she needs right now, it’s you.”

“What the fuck happened?” he demanded.

“I can tell you on the way, but we’re leaving, now,” I said.

I turned and headed back in the direction from which I’d come, assuming if he wanted to join me, he would catch up. I wasn’t wrong, and by the time I was climbing into the Jeep, Rob was heading around the back of it to get in the passenger side. I wasted no time once he was inside with me, tearing out of my driveway and onto the street in an instant.

Neither of us spoke along the way. I didn’t have anything to say to Rob right now. I knew he could relate to me in a lot of ways, and that was one of the main reasons we were as close of friends as we were. But there were also things we didn’t agree on, and Erin just so happened to be one of those things. I would show him as much respect as I could moving forward with the relationship, but I had made my choice.

I wanted to be with Erin, and I wasn’t going to let anyone else make that decision for me. If Erin felt the same about me, then that was between her and I, no one else.

But, even with the silence being mutual, that didn’t change the fact it was also incredibly awkward. I wished I could tell Rob I understood where he was coming from when it came to his daughter, and how I knew he was only trying to protect her from getting hurt. But I also figured if I were to say that, it would come off as being condescending.

It felt like the best thing for me to do at this point was to let him digest the news, then come to his own conclusions of how he was going to deal with it. I couldn’t change his mind one way or the other. It really did come down to whether he would accept this relationship or not.

“If anything happens to my little girl, I swear to God I’m—” Rob muttered to himself in the passenger’s seat. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me, or to himself. He was staring straight ahead, but his eyes had a faraway look to them.

But I was thinking the same thing. Never had I ever felt this level of protectiveness toward anyone before except Libby, but Erin was different. I didn’t know how I would react if anything were to happen to her. I didn’t have anyone to blame, but I knew that wouldn’t stop me from lashing out at the world around me.

I pressed the speed limit not saying anything in reply. I didn’t have anything to say, really, I was tense enough without adding to the atmosphere between us.

Erin was the important thing here. The only thing that really mattered.

I had to remember that and not worry about the rest.

This was about Erin.

I had to talk to her. I had to see her as soon as possible. I had to tell her in person.

I loved her.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Iheardthebeepingof the machines around me before I opened my eyes. The last thing I remembered was the bright flash of the sun as I leapt forward, shoving Libby out of the way of that falling beam. I didn’t know why there was the sound of heart monitors around me if I was still on the boat.

But then, it struck me.

I must not be on the ferry anymore!

I tried to move, my mind panicking. Where was I? Why was I stuck? Did that mean I was paralyzed? Was I even alive anymore? What was this place? Where was I? The only thing that made any sense in my mind was that this had to be a dream, but my feelings were too real for that.

All these thoughts ran through my mind in a matter of seconds, and I struggled against the darkness that surrounded me. My eyes finally flew open, and I looked around in a panic, fighting the frenzy that was taking over my body.

It was then that a calming hand reached toward me and rested on my stomach. There was something so calm and steady about the grip of the hand that I could relax. I wasn’t sure exactly why the hand was so calming until I heard a voice I recognized immediately.

“Settle down; it’s okay. It’s okay, baby. You have been immobilized for transport to prevent the possibility of further injury. Just lie still. I know it’s not the most comfortable position to be in, but it’s for your own good. We’re heading to a bigger facility that’s going to help with some of the injuries you’ve sustained, but you have to stay still until we can have surgery done, okay?”

“What happened? Neils, where are we? What’s going on?” I asked. My mouth was dry, and I felt like I was trying to talk with a mouth full of cotton.

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