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‘Oh, not really. Just used to say hi now and again, sometimes we talked about the weather, the beach. She used to have a lot of hanging baskets and plants around the outside of the house.’ He pointed to a couple of large terracotta pots on the porch which held some withered stems and leaves. ‘Gave me cuttings a couple of times.’

‘Mum loved plants.’ Mara felt a lump in her throat and looked away, controlling herself.

‘I’m Brian, by the way. Brian Oakley. I teach surfing on this beach, so we’ll probably run into each other quite a lot.’ He held out his hand and she shook it; his skin was rough in places, but his touch was warm and reassuring.

‘Mara. But I’m selling up, so I doubt we’ll see much of you.’

‘We?’ Brian’s eyes flickered to Mara’s left hand where she still wore her wedding ring; she hadn’t even thought of taking it off yet. She probably couldn’t, now, anyway; since having the kids her fingers were fatter than they had been when she and Gideon had got married. It had been at a registry office, she had worn a plain skirt and a nice white blouse, in the afternoon Gideon had had to go back to work. If she wanted the ring off, it would have to be cut off.

‘Me and the kids,’ she answered shortly.

‘Well, I’ll be sorry that the old place doesn’t get to stay in the family. Hope whoever buys it gives it some love.’ Brian rested his wide palm on the peeling paintwork of the doorframe, as if he was comforting the old timbers with his touch. ‘I’m a carpenter as well as a surf teacher; mind if next time I’m here I drop a business card through the door? For the next owner. They’ll be wanting to make some repairs.’

‘Sure. It needs a lot of TLC,’ she admitted.

He held her gaze for a moment; unexpectedly, she felt herself blush.Oh dear lord,she thought.Who is this guy?

‘It’s still beautiful, though,’ he replied seriously.

Mara looked down; she was still holding the letter, and she suddenly remembered that she had been waiting to read it.

‘Okay, well, nice to meet you.’ She looked up again, nodding politely. There was no point getting friendly with the locals. He turned to go.

‘The pleasure was all mine, Mara!’ he called out, giving her a friendly wave.

She closed the door, and realised she was smiling. She rolled her eyes.Don’t be such a sucker for a nice smile and some toned abs, Mara,she thought.That’s not who you are.

She reflected for a moment that maybe itcouldbe who she was, now that she was single, and would that be so bad? But she shook her head and walked back to the ratty sofa to read the letters instead. Abs could be on her agenda some other time in the distant future.

* * *
