Page 20 of Rayne

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But as Rayne leaned in and pressed his lips to Felix’s, all doubts and reasoning vanished from his mind. Felix forgot all about Eleazar and any potential consequences. The kiss was electric, sending shockwaves through Felix’s body as he wrapped his arms around Rayne and deepened the kiss.

They pulled away, breathless and panting. “I know this is dangerous,” Rayne breathed, his eyes locked on Felix’s. “But I can’t help the way I feel.”

“I feel the same way, Rayne,” he whispered. “But we can’t do this. We’re on opposite sides.”

Rayne’s expression darkened. “I’m not the monster vampires make me out to be,” he said, his voice low and husky. “I don’t hate vampires just because I’m a hunter. I hate the ones who hurt or kill innocent people.”

Felix searched Rayne’s eyes, trying to gauge his sincerity. “You mean that?”

Rayne nodded, his grip on Felix tightening. “I do.”

“I still think we need to slow down.” It was the last thing Felix wanted, but he had some serious thinking to do. He’d grown up in Eleazar’s home, and the guy truly was like a second father to him. They might butt heads, but Felix would never do anything to hurt the vampire.

And sleeping with the enemy would crush Eleazar.

Rayne’s expression softened as he caressed Felix’s cheek. “I understand. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company.”

Felix nodded, torn but unable to resist how he felt toward Rayne. They spent the next few hours talking and laughing, their attraction for each other simmering just below the surface. Felix couldn’t recall when he’d had a better time.

“I should let you rest.” Felix got up, but he didn’t want to leave. “You had a rough night last night.”

“I’ve had worse.” Rayne rubbed his chest where Felix had bandaged his wounds. “But I won’t keep you.”

Felix forced himself to walk out of Rayne’s bedroom and head to his own. He needed to call Eleazar, but he also needed to sort out his feelings for Rayne.

Chapter Six

“Are you being treated well?”

“Nobody’s shed all over me or given me fleas,” Felix joked. “It’s pretty interesting working with Rayne. He’s bold and confident, and loyal to his men.”

“Do I hear a hint of pride in your voice?” Eleazar snarled. “Don’t tell me you slept with that mutt.”

“No!” Felix felt his face catch fire. “Besides, who I sleep with is none of your business. I work for you, but that doesn’t mean you have a right to pry into my personal life.”

Felix knew that he was more than just an employee, that Eleazar was more like a father and that Eleazar constantly pried into his personal life, but he didn’t want the vampire to know he’d caught feelings for a hunter.

“I have every damn right,” Eleazar snapped. “My only concern right now is keeping you safe. I have no idea why you want to work with Rayne, let alone live under his roof, Felix. He’s a hunter. He kills my kind. Never forget that.”

“How could I?” Felix demanded. “That’s been drilled into me since I was old enough to understand what a hunter and vampire were.”

Even Felix’s dad, whom he cherished, had drilled that into Felix. Hunters weren’t to be trusted. They killed indiscriminately and couldn’t control their animal side. But Felix had learned differently while staying with Rayne and his pack. They were nice guys who only wanted to keep the city safe. They weren’t a pack of rabid dogs who needed to be put down, as Eleazar had said on more than one occasion.

“Then why are you risking your life, Felix?” Eleazar’s voice was softer now, almost pleading. Felix had never heard Eleazar talk to him like this. “You’re family to me. I don’t want to lose you.”

Felix felt a pang of guilt. He knew he was putting Eleazar in a difficult position, but he couldn’t help how he felt about Rayne. “I know you care about me, Eleazar. And I care about you too. But I need to figure out what I want.”

“And what do you want?” Eleazar asked, his voice heavy with emotion. This was new to Felix, and he was freaking out a little. Eleazar had never shown him a softer side, any kind of weakness.

“I don’t know.” It was the honest truth.

Eleazar sighed, his voice filled with resignation. “Fine, Felix. I can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. But just remember, the hunters are not our allies. They are not our friends. They are our enemies.”

Even so, he couldn’t deny the way Rayne made him feel. He had never felt such an intense connection with anyone before, and he didn’t want to let it go. “I’ll be careful, Eleazar,” he promised. “I won’t let my feelings get in the way of my safety.”

“Good,” Eleazar said, his tone firm. “And Felix, be careful around Rayne. He may seem trustworthy, but all hunters are skilled at deception. They are trained to get close to their targets and then strike when they least expect it.”

But Felix knew Rayne wasn’t like that. He had nothing to gain by deceiving Felix because Felix hadn’t known anything from the very beginning.
