Page 42 of Just Neighbors

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I run my hands through my hair. “Can’t you post the baby’s sex on Facebook like normal people do? Why are you throwing a big party?”

I’m curious as to whether I’m having a godson or goddaughter, but they want to find out the sex with balloons filled with confetti. Chloe wouldn’t be into this shit. I pause.

Why am I thinking about her and what she’d do if she were pregnant?

“Lauren wanted a party. We’re having a party, so shut your mouth, or you won’t be the godfather,” Gage replies.

Lauren glances at me from the passenger seat and scrunches her face up. “You wouldn’t be a third wheel if you found a girlfriend.”

“I told you to find me a girlfriend. Not my problem you failed.”

“Been there. Done that. Had to listen to too many women cry over the phone about you breaking their hearts. My job as your matchmaker is over. I’d love to say it’s been fun, but I’d be lying.” She studies me for a few moments. “Do you not want a relationship? Does commitment scare you?”

“It’s not at the top of my priority list,” I answer with no shame.

Commitment scares the shit out of me. I’ve never witnessed it firsthand. My mother turns a blind eye to my father’s affairs. Every Lane man has been an adulterer. The only man I’m close with who I’ve seen is capable of staying faithful is Gage.

I’m not against commitment. I’m afraid I’ll fail at it.

A hint of disappointment crosses her face before she sets her attention on Gage. “I told you he’d die old and alone.” She squeals. “I cannot wait to decorate my beachside villa in ten years.” She winks at me before whipping back around in her seat.

“What does my love life and a beachside villa have to do with shit?” I question with confusion.

Gage chuckles. “My girl over here made me bet that you wouldn’t have a serious relationship in the next ten years. If you don’t, I somehow owe her a beachside villa. Whatever the hell it is, it sounds expensive as fuck.”

“You two bet on my love life?” I ask before rubbing my chin. “Better yet, why are you creepstalkingabout my love life? Has your bedroom talk become that boring?”

“Far from it,” Gage answers. “Trust me; I couldn’t give two shits about who you’re banging or marrying, but she wouldn’t shut up about it. It’s easier to agree, so it’s what I did. If you ever do settle down, you’ll understand.”

Lauren pats his shoulder. “Good man.” Her attention bounces to me. “So, keep being a heartbreaking whore.”

“Oh, babe, say good-bye to your beachside shit. Kyle will be tied down before then,” Gage tells her.

“And how are you so certain?” she asks with a raised brow.

“He’s trying to get into his neighbor’s panties.”

“Neighbor?” Lauren asks. “I need a name.”

“Chloe Fieldgain,” Gage answers before I get the chance to tell him to keep out of my love life.

“Uh … doesn’t she hate your guts?” Lauren questions.

Lauren is unaware that Chloe was writing a story about her being assaulted by her old landlord. So far, with her family’s influence and our jobs, we’ve kept the details to a minimum. People know something happened, but unless Lauren opens up, they’ll never know everything.

I grin. “You hated me once, and here we are, headed to a whatever-you-called-it party.”

She narrows her eyes. “Agender revealparty.” She perks up in her seat. “Now, didn’t you and Chloe have a thing in high school that went south? Yes! I love me a good second-chance romance.” She kisses Gage’s shoulder. “Don’t I, babe?”

Gage brakes at a Stop sign and stares at her with affection. “I wouldn’t call it a thing.”

“Fuck off,” I hiss.

“People call her the ice queen,” Lauren comments. “Like, all she does is hide behind her books and the newspaper she works for.”

“I’m trying to break through the frost,” I explain.

“You should invite her on a double date.”

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