Page 55 of Just Neighbors

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He holds up the bag. “Lucky for you, I’m here to solve that problem.”

“Really?” A few tears fall down my cheek, and I blink them away, making certain this is real.

No one has ever done anything this kind for me.

He hands me the bag. “Go try it on to make sure it fits. Your sister wasn’t sure about your size.”

I grab the bag, race to my bedroom, and drag the dress from the bag. I run my hands over it and admire the sparkly pink fabric. It feels and looks expensive. I inspect the tag.Holy wow.It is expensive. I hold it against my chest and squeal in excitement. Also in the bag is a pair of silver flats decorated with pink stars and a heart necklace.

This will be the best night ever.

I put my dress on, tying it around my neck, and hurry into the living room. Claudia and Sam are waiting for me. She’s on the couch, and he’s standing in the corner, his hands in his black dress slacks. He never sits down, like he thinks we’re contaminated and he’ll catch something.

“I love it!” I say, rushing over to him.

He seems surprised when I wrap my arms around him but loosens up and hugs me back, patting my shoulder. “You’re welcome.”

“Cute. Not my style but whatever,” Claudia comments when I pull away.

“Shut the hell up, Claudia,” he snaps, taking me aback, and he straightens out his shirt.

Claudia slams her mouth shut and rolls her eyes.

“Thank you so much,” I tell him.

“You’re welcome.” He shoots Claudia a dirty look. “You look very pretty.” He points at me. “Remember, boys are bad.”

“I’m fifteen,” I answer. “I don’t need to worry about boys.”

Claudia glowers at Sam. “High school boys are never who you need to worry about.”

Sam ignores her comment, shoots me a smile, and then leaves.

I jump up and down and smile at Claudia. “Thank youso, so, somuch for asking him to buy me a dress.”

She smiles back. “It’s no problem. Don’t tell Mom, okay?”

“I won’t! Gosh, I wish I had a boyfriend like Sam. He’s so cool and nice.”

She frowns. “You need to be careful around him, Chloe.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sam isn’t as perfect as he leads on, okay? We only know him in this trailer. Otherwise, he doesn’t exist to us.”

I don’t ask her what she means. I don’t want the moment to be ruined.

* * *

Tonight has beennothing short of a fairy tale. I’ve pinched myself to confirm it’s not a dream.

I didn’t want Kyle to see where I lived, so I had him meet me at the school instead of picking me up. We went to dinner and then rode back to school in a limo—a freakingwhite limousine!I felt like a movie star.

Kyle introduced me to his friends. I’ve received a few dirty looks from cheerleaders, but it won’t kill my high of tonight. He askedmeto the dance, not them.

Kyle holds his hand out. “Take a walk with me.”

I nod and try to mask the excitement barreling through me.
