Page 136 of Just Friends

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“Hey! I’m not tired!” River shouts, running into the living room, clad in a Power Ranger costume.

River also inherited my thick, dark hair, but he got his height from Rex. Esme, on the other hand, is small like me.

“I wonder why you’re not tired,” Rex says, walking into the living room in gray sweats and a tee. “Is it because you snuck an extra slice of cake?”

“Maybe.” River grins before pushing the Power Ranger mask over his face.

“There is absolutely no doubt he’s your son.” I laugh, shaking my head.

Rex rushes over to River, playfully throwing him over his shoulder. “This Power Ranger needs his energy to fight crime tomorrow!”

River bursts out laughing as Rex carries him to his Power Ranger–themed bedroom.

“Your turn, sweetie,” I say, helping Esme to her feet.

We hold hands while walking down the hallway into the pink bedroom Rex had professionally painted with unicorns and castles. I read her a short story, kiss her good night, and turn her night-light on before leaving the room. Rex comes out of River’s room at the same time, and we cross paths—me going to River’s room to kiss him good night and Rex doing the same with Esme. It’s our nightly routine, but we switch every night, so each one gets quality time with us alone.

We’re in the same home we bought years ago, but we’ve talked about building a new house since Rex’s games have been so successful. We’ve saved enough money to pay for it with cash and not have to worry about bills constantly. If we decide to expand our family, we’ll definitely need more room. It’ll be sad, leaving Chloe and Kyle. We’ve grown so close, and Esme and Callie have become close friends.

I’m in my bra and panties, my pajamas in my hand, when Rex walks into the bedroom. My mouth waters when he softly shuts the door and takes his shirt off. We heard all themarriage changes sextalks when we were engaged, but we’re the same Rex and Carolina as we were before we said our vows. The sight of my husband never fails to turn me on.

“Stop,” he demands.

I pause, raising a brow. “Huh?”

“Don’t waste your time with putting those on.” He erases the distance between us, wrapping his arms around my waist. “We’re about to make another baby.”
