Page 33 of Unforgettable

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“Thanks,” I say over my shoulder, distracted as I try to find Jamison.

“Of course,” he calls, moving to the next person.

“Hey, beautiful.” A hand wraps around my waist and I look up at Regg as I peel his hand off of me.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

He frowns. “I’m a business owner.”

“Really? I didn’t realize you have another job besides working part-time at the lodge’s ski rentals.”

He’s nodding along with me and jumps in as soon as I’m done. “Yes,andI have recently started selling this highly effective CBD oil that is the purest of any on the market.” His hands start moving as his excitement builds. “I actually wanted to talk to you about making it available in the gift shop…”

“Yeah, no. It’s not that kind of shop, Regg.”

It actually might be something we’d sell in the gift shop, but I wouldn’t want to take away from the local dispensary or our spa. I also don’t want to work with Regg any more than I have to.

I take a step back to keep moving, and Regg says, “Well, I’ll mention it to the actual owner and see whathethinks.”

He looks too pleased when I look over my shoulder to glare at him and I walk right into Jamison. I come close to spilling my champagne all over him, but he steadies me and then takes a long look at me, his gaze taking inventory from head to toe.

My body catches flame and I take a long sip of my champagne so I don’t say something stupid.

“There’s the guy of the hour,” Regg says. “Hey, man. Regg Parker here. I’m sorry I missed our one-on-one this week. Maybe I can set up a new time to talk with you. I’ve been an employee at Landmark Mountain for a long time…the Landmarks and I go way back.”

He tilts his chin toward me, and his flirty smile makes me roll my eyes. It was definitely a weak moment that made me ever go out with him. And I don’t think he’d appreciate it if I mentioned how many times Granddad nearly fired his ass.

“I’ve got some CBD oil that I really think would be a good fit in the lodge gift shop—” Regg says, winding up his pitch.

“As Scarlett said, it’s not that kind of shop,” Jamison cuts in, his expression nowhere near as warm as I’m used to seeing from him, his tone all business.

And I kind of wish I could love him. Or at least high-five him and laugh about this.

Regg stutters something else, I think maybe reminding Jamison about their one-on-one, but Jamison’s focus is back on me. We shift away from Regg and suddenly we’re the only two people in the room.

“You look incredible,” he says.

His eyes wander down my body again and even though this dress doesn’t have a plunging neckline and it covers my arms and almost hits my knees, he makes me feel like he’s never seen anything more beautiful.

I remember him saying that the night we…met.

“Does your lace match your dress tonight?” he asks softly.

I know he’s talking about the one-piece I was wearing. He never knew what to call it, but he sure as hell liked it.

I take a sip and look away, too stirred up to look at him. “Yes, it does. How did you know? I had a vision of something new to try and whipped it up late last night.”

He mutters a curse under his breath and it pleases me entirely too much.

“You’ve been busy around here. Nice band,” I admit begrudgingly.

“I didn’t want to make you do all the work…or have all the fun,” he says, smiling.

I lift my glass and clink it to his.

“Would you mind introducing me to a few people I haven’t met yet?” he asks. “I’ve tried to make my way around town this week to introduce myself and make sure they were coming tonight, but I missed a few.”

I nod, surprised that he’s put that much thought into this event. “Sure.”
