Page 75 of Unforgettable

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He reaches out and steadies her, and she blows the hair in her eyes out of the way.

“Execute,” she says weakly.

Pappy steps around Magnus and claps.

“Live long and prosper,” he says, nodding. “Scarlett, I had no idea how endlessly fun Landmark would be…and I haven’t even had to play in the snow for it!”

I laugh and stand up, coming around my desk to give Pappy a quick hug. I introduce him to April, and try to introduce Holly too, but she is still locked in a stare with Magnus. The two of them, with their height and all that blond hair going on, are unbelievably striking. I exchange a look with April and she whimpers.

“I don’t think I can keep holding out on the tourist fast.” She walks toward the door and points at me. “You need to fill us in...I don’t want to hear anything else from Lar and Mar that I should be hearing from you.”

“Don’t believe everything you hear,” I tell her.

She taps the doorjamb twice and grins. “Start sharing or I’ll have to. ‘Kayyy,” she says louder and in Holly’s direction, “I’m off to find Barney…”

When that doesn’t break the spell between Magnus and Holly, she looks at me and points at them, mouthing,What is happening right now?

Pappy chuckles. “Spring is around the bend…isn’t it? Time for new beginnings and all that. Isn’t the snow about to be done?”

“I think we’ve got one more snowfall to come, maybe two…but it will start melting soon around here.” I pause, turning to April, “Wait, Barney’s still in town?”

She nods, looking very pleased with herself. “He extended his trip.”

“Maybe he’s not a tourist any longer?” I laugh when she makes a face and nods excitedly.

“Go get him,” I say, shooing her out. “Pappy says it’s time for new beginnings!” I yell.

Pappy nods. “You tell ‘em, tiger!”

Jamison sticks his head in the door. “Tiger?” he says. “What kind of party am I missing in here, Little Bear?”

I laugh, my heart warming that he remembers my granddad’s nickname for me.

“Oh,” Jamison says, looking at Magnus and Holly. He lifts his thumb toward them, his eyebrows going up as he looks at me. “What have we here?”

“Caught up in the rapture of love…” Pappy sings.

“Oh, I love that song.” I put my hand to my chest. “Grinny always had Anita Baker playing around the house. Apparently my parents were big fans.”

“Good stuff,” he agrees.

“Pappy, weneededyour representation last night,” Jamison says. “Next time, karaoke, you’re up.”

He smiles at me, and I feel the warmth all the way to my toes.

“You got a minute?” he asks.

“Uh, sure.” I glance at Pappy and he reaches out to give Jamison a playful shake.

“Sorry, I forgot my one job,” Pappy says. “Jamison was stuck on a phone call and I was sent down here to see if you could stop by his office. He also wanted me to meet the dogs that I keep hearing so much about. I have yet to meet them.” He lifts his hands up in the air.

“Shoot. I’ll see if you’re around when they get back. My nephew is on spring break and I told him he could take them for a while each day. I didn’t think he’d really want them every day, but so far, he’s been consistent. He’s campaigning hard for his own dog.”

Pappy takes another look at Magnus and Holly and nods. “I’ll walk out with you two…don’t want to interrupt this silent conversation they’ve got going.”

We step out of the room, and Pappy waves over his head, whistling. “I’ll see what trouble I can get into for a little bit.”

“Is he always so great?” I ask as we watch him walk away.
