Page 15 of Fractured Kiss

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Zac grunted in reply and turned to look out the window again, suddenly wishing there was any other solution to Cassie’s problem than the one he’d just agreed to.


Cassie sat on an equipment case behind one of the big amps at the side of the stage. She’d fallen into her normal routine of checking and tuning all of Zac’s gear. The tightness in her back and shoulders had loosened as she made sure everything was working as well as it had been when she’d packed it away the night before. She was so absorbed in her task she jumped when Bryan’s voice cut through the air from behind her.

“Where the hell were you last night?”

Cassie’s hands tightened around the bass she was holding. She schooled her expression and twisted around to look up at him, her lungs deflating at the concern on his face. The hurt and anger that stabbed through her at seeing him warred with an urge to throw herself into his arms. To pretend yesterday had never happened and just go back to the way things were. To when she felt safe and loved.

Before she could give in to the impulse, a vision of him and Stella flashed through her mind, and the urge shriveled up and died.

Cassie looked back down at the instrument and ran her fingers over the thick strings. “I was on Fractured’s bus.”

He let out a growl and her gaze jerked up to meet his. “Where did you sleep?” The anger in his voice confused her until she understood he thought she might have been sharing someone’s bunk. The hypocrisy infuriated her.

She lifted her chin. “None of your damn business.”

Bryan huffed, his face reddening. Then his shoulders sagged. “Damn it, Cassie. I was worried about you when you didn’t come back last night.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Did you honestly expect that I would willingly spend the night on a bus with you and”—Stella’s name caught in her throat—“andher?”

“No, I—” He blew out a breath. “I just wish you’d let me know you were okay, that’s all.”

“I didn’t think you’d care. After all, it just gave you two more time to screw.”

“Fuck, Cassie.” He speared his hand through his hair. “I don’t want Stella. I promise. It was just a crazy one-time thing. A mistake. My head’s been all over the place lately, but I love you. So damn much.Toomuch. I messed up, but we can get through this. I know we can. You and I are meant to be together.”

Her throat grew thick and hot, and she blinked back tears. That’s what she’d always believed—that it had been fate that brought him to her on that long ago afternoon. She stared up at him, her gaze tracing the familiar contours of his face. Was it really possible that it was just a one-off? That it would never happen again? If she forgave him, would this all be forgotten one day? Bryan had always been there for her. No one else ever had. Was it wrong of her to not even consider giving him a second chance?

Cassie bit her lip. Bryan read her uncertainty and sat down next to her on the case, his denim-clad thigh pressing against hers. She breathed in the woodsy scent of his cologne and wavered further, her body instinctively listing toward his.

“Bryan!” Stella’s husky voice cut through the bubble that surrounded them. Cassie jerked upright. What the hell was she doing? Was she really that weak-willed?

“Bryan.” Stella’s voice was louder now. “Get over here. I need you to check the levels on your mic.”

“Dammit.” Bryan stood but didn’t move away.

Still angry at herself for almost falling back into his arms, Cassie couldn’t meet his gaze.

“We can fix this, baby. I know we can.” His voice throbbed with sincerity.

“Bryan!” Stella appeared around the corner, her eyes going straight to Cassie.

Cassie stiffened her spine and raised her chin, wanting to appear unaffected, even though unaffected was the last thing she felt right now. The red-haired singer’s expression tightened as she looked her over, then seemed to dismiss her, shifting her attention to Bryan.

“Bryan, did you hear me? I need you to come test your mic levels.”

Bryan kept his gaze on Cassie. “Just remember that I love you. We can talk more later.”

Cassie didn’t respond, and Bryan sighed, ran his hand through his hair again, then headed toward Stella.

She watched them go. Stella moved closer to Bryan, so close their arms brushed together as they walked. Cassie’s chest tightened painfully. It was no use. She’d never be able to forget what had happened. Never be able to wipe the vision of the two of them naked together from her mind. Particularly knowing they’d be spending countless days and nights with each other for the foreseeable future.

She had to let go.

Of Bryan.

Of everything he’d meant to her.
