Page 47 of Fractured Kiss

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“You said my name.”

Cassie didn’t think she could burn any hotter than she already was, but she was wrong. As if he knew she was thinking about just rolling over and pretending thatthiswas all a dream, Zac’s hand came to rest on her hip. His fingers curled into her flesh, holding her in place. At his touch, a firestorm of goose bumps erupted over her skin.

“What was I doing to you?” The grit in his voice had nothing to do with sleep, and her core clenched.

“I don’t remember,” she tried again.

“Yes, you do.”

Cassie shook her head, covering her eyes with her hand as if she could somehow block out her humiliation.

“Tell me what I was doing to you.” His fingers tightened.

“You were touching me.” The words tumbled out of her.

“Where?” he growled. “Where was I touching you?”

God, why was he torturing her like this?


“Between my legs.”

For a second, the only sounds in the room were his jagged breaths. “Did you come?”

“What?” she choked out, pressing her hand tighter over her eyes.

“When I was touching you. Did you come for me?”

Cassie’s lungs weren’t working properly; she couldn’t seem to get enough air. The only thing she could hear was the whoosh-whoosh-whoosh of blood pumping too fast through her veins.

She sensed him lean in close, even though she couldn’t see him. His fingers left her hip and wrapped around her wrist, pulling her hand away. She kept her eyes closed, hoping if she just ignored him, he’d give up and go away.

No such luck.

“Look at me.” His tone didn’t brook any argument. She swallowed and did what he said.

Even in the dim light, she could see the tic in his jaw.

“Did. I. Make. You. Come?”

His heated skin and the bulk of his muscular body looming over her, sent a shiver rolling through her. It was so close to what he’d been doing in her dream, it had her arousal spiking again.

“No.” It was almost a whimper.

They stared at each other, the tension between them mounting. He still had his fingers wrapped around her wrist. Now he adjusted his hold until his hand covered the back of hers then pressed her palm to her stomach. He slid it slowly down until her fingertips rested just above the waistband of her shorts.

“Show me,” he said, the rough edge to his voice sending a full-body shiver through her. “Show me how I was touching you.”

Cassie couldn’t catch her breath. There in the dark, this whole situation was taking on an almost surreal quality. For a second, she wondered if this was just some crazy continuation of her dream. But she couldn’t quite believe it. Goose bumps hadn’t covered her skin in her dream the way they did now. She hadn’t felt the slippery dampness of arousal between her legs the way she was right at this moment. And dream Zac hadn’t stared at her with hungry, half-hooded eyes the way he was now.

Her body was hot, achy, and tight. She was burning with need, desperate for the release that was denied her in her dream. With only a few whispered words, Zac had built the tension humming low and deep inside of her into a hot, sharp live wire of desire. It buzzed and sparked beneath her skin. But even as her fingers flexed under his hand, she hesitated. She didn’t know if she was prepared for how this would change things between them.

Zac leaned down until his mouth hovered just above hers. She thought he might kiss her, but instead, he murmured, “I’ve never left a woman unsatisfied. I’m not about to start now.” His voice deepened as a thread of steel wound through it. “Even if it was a fucking dream. Now show me how I was touching you.”

With a sigh almost of relief, Cassie slid their hands into her shorts, her fingers finding her slippery center. Her clit was already swollen and sensitive. She was so turned on, she doubted it would take much to make her come. And suddenly, she didn’t want this to be over too quickly.

With Zac’s hand still on top of hers, she gently brushed her fingertip over that sensitive bundle of nerves. Not enough pressure to give her any relief, only drive her arousal higher.
