Page 54 of Fractured Kiss

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“I don’t know how long I’ll be in there. I don’t want you waiting out here on your own.”

“Oh, well…” She glanced over at Paul, who was an expressionless statue in the corner.

Zac kept his hand extended. For a second, Cassie thought she saw a glimmer of an entreaty in his eyes. She stood and slipped her hand into his, a shaky breath leaving her as his fingers tightened around hers.

They followed Tori and the doctor down a few hallways before stopping outside a closed door. Tori eyed Zac’s and Cassie’s clasped hands, her gaze assessing. Cassie pretended not to notice. His sister was probably wondering what the hell a stranger was doing outside their dad’s hospital room. But Tori said nothing. Instead, she touched Zac’s arm. “Do you want me to come in?”

Zac shook his head. “Is Mom in there?”

“She went home to have a shower and get a change of clothes. She’ll probably be back soon.”

Zac nodded, then opened the door and tugged Cassie in after him.

The beeping of the machines was the first sound she heard. Zac’s grip tightened as he stood there, his breathing fast and uneven. After a few seconds, he dropped her hand and walked over to the bedside.

She took a step closer but didn’t know if he wanted her near him, so she turned her attention to the man lying in bed.

It was clear he was Zac’s father. He had the same facial structure, though his face was weathered and currently very pale. His hair had obviously been as dark as Zac’s at one stage, though what she could see of it was well peppered with silver. Faded tattoos covered both his arms.

Cassie’s eyes strayed back to Zac. He had his hands shoved in his pockets and his head was lowered. She wanted nothing more than to go over there and wrap her arms around him, to give him some comfort. But she doubted he wanted that.

They stood like that for a while. Zac silent. Cassie watching him. She jumped as the machines began beeping more rapidly. Zac’s dad’s eyelids flickered, then opened. He blinked dazedly at the ceiling before his gaze drifted backward and forward across the room. It landed on her first, a frown creasing his brow, then moved to Zac.

The frown disappeared, but it wasn’t replaced by a smile. The unreadable expression rivaled Zac’s. The increased tension in the room made the back of Cassie’s neck prickle and she crossed her arms, her eyes bouncing between the two men.

When Zac’s dad finally spoke, his voice was slurred but still discernible. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Cassie’s breath caught. Zac stood stiffly by the bed, his spine a rigid line.

“Tori asked me to come,” he said.

His dad grunted. “Damn girl.”

“You should be grateful she cares enough about you to bother being here herself.”

The ailing man curled his lip—or tried to. The partial laxity of his face twisted the expression into one of pure disdain. “I never asked her to be here.”

“You wouldn’t, since you never wanted us around at all.”

The man looked over at Cassie, but his words were aimed at Zac. “Didn’t bother taking my advice, I see. You gonna ruin your own life too?”

Cassie inhaled sharply, and Zac moved between her and his dad.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion. But obviously, you’re fine, so I’m going to head out.”

Zac pivoted, his gaze catching Cassie’s, his expression stony.

“You ruined my life!” his father half-slurred, half shouted at Zac’s back before coughing and sagging against the bed. Zac’s steps faltered, but he recovered, still focused on Cassie.

“We’re leaving.” Zac grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the door. Cassie fell in behind him, leveling a look over her shoulder at Zac’s dad. She couldn’t believe he would say that kind of thing to his son.

“You ruined my damn life!” The words echoed in the room behind them as Zac closed the door.

Tori waited in the hallway, her arms wrapped around herself, tears shimmering on her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Zac,” she said, obviously having overheard. “I hoped he might have changed. I thought he might have finally realized what he’s been missing out on.”

“The only thing Dad has or will ever care about is himself.” Zac’s tone was icy.

“Zac?” A woman’s voice rang out down the hallway.
