Page 61 of Fractured Kiss

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She should have known he would. He’d already told her he didn’t want complications. And no matter what Tori thought, that’s what she was to him. A complication.

She climbed off the bed, keeping her head down as she gathered up her clothes. The silence grew thick, and she struggled to catch her breath.

Anger hit her next. Was it just the convenience of her being there that had made him decide he wanted her? Even knowing he was a rock star, she’d never expected him to be the type of person who’d screw the nearest available woman. But it seemed like that was exactly who he was. Now reality had hit him again, and he realized he was stuck with her. Stuck having to pretend that whatever there was between them meant something when it so obviously didn’t.

Or maybe he thought she was going to fall for him the way she had for Bryan. Her brand-new knight in shining armor. Was that what she was doing? Clinging to the first person who seemed to care about her?

Zac wasn’t her boyfriend. Cassie’s throat tightened. He wasn’t even her friend. He was her boss. She’d let the time they’d spent together and what Tori had said at the hospital convince her there was something between them when there wasn’t. She was still alone. As alone as she’d been that day in the field before Bryan had found her.

Zac finally turned toward her as she was sliding her panties up her legs. She could sense his gaze on her while she pulled her jeans on. Her movements were jerky as she struggled to contain her anger and hurt.

“Cassie,” he said, as she reached behind her back to do up her bra. Her movements slowed, but she couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes—to see the regret in them.

“Fuck,” he muttered, scrubbing his hand over his face.

Finally, she faced him, tensing her jaw so her chin wouldn’t wobble. He’d told her he didn’t want complicated. She should have listened. Now here they were, hundreds of miles in the air on a luxury jet, standing next to a rumpled bed and staring at each other with no words to say.

Zac reached out and brushed a tendril of hair from her face. She forced herself not to react, even as her pulse leaped at his touch.

His hand fell away. “I’m sorry.”

How often was she going to hear those words? Her lips were numb, but she made herself reply as casually as she could. “What for?”

His gaze swept over her face. For a beat, his eyes dropped closed, and he swallowed. “For this. For taking advantage of your kindness. I told you I didn’t want things to go this far, and then I did it, anyway.”

Cassie steeled her spine and took a steadying breath. “I guess we both took advantage of this situation, then. You needed a distraction. I needed a push to see if I was truly over Bryan.” She tossed the words in his face, ignoring the muscle that jumped in his jaw. She reached down for her top and yanked it on over her head, giving herself a few more seconds to compose herself. He was still watching her, his beautiful hazel eyes that had been burning with intensity a few minutes ago now shuttered against her.

“If this has made things too awkward, then we can just end this whole relationship thing.” Cassie worked hard to keep her voice steady. “I don’t know what we were thinking, going along with it to start with.”

Several emotions flitted over his face in quick succession. “There are only five weeks left of the tour. We might as well see it through.”

She exhaled, some of her composure crumbling. Maybe he saw it because he stepped forward and cupped her cheek so he could study her expression. She tried to meet his gaze steadily and not let her hurt show on her face. Tried to keep herself as self-contained as he so often was.

His eyes searched hers, then dipped to her mouth. It was his turn to take a jagged breath. “Let’s finish the tour. We’ll just make sure to keep it platonic from now on. That way, no one gets hurt. Okay?” Something flickered across his face. Regret? Desire? She had no idea. And right now, she didn’t have the energy to care. He’d made his feelings clear. He’d had her, but he didn’t want her. Just like everyone else in her life.

“Okay.” Cassie stepped back, forcing him to drop his hand. She turned away from him, pulled the door open, and stepped out into the main cabin. A single tear escaped, but she wiped it away before he could see it.


Cassie walked down the jet’s steps ahead of him, her spine ramrod straight, slender shoulders stiff. She’d barely looked at him for the rest of the flight, and he couldn’t blame her. What he’d done was unforgivable. He hated not being in control. And Cassie made him lose control more than anyone else ever had.

Instead of opening up and letting her in the way she’d obviously hoped, he’d treated her like a groupie. Just someone to take him out of his head for a while. Not someone who’d had her heart broken a few short weeks ago. Not someone who, through his own lack of control, he’d gotten into this situation. Not the woman who shared her poetry with him. Who’d revealed to him her deep-seated pain.

He’d waited for her to accuse him of using her. Or to ask how many other women he’d screwed on one of the jets. Because if she asked, he wouldn’t lie to her. There’d been other occasions before. When fame hits you, you tend to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. At least until the novelty eventually wears off.

But there were some things he wouldn’t tell her. That hecouldn’ttell her.

That this was the first time his heart almost crashed its way through his ribs at the touch of a woman’s skin. This was the first time it was more than just a way to scratch an itch with a willing partner. It was the first time he saw fucking stars when he came.

And it was the first time he’d ever had to force himself to let go when it was over.

It scared the shit out of him.

His hands clenched into fists. He couldn’t deny he felt a connection to Cassie. One he hadn’t experienced with any woman before. He liked having her with him. He liked listening to her poetry and hearing her sing the words she’d written. He wanted to write more songs with her. To kiss her again.

To keep on kissing her.

And that was a problem. A big fucking problem. He didn’twantto want that. He didn’t want that connection with anyone.
