Page 70 of Fractured Kiss

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He added a third finger and drove them back in.

“Oh god,” she moaned, her legs shaking as he drew her clit between his lips and rolled his tongue over it again.

Cassie threw back her head, her eyes squeezing shut. The familiar pressure was growing, liquid heat flowing through her, blood rushing in her ears.

With a final lash of his tongue, she came hard, squeezing around his fingers. A rumbling groan vibrated against her as Zac made his satisfaction known. It only threw fuel onto the fire. She writhed and bucked up against his mouth as ecstasy coursed through her in wave after wave.

When it finally began to fade, Zac pulled back. The pleasure he dragged from her was visible on his lips and chin. He ran his forearm over his face, then leaned forward, gripped the back of her neck, and pulled her toward him until their mouths crashed together. She didn’t care that she could taste herself on his tongue as the kiss grew deeper, wilder, hotter.

He broke away, then dropped his forehead to hers. Their panting breaths mingled. His other hand came up and cupped the side of her face, his thumb brushing her cheekbone. Her eyes sagged shut at how good his touch felt. The hand on her neck tightened, then he let her go and stood.

Cassie looked up at him, standing so tall, the fly of his jeans hanging open. Even after the orgasm he’d just given her, she itched to peel that denim off his hips. To touch him, stroke him. He was hard again. She could see the telltale bulge, and she wanted him again too—in her hands, her mouth, her body.

But if she’d made him lose control, he was slowly gathering it back around him. Her chest tightened. As he ran his hand over his face, dropped his head, and zipped up his fly, she realized she wanted more than his temporary loss of control. She wantedhim. She wanted him to wanther.

But when he knelt and gently pulled her panties and shorts back up her legs and helped her up, his expression once again shuttered, she knew she wouldn’t get what she wanted.

Cassie stood on shaky legs, took a step forward, and placed her hand on his chest. His heart raced under her palm. No matter how calm he looked on the surface, it was clear what had happened between them had affected him.

“Cassie…” he started in a low voice. She shook her head.

“This was supposed to be for you,” she said. “I don’t expect anything more, Zac.”

A pulse leaped in his jaw. “You deserve better.”

“So do you.”

He stared at her, then lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers.

Her heart squeezed tight, and she blinked back tears at the tenderness of his kiss.

But then he stepped back and raked his hands through his hair.

“Time to hit the sack,” he said, voice gruff.

He turned away, and she let out a little breath before following him to the bunks.


Cassie carefully wiped down and polished the last bass Zac had handed off to her, ready to pack it away for load-out. It was the newest of Zac’s instruments, and she made a note to adjust the pickups the next day, since the tone during the last song had been a little damper than she liked.

Her eyes flicked out toward Zac, loving the sight of him on stage. But she forced her gaze away. Loving the sight of him wasn’t doing her any favors. She hadn’t done what she had last night with the idea it would change anything between them. But caught up in her need for him, she hadn’t considered that her heart might not thank her for it.

She’d spent a restless night, reliving everything that had happened between them, getting herself all hot and bothered again at the memory of his touch. She’d had to ruthlessly suppress the desire to climb into his bunk and press herself against him. He wouldn’t want that. She may have made him lose control, but she couldn’t make him want to keep her.

Drew strode up to her side, jolting her from her thoughts. She smiled at him, but his return greeting was distracted as he frowned out at the stage. He ran his hand over his mouth.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

He turned to her, his frown deepening. He studied her for a moment, then blew out a heavy breath. “I have to talk to Zac. I’m not sure if I should pull him from the show. I don’t know if he’d want me to.”

Cassie’s breath caught. Was it bad news? His dad?Tori? She looked back out at the man she was starting to feel far too much for. What would he want? She turned back to Drew, her heart in her throat. “It’s not his sister, is it?” She was sure he would want to stop the performance if it was.

Drew shook his head, and she could breathe easier again.

“Let him keep going,” she said. “There are only about fifteen minutes left.”

Drew nodded, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. The skin around his eyes was tight as he stared out at the men on stage. Considering he was only around five years older than them, he sometimes exuded a protective vibe that was almost fatherly.
