Page 73 of Fractured Kiss

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Cassie framed Zac’s face with her hands, arched up, and pressed her lips to his. When his mouth opened, she deepened the kiss. The stubble on his cheeks was rough against her palms and she let herself sigh her pleasure into his mouth. She stroked his tongue with hers and tangled her fingers in his wet hair. When she tugged, she felt an answering rumble in his chest.

She pulled back. He’d lost that distant look. Now his eyes were dark, searching as he looked at her. She brushed another kiss across his beautiful lips, then feathered her way along his jaw before nipping lightly at his ear. His hips jerked against hers, causing her to gasp involuntarily.

She kept going, licking and sucking down the strong column of his neck. He had almost stopped moving, his hips gently rocking against hers, his thumb barely stroking her clit.

When she looked up at him again, his eyes had slipped half-closed. He bent his head, his mouth capturing hers in a long, searing kiss that pulled a whimper out of her. Then he gentled it, barely brushing her mouth with his for long, torturous seconds before taking possession again, his tongue thrusting deep.

Cassie rolled her hips, dragging herself up and down his erection. He groaned against her lips, and she did it again, sending a thrill of pleasure through her. His thumb pressed against her clit, sparking lights behind her eyes. They moved against each other as their kiss grew deeper again.

Cassie’s legs were shaking where they wrapped around his waist. She was so close, but she wanted him to come with her. She needed them to be together at the end of this. His thumb slid over and around the delicate bundle of nerves at the apex of her sex, and the pressure in her core built, almost pushing her over the edge.

Her head dropped back, and she let out a ragged breath that ended in a moan.

“That’s it, Cassie. Are you going to give me what I need?” It was the first words he’d said to her since she’d entered the room.

His hips jerked harder, his thumb moving more rapidly. Cassie whimpered as her pleasure spiked.

“Make me come, Zac,” she said between pants. “Please, make me come.”

He bent his head and drew her nipple into his mouth. The suction and scrape of his teeth over her sensitive flesh pushed her higher, higher. Until his name was a wordless prayer spilling soundlessly from her lips as he rocked against her.

Just as the first tremor wracked her body, Zac crushed his lips down on hers again. His tongue thrust deep as she came apart in his arms. The movement of her hips stuttered to a halt as the ecstasy stole her ability to move. But Zac continued thrusting against her, dragging out her pleasure until he came, groaning low and deep into her mouth. Even then he continued to move, spurt after scalding hot spurt coating her stomach, landing on her clit, only to be immediately washed away by the water that still fell on them. Cassie pulled him harder against her. The fingers of her other hand tangled in the hair at the back of his head.

When their mouths finally parted, Cassie sagged into him, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Zac’s movements finally slowed, then stopped completely, and she let her legs drop from around his hips. He moved back enough to allow her to slide down.

Loosely circling her neck with his hand, he brushed her jaw gently with the thumb that had just made her orgasm. His eyelids slid shut, and he rested his forehead against hers.

“Angel.” The murmur was so low, she almost didn’t hear it.

Cassie’s heart swelled and pressed hard against her ribs. She wrapped her arms around him. “What do you need from me, Zac? How can I help you?”

He pressed his lips to hers in one last kiss, then pulled back from her. “I’m going to fly out tonight and check on Tori. And Mom. I’ll come back, then fly down again for the funeral.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

He was silent for a few seconds. “No, I think I’ll go on my own this time.” Her stomach plummeted, but he went on. “Can you come with me to the funeral?” He didn’t look directly at her as he asked.

“Zac…” Her throat thickened with emotion. “Of course I’ll come.”

He nodded, then turned the tap off, leaving them naked as the steamy air swirled around them.

She studied his face. Most of the turmoil seemed to be gone. She was glad she’d been there for him. She’d be there at the funeral as well. And she’d give him whatever comfort he’d accept from her then, too.


Zac stood with Cassie on his right-hand side, looking at the bare earth of the grave. The one they were about to lower his father into.

Tori was on his left, next to their mom. He should probably have been standing between the two of them, but he’d wanted Cassie next to him. He hadn’t let her move away when they’d approached the gravesite.

Drew and all of his bandmates were there, looking uncharacteristically somber in their dark suits. Lexie, Eden, and Summer stood next to their men, holding their hands. His friends had barely known his dad, except to know that he and Zac didn’t get on. They weren’t here today for his father. They were here to support him.

Connor caught his eye and gave him a nod. If anyone understood what Zac was feeling now, it would probably be him. His relationship with his father had arguably been worse than Zac’s. He returned the gesture.

His eyes went to Cassie standing at his side. She wore a simple, black dress and looked beautiful as always. Her midnight hair done up in an elegant arrangement at the back of her head, and her smooth skin illuminated by the sunlight.

Movies always made you think it rained during funerals, and it would have matched his mood if it had been. But there was no rain today. The sun shone clear and bright, warm against his skin. Yet inside, he was cold. Shouldn’t he feel something? Something more than indifference?

Yes, his father had been an asshole. But he was still his father. And now he was gone. Zac stared at the hole in the ground as the minister’s voice droned on, reciting facts about his dad that someone—his mom or his sister—had obviously given him. He felt nothing.
