Page 98 of Fractured Kiss

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“He’s what?”

“I have a document here from Mr. Ford that assigns all copyright of the music to you.” He sounded vaguely impatient. “You own all the rights to this song. So, are you interested in meeting with Talia?”

Unwelcome tears sprung to Cassie’s eyes. She should be over the moon that someone like Talia Harrison wanted to buy her song. And she was. But knowing Zac didn’t want to be involved, that he wasn’t interested in seeing her or talking to her, hurt far more than it should.

She brushed the tears away, swallowed past the lump in her throat, and answered him. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

* * *

Cassie stared with wide eyes at the gorgeous pink-haired woman sitting opposite her.

“So, what do you think, Cassie? Are you interested in selling your song to me?”

“I honestly don’t know what to say. I’m so honored. But…” She didn’t know how to bring the topic up.

A smile flickered over Talia’s lips. “Zac?”

She released a ragged breath. “I know Cameron said he signed over rights to me. Does that mean he won’t be involved in this at all?”

Talia studied her. “Do you want him to be?”

Cassie froze for a second. “I—” She hadn’t expected that question. “I—No, I suppose it would be better for him not to be involved. Obviously, he doesn’t want to be.” She stopped her fingers from tugging at the hem of her top.

Talia hummed non-committally. “Then you’re all good because he won’t have anything to do with this recording.”

Cassie should be relieved not to have to worry about how painfully awkward it would be seeing Zac again. But she only felt sad. She didn’t want Talia to know that, though. So, she just smiled as if everything was fine.

“I’m hoping to record in a couple of weeks,” Talia said. “It would be great if you could be here for that. And I’d like to work with you to finish the song before then, as well. Are you able to spend a few days here in LA so we can work together?”

Cassie shook her head. Not in denial, just at the sheer ridiculousness of being in this situation. Talia seemed to understand because she just waited patiently.

“I’m sure I can get some time off work.”

“That’s great!” Talia stood, and Cassie assumed the meeting was over. She rose to her feet too.

She was surprised when the other woman pulled her into a hug. “I’m really looking forward to working with you, Cassie.”

“I’m looking forward to it too. Very much.”

A mischievous glint shone in Talia’s doe-like brown eyes. “And I promise Zac won’t be anywhere near the studio while we’re recording.”


“I’ll be there soon.” Zac hung up his phone and smiled to himself. He caught Lexie’s gaze and grinned at the curiosity brimming in her eyes.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“I’ve got another surprise for your baby shower. I was just confirming it was ready to pick up.”

Lexie smiled. “You already bought the baby a mini bass guitar and a karaoke machine. What else could she possibly want?”

“You have to make sure she plays the bass. I know that miniature drum kit Noah bought her is pretty sweet. And Connor and Tex will definitely try to sway her toward a six-string, so I’m counting on you to guide her toward the best instrument. And I know you know that’s the bass.”

Lexie laughed, but then she cocked her head. “You seem very… happy. Is there something going on you want to tell me about?”

Zac suppressed another smile. “Why wouldn’t I be happy? Look where I am.” He gestured around them, and Lexie sighed and nodded.

They were sitting in Lexie and Connor’s cliff-top backyard. The sun was shining, and his Fractured bandmates were over by the grill, arguing over who was the best cook. Drew stood back, watching with his arms crossed, a crooked grin on his face. Summer and Eden were in the house finishing off decorating Lexie’s baby shower cake.
