Page 100 of Coldhearted King

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My breath stalls as I wait to hear what he’s going to say.

His brows draw tightly together, and he swallows. There’s something in his expression I haven’t seen before. Something that makes my ribs squeeze tight. For a beat, his eyes drop closed. When they open again, the look is gone, and his smirk is back. “I hate to admit it, but I’ll need your help to finish the pancakes. I don’t think I can do it on my own.”

I laugh, even though it’s not what I’m hoping to hear.

But after the way he’s claimed every part of me, the things he’s said, even the way he’s holding me now, I have to believe he feels it.

Exactly the way I do.



Istare out the window at passing cars, exhaustion clawing at me. Even with my deep sleep last night—which must have been the best I’ve had in a long time—jet lag woke me up early and now I’m flagging.

Jonathan turns the limo toward my penthouse, and I have to resist the urge to tell him to turn around and take me back to Delilah’s apartment. Even though I told her she should take the day off—considering I woke her up late last night and tired her out before her day even started—she insisted on getting ready and going in. She even refused my offer of a lift to the office, telling me to go home and unpack.

I drop my head back and close my eyes, reliving the memory of her underneath me this morning—experiencing again that overwhelming need to claim every part of her. And it wasn’t just the desire to be as physically close to her as possible. It was how it felt holding her in my arms afterward. When she cried, my chest had constricted so hard that I’d struggled to breathe. Then the next second, my heart was thundering as she smiled up at me through tear-filled eyes.

I’m so damn addicted to her. I groan and rub my hand over my eyes. No, she’s more than an addiction. That’s just the excuse I’ve been giving myself for craving her the way I do.

I almost told her I loved her this morning, but the words lodged themselves in my throat. I never,neverbelieved I would want to make that declaration to someone. That I was so close to letting it slip free shook me. I need to figure this out. I need to work out what it means for us going forward, because right now, I’m sailing in uncharted waters with her. All I know is that what I feel for Delilah is far beyond anything I’ve ever felt for anyone before.

My phone beeps and I pull it from my pocket. It’s Roman.

I need to see you at the office.

I’m just on my way home. What’s this about?

We need to discuss it in person.

I’ll be there in twenty minutes

I redirect Jonathan to King Plaza, wondering what issue can’t wait until this afternoon.

As I enter Roman’s executive suite, he’s waiting for me on one of his leather couches, a steaming coffee in front of him. I pour myself a cup, since I get the feeling from his expression that I’ll need my wits about me, then sit on the couch opposite him. After taking a sip, I ask, “So what’s the emergency? I’ve already given you the details of how everything went.”

Roman leans forward, his expression serious. “This is partly related to that.” He pauses before continuing. “Berrington called me yesterday. He came right out and said he’s seriously considering withdrawing his investment in the King Group.”

“What the fuck?” I put my coffee cup down and scrub my hand over my face. “We’re meeting our projected deadlines. Our numbers are good. What’s his deal?”

Roman shrugs. “He wants to invest in Steele Enterprises.”

“I’ll arrange a meeting. Reassure him about our projections.”

“It won’t help. He was pretty firm with his intentions. He said he wants to put his money into a company that will benefit his family going forward.”

I lean back in my chair. “Okay, well, we have options.”

“That’s why I wanted to talk to you,” Roman replies. “Berrington brought up your relationship with Jessica. He mentioned that if our families were closer, it might inspire him to keep his investments in place.”

I throw back my head and laugh, but when I notice Roman isn’t joining in, I stop. He’s not even smiling. “You can’t be serious.”

Roman’s brow furrows. “Of course I’m fucking serious. Getting engaged to Jessica is the quickest and easiest way to get everything back on track. All our investors remain in place, we complete the development on time and within budget, everyone forgets about the situation with Dad, and we can move past all this shit.”

“Jessica and I don’t have a relationship. I’m not marrying her.”

“You haven’t officially dated her, but you two have been fucking for years.” Roman’s eyes narrow. “You don’t think Berrington liked seeing the two of you at events together? This alliance makes sense, and it gives him the personal connection he’s looking for. Jessica is part of our world. She understands what’s required of her. And it’s about time you thought about settling down.”
