Page 26 of Sarge's Downfall

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I know because I feel exactly the same about him.



Luna’s been back in Julian for a couple of days now, and since then, shit has been busy at the club. I haven’t seen Breaker once since he’s been taking Kara out for dates and going on little excursions with her. I’m glad he found a good woman like her. After his last girlfriend, I don’t think any of us thought he was going to open himself up to anyone again. Granted, the last woman he was dating was a rat who was feeding information to our enemies. When Breaker found out, he killed her in cold blood, but none of us blamed him. We never condone violence against women. However, there are a few situations where we’ll do whatever’s necessary to make sure the club is protected. This was one of them, and it sent a message to the cartel that we knew what the fuck they were doing.

A lot of the guys are upstairs in the bar portion, The Clubhouse, and the last thing I remember Breaker was in his office. So, I head up the stairwell and beeline it to Breaker’s office to see if he’s still there. I rap my knuckles against the door, and within a few moments, he responds, “Come in.”

I open the door and head inside his office, shutting the door firmly behind me before I take a seat on the deep brown leather couch across from his desk. “I haven’t seen you lately, and the two of us really need to chat about something.”

“It serious or somethin’?” Breaker questions.

“Not something too serious. When I was talkin’ to Hammer the other day, he said if we need the Reapers Rejects to come out here and lend a helpin’ hand, they’re more than willing to do that. He already called Zane and gave him a heads-up that we might need some assistance sometime soon, but nothing was officially set up. Do you want me to get Hammer to make that call?”

“That’s kind of them to offer. I’m not sure I want to involve any other clubs at this point. It’s our problem to deal with, you know?”

I nod, understanding where he’s coming from completely.

We’re having issues with Diablo, and I think we’re going to continue to have problems with them until we take them down. As much as I have faith in my club, I know we can’t do it alone. To me, it seems like Diablo has many different tools and sources within their group. We’re in the dark a lot about how they operate. The only thing we truly know is that they’re deadly. When push comes to shove, I think we should be relying on our allies . . . but that will have to come to a club vote.

“I get what you’re saying. We have allies for a reason, though,” I remind Breaker. It isn’t an inconvenience to ask for help every once in a while because I damn well know they’ll do the same thing. We’re the closest with the Reapers Rejects, so we need to ask for their help if we want it.

“I may bring it to a vote soon. I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

I don’t know how he hasn’t. Now, I’m not the president of the club, so I don’t get to make these sorts of executive decisions. There is something I need to remind him about. “Respectfully, we should. Mabel was threatened, and none of the women were left by themselves. I get things were quiet for a while, but they’re starting to heat up, and I, for one, would rather have people here for when we need them, not make an emergent call in for help.”

“Your points are valid. I appreciate you vocalizing them.”

“You know I’m not the type to bite my tongue.” I chuckle lightly, and Breaker smirks.

He’s about to speak, and there’s another rap against his door. “Come in,” Breaker calls, eyes focused on his office door that’s slowly opening.

Dark hair greets us first, and then I recognize the tattoos spread across Armor’s arms. He comes in and shuts the door firmly behind him. “Am I interrupting?” he questions the two of us.

Breaker shakes his head. “No, what’s up?”

“Just wanted to come in and ask you about somethin’, if you don’t mind.”

“No, but what is it?” Breaker narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what Armor wants.

“I could use some extra help with the shit I’m doin’. We’re not lettin’ the ladies leave by themselves, which I totally understand given what’s going down lately. I’m making some headway with the Orchid Organization and could use a few men, so if you don’t mind makin’ a call for me to get some brothers from another club here, I’d appreciate it.”

If there are more men here, it just means we could use them when the time comes. It would kill two birds with one stone, so I hope Breaker jumps on the opportunity.

“The Orchid Organization, is that the parent company to the one your father was working for when he did the child trafficking?” Breaker questions.

Armor nods. “That would be it. I know it’s not club business, but fuck, I’m makin’ some progress, brother. I don’t want to lose my momentum. You know, I’ve wanted to rip their heads off and kill their organization. Days like this prove I’m closer than ever to getting where I need to be.”

“Aren’t you having a problem with dealers not wanting to sell to you since they know who you are and what you’re trying to do?” Breaker’s question might seem cold, but I don’t think it is. It’s valid, given what we know.

“Yes, but it also means they’re getting sloppier. They know who I am, and I’m certain they know what I’m trying to do. Let me ask you this. What’s the one thing you do when you know someone is after you?”

“Scramble to develop a plan and make sure everything is protected.”

“Exactly. They’re scrambling right now. That’s what I plan on using to my advantage. They already know I’m here. They just don’t know when I’m going to strike,” Armor comments.

Breaker nods, probably working through what Armor is saying.
