Page 36 of Sarge's Downfall

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“No, as soon as we saw it, we got the fuck out of there,” Stacey’s the one to answer me.

“Okay. As much as I hate to say it, we need to head back and at least get you some of your things. Now, I don’t know if you’ve given any thought to what you’re going to do. I don’t think you should be staying here in Julian. Honestly, I think you should come to LA for a little while and put some space between you and this jackass,” I suggest looking between the two women.

“That’s a great idea. Maybe he’ll finally leave her alone if she leaves. It’s not like he’ll know where she’s going.” Stacey is overly optimistic and all smiles. If only she realized how men like him operate. A little bit of distance won’t stop him, but it will slow him down.

“Yeah, let’s go to LA,” Luna agrees. It’s her best chance to get some peace for a little bit, and she’ll be in the safest place she can be.

“Okay, so when we get to your house, I need to go through it and make sure he isn’t hiding anywhere. Then we can grab your belongings. Laptop, clothes, whatever you might need.”

“I have my security system on and haven’t had any alerts since the last one.”

“Okay, good. We’re still doing our due diligence.”

“I’ll tag along with you two and help make sure Luna has everything she needs,” Stacey offers. Luna narrows her brows, but Stacey isn’t taking any of that. “Come on, it will help you get out of here quicker, and you honestly need to. Go on and get lost. I’m sure you’ll feel better when you’re out of Julian anyway.”

“Ugh, fine. I know better than to argue with you about this shit. Let’s go,” Luna states, and we all leave Stacey’s shop and head to my truck.

We’re going to head over there and get as much shit as we can, then I’m rolling out. I want to put as much distance between her and her stalker as I can right now. It will only buy us some time, but time is all I need to figure out what I’m going to do.



After we got back to her salon, Stacey and I just sat there not talking. But then she announced that dumb Kevin and his psycho ways shouldn’t be the reason why I don’t look picture perfect for Brennon when he arrives and proceeds to wash and style my hair and do my nails in a matching shade, red fading to black ombre style. A lady warrior’s nails, she called them. And she was right. They do look fierce. Yet feminine at the same time.

“So, you leave now with Brennon, and I’ll tie up everything here and join you in LA in about a week,” she says.

“Can you get everything packed up that fast?” I ask.

“Sure, I can,” she says. “All I really care about is in this room right now. And that includes you.”

She smiles at me, and I return it, feeling the same way.

“You can get started looking for an apartment for the two of us,” she says. “A nice two bedroom . . . not too expensive.”

She gives me a shocked look. “I mean . . . unless you’d rather just stay with Brennon at his clubhouse.”

I laugh and shake my head. “We’re nowhere near the moving in together stage . . . at least I don’t think we are. And it’s too soon. I don’t want to rush into things and ruin it, you know?”

She gives me a knowing nod. “Yeah, better to take it slow. Although he did just drop everything to come get you when you were in trouble. I think that says a lot about how he feels about you.”

“Girl, I so hope you’re right,” I say, a painfully wide smile stretching across my face.

Brennon and I haven’t defined our relationship yet. I wanted to bring up the conversation about what we are to each other a bunch of times, and I got the feeling he did too. But I was too afraid that it was too much, too fast, so I didn’t. Now I kind of think maybe I could’ve easily done it.

Stacey is just putting the finishing touches on my eyes when the door comes wide open. We didn’t lock it this time, but Stacey has kept her eyes on it via her phone the whole time Brennon’s been gone. Thank goodness for new-age technology and security features.

He’s got eyes just for me, and I don’t think he even heard Stacey say, “Hey, be careful with my door,” as he rushes back to me. We all went over to my place, and I grabbed the essentials, but he wanted us to be somewhere safe for a little bit while he got everything else ready.

I stand, and he wraps his arms around me as soon as he reaches me. “Are you okay? Has he been around since I was at your place?” Brennon is obviously extremely worried about me, and I like that. I really appreciate how much he cares.

I shake my head and hug him close, resting my cheek against his chest, not caring that it’ll mess up all the work Stacey’s done on my face. I just need to hear his heartbeat right now and feel him close. Everything else is irrelevant.

She’s smiling a very serene, happy smile when we break apart.

“Hey again, Stacey,” Brennon says. “How you doing?”

“Better now that I know my girl is in good hands, and she’ll be getting the hell out of here,” she says.
