Page 37 of Owen

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“Everything to your liking?”

She didn’t answer with words but with actions, moving toward him, going up on all fours. Her knees went on either side of his hips and her hands were near his shoulders. She slowly lowered herself so that their bodies rubbed together with his dick between their stomachs before she captured his mouth. As the kiss continued, the friction between their bodies built.

He didn’t know if they’d been back in the cabin for an hour yet, but he was starting to feel desperate to be inside her. He took a deep breath and ordered himself to last a little longer. He could hold out, and it would increase both their pleasure. She broke the kiss and did what he’d done earlier, a slow exploration. Every kiss, every nip increased the tension between them. When her tongue swirled over the tip of his dick, he almost flipped her onto her back and plunged into her.

Instead, he held himself still as she took him in her mouth. He gripped the sheets to resist coming as she sucked him, light then hard, then light again. It was exquisite, and he would have given into it, but he wanted more from her. After a minute, he caught her hair in his fist and tugged softly.

“We need a condom.” His words came out as a harsh whisper. She’d broken his control. Almost. And judging by the Cheshire-cat smile on her face as she rocked back on her heels, she knew it.


“Top drawer of the dresser. Right side.” He’d unpacked them from his bag, not really expecting to use them, but more out of habit.

“Got it.” She was off the bed and across the room quickly. He pushed himself up on his elbows to watch her in the dim light, unable to resist admiring her. She was so beautiful. Her vibrant hair flowed around her shoulders and her full breasts swayed as she walked back toward him with a strip of condoms in her hand. So damn sexy. She ripped one off and tossed the others on the nightstand. “For later.”

There was definitely going to be a later. He took the condom from her and rolled it on himself, conscious of the way she watched his every more. It was a hell of a turn on—as if he needed that. “Come here,” he said.

“Are you bossing me around?” she teased as she climbed back on the bed. Before she could situate herself over him, he reversed their positions to be on top. “That’s how it’s going to be, huh?” She was smiling up at him, making his heartbeat go crazy. When she wrapped her legs around him, he couldn’t wait any longer.

“We’ll do it differently next time,” he whispered against her lips as he took her mouth in a kiss and thrust into her. She was tight, encasing him in her heat. He’d never wanted a woman more than he did her, had never found a rhythm so quickly that kept driving them closer to the edge. He wanted it to last but his control was slipping.

She squirmed beneath him, shifting positions to take him in deeper, and he was lost to the kiss, to the moment, to every point of contact between their bodies. He held himself in check until he could feel her orgasm beginning. Then, he let himself go, thrusting more quickly into her until they came together in a climax so powerful that it ripped the strength from his body. He collapsed onto her, burying his face into the crook of her neck, and breathing in her scent. They were quiet for several minutes as her hands stroked his back, idly tracing figures into his skin.

He lifted his head and met her eyes. They were unexpectedly serious, and then she smiled. “That was as good as promised. You’re a man of your word.”

“Always.” He wanted to say more, but he couldn’t find the words. His emotions were racing around inside his head at top speed. Instead of speaking, he got out of bed to dispose of the condom. When he returned, he did what he’d wanted to do those other nights they’d shared a bed. He wrapped his body around hers and held her as she drifted off to sleep.


Owen woke with a warm weight pressed against his side and a shimmer of daylight coming in around the closed curtains. He lifted his arm and checked his watch. It was past eight. Sophie must have slept through her alarm.

He looked at her and couldn’t keep the smile off his face. She was on her stomach, snuggled close to him with her arms wrapped around the pillow. Her hair was wild, curling everywhere. He wanted to touch it and her and make love to her until day turned to night again. They’d woken in the night and come together again. That time had been as amazing—there was that word again—as the first.

He heard a faint sound across the room and slowly sat up so he didn’t disturb her. Then it clicked, her phone was buzzing with text messages inside her jeans pocket. He eased out of bed and made his way to her pants and retrieved her phone. There were two messages from Helen and one from Julia. Their morning check-in was supposed to happen ten minutes ago.

He quickly thumbed a message, saying that Sophie was fine. She’d slept through her alarm due to a late night. It wasn’t the truth, and it wasn’t a lie.

“Late night?” Helen replied. “What were you two doing out there in the wilderness? Stargazing?”

Shit. How to answer that? He couldn’t ignore the text. Helen would be all over that. So he needed to keep it vague. “Something like that,” he messaged after a minute.

“Glad everyone’s okay,” Julia sent. “Text with you later.”

Seconds later the phone buzzed with an incoming call. Helen. He answered it quickly, so it didn’t wake Sophie.

“Hey,” he said and waited for the interrogation.

“Something like that?” Helen asked. “What does that mean exactly? Were you out looking at the stars and planets or doing something else? Owen, did you sleep with her?”

He could deny it, but Helen would find out so he may as well man up. Besides, he didn’t want her to think for even a moment that he was ashamed of what they’d done. It had been incredible—one of the best nights of his life. What he felt now was the opposite of shame. “Yes.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised,” Helen said, shocking the hell out of him. Helen thought that he’d end up in bed with Sophie? “But you need to listen to me. Sophie acts all tough on the surface, but she’s got a soft heart underneath. Don’t you dare break it. If you’re not serious about her, if this is just a good time for you, make sure she knows that.”

He was so close to blurting out that the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Sophie. That he might be…might be falling in love with her. But no way was he going to reveal that to Helen or anyone else. Letting someone know that made him vulnerable in ways that he didn’t allow. Vulnerability was a way for others to crush you. He’d learned that lesson over and over again as a kid.

So he had to play this cool and get Helen off his back. “It’s too early for either of us to be using the word serious. I care about Sophie, but all that happened last night was consenting adults having a good time. Don’t overreact.”

“Not sure I believe you,” Helen said.
